Too much excitement here lately....
On Monday night I went to bed at 11pm and all was well.
At 11:15pm I was up and worshipping the porcelein god...all of a sudden....I do not know where this came from.
At 12:20am or so, it happened again.
At 1:30am or so, back to the bathroom for me again
This continued every hour ON THE HOUR until 6am.
I finally called the on-call doc who instructed me to come into the ER.
I spent 5 hours there yesterday, but miraculously was not dehydrated, but I sure was DYING for some water. I was sooooo thirsty.
Anyway, I received an anti-nausea pill and then finally was able to take in some liquids. After holding them down for 2 hours, I was released.
They never really diagnosed me there, but when I called my doctor at 4pm yesterday afternoon complaining of constant achy legs, they told me that I've probably got the Flu! Argh!
I got my Flu shot about 10 days ago. Apparently they do not offer protection until 4-6 wks afterwards. I did not know that. :-(
I was in bed just about the entire afternoon and fell asleep for the night at 8pm!!! Wow -that's early for me. I slept straight thru 'til 7am today.
I'm working this morning, but certainly not feeling 100%. Thankfully I got people to cover my shifts @ SB last night and tonight. We'll see what happens tomorrow.