Saturday, May 29, 2010
update post: 101 things
#1 Identify 100 things that make me happy: I'm up to 48 (from 37) on this one.
#11 Own an iPhone: probably the most exciting thing to happen to me all week. After lots of number crunching (and maybe a little justifying too), I became an iPhone owner after 2-3 long years on 5.28.10.
#16 Lose 15 lbs: I expected a better result this week on this one as I ran/worked out 3x during the week which is 3x more than the week prior, but ended up only losing .4 lbs. It's a bit of progress but less than I had hoped for.
#33 Run 3 days per week for one month/4 weeks: I actually ran 3x last week, which while not planned ahead of time, was quite satisfying. No back pain so far, so that's a bonus.
#42 Answer the 50 questions that will free your mind: I'm up to 17 (from 5) on this one.
#58 Make my bed everyday for 1 week: I'm 5/7 currently...two more days to complete. Totally do-able.
#60 Meet 3 blogger friends: Met Lindsay at a local Starbucks on 5.29.10 <---a last minute meet-up, but so great to have the chance to meet as she returned home to SC.
Day Zero Project
Monday, May 24, 2010
Update post: 101 Things
I've obviously gotten REALLY into this whole goal-setting much so, that I have nothing else to post about. I apologize.
On Friday, mom, me and E drove to Atlanta for a book signing, so I crossed that one off the list...albeit, barely. The signing was scheduled to start at 7:30pm and let me preface this by saying ATLANTA TRAFFIC SUCKS...that is coming from an experienced city driver. That city is flippin' nuts. Anyway, the author, of all people, gets into a fender-bender just in front of the store which delays the start 40 minutes. She was ok despite a few air bag burns on her arms and she was a great speaker for having just been in a car wreck. Normally the delay would not have been an "issue", however we were driving home afterwards...and I live a little over 3 hours from Atlanta. I got home at 1:30am after ANOTHER traffic delay just across the TN border. If we take away the driving, the rest of the trip was awesome. We went to IKEA, Publix and Archiver's while there. Hooray!
On Saturday, I had the privilege (inside joke) to go scrapbooking at the local scrapbook store. I made a few layouts...which is usually what you do at a crop, so that's a good thing. Anyway, so far I have submitted 6 layouts for publishing...hopefully at least 1 gets accepted, but I fear I need to submit more like 300 in order for 1 to get I'll continue working on that goal.
Before we left for Atlanta on Friday, I made a quick stop in at WW for my weekly weigh-in...only to be told I stayed the SAME!!! Argh. Normally this wouldn't be so frustrating, but since it was the equivalent of being on Week 2...well, I was not pleased. I plan to run a couple days this week which should secure me a loss on least I hope so.
I completed my iTunes mix of 101 of my favorite songs. You can find the mix here.
I attempted to work on making my bed 7 days in a row. Sunday, check. Monday...nope...E decided to sleep until 7:20am which is when we usually leave the house, so needless to say, we were running late and the bed was left unmade. Starting over on Thursday.
I finished the book I was reading, which gets logged as book #1 of the 100 books I plan to read. Gasp! I'm on to book 5 of my Summer Reading List (which will be book #2 for this project).
Right now it looks like I'll be going to VA for Memorial Day weekend and there are plans to go to a pick-your-own patch (#49) and can some strawberry preserves (#50).
I'm also suffering from some severe iPhone envy lately...running numbers and calling AT&T this afternoon to see what kind of discount a bundled package gets since we already have home phone & internet with them. It still may not work in the budget, but I refuse to give up.
On Friday, mom, me and E drove to Atlanta for a book signing, so I crossed that one off the list...albeit, barely. The signing was scheduled to start at 7:30pm and let me preface this by saying ATLANTA TRAFFIC SUCKS...that is coming from an experienced city driver. That city is flippin' nuts. Anyway, the author, of all people, gets into a fender-bender just in front of the store which delays the start 40 minutes. She was ok despite a few air bag burns on her arms and she was a great speaker for having just been in a car wreck. Normally the delay would not have been an "issue", however we were driving home afterwards...and I live a little over 3 hours from Atlanta. I got home at 1:30am after ANOTHER traffic delay just across the TN border. If we take away the driving, the rest of the trip was awesome. We went to IKEA, Publix and Archiver's while there. Hooray!
On Saturday, I had the privilege (inside joke) to go scrapbooking at the local scrapbook store. I made a few layouts...which is usually what you do at a crop, so that's a good thing. Anyway, so far I have submitted 6 layouts for publishing...hopefully at least 1 gets accepted, but I fear I need to submit more like 300 in order for 1 to get I'll continue working on that goal.
Before we left for Atlanta on Friday, I made a quick stop in at WW for my weekly weigh-in...only to be told I stayed the SAME!!! Argh. Normally this wouldn't be so frustrating, but since it was the equivalent of being on Week 2...well, I was not pleased. I plan to run a couple days this week which should secure me a loss on least I hope so.
I completed my iTunes mix of 101 of my favorite songs. You can find the mix here.
I attempted to work on making my bed 7 days in a row. Sunday, check. Monday...nope...E decided to sleep until 7:20am which is when we usually leave the house, so needless to say, we were running late and the bed was left unmade. Starting over on Thursday.
I finished the book I was reading, which gets logged as book #1 of the 100 books I plan to read. Gasp! I'm on to book 5 of my Summer Reading List (which will be book #2 for this project).
Right now it looks like I'll be going to VA for Memorial Day weekend and there are plans to go to a pick-your-own patch (#49) and can some strawberry preserves (#50).
I'm also suffering from some severe iPhone envy lately...running numbers and calling AT&T this afternoon to see what kind of discount a bundled package gets since we already have home phone & internet with them. It still may not work in the budget, but I refuse to give up.
Day Zero Project,
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Update post: 101 Things
~Is it too soon to do an update post? Sorry, it's just that I'm (1) bored and (2) motivated, so I've made some progress on my goals already. Hooray!
~On Wednesday, I officially submitted 2 photographs to a local photography contest. I found out about the contest about a month or so ago and had made a note to finally submit a photo or two but hadn't lifted a finger towards getting this done...until Tuesday night. Once I made my 101 list I was motivated and honestly, entering a photography contest has been something I've always wanted to do. I don't expect to win, but if I do, then I'll be $200 richer! Woo! There are also monetary prizes for 2nd, 3rd and Honorable Mention.
~In progress: Goal #1 Identify 100 Things that Make Me Happy: I have identified 36 things so far.
~In progress: Goal #42 Answer the "50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind". I have answered 5 questions so far. This one will take a while, I can tell.
~Also in progress is my never-ending battle of the bulge. I'll have an update on that one once I weigh in on Friday.
~Lastly, I'm trying to encourage people to make their own list and work towards accomplishing the things they put on their list. I hope at least one person will want to create their list and let me know about it so I can check that goal off my list too.
~As you will see, I still have a number of goals just to add to my 101 list. I'm currently only at that leaves me 52...dang, not even 1/2 way there yet. Off to brainstorm some more.
~On Wednesday, I officially submitted 2 photographs to a local photography contest. I found out about the contest about a month or so ago and had made a note to finally submit a photo or two but hadn't lifted a finger towards getting this done...until Tuesday night. Once I made my 101 list I was motivated and honestly, entering a photography contest has been something I've always wanted to do. I don't expect to win, but if I do, then I'll be $200 richer! Woo! There are also monetary prizes for 2nd, 3rd and Honorable Mention.
~In progress: Goal #1 Identify 100 Things that Make Me Happy: I have identified 36 things so far.
~In progress: Goal #42 Answer the "50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind". I have answered 5 questions so far. This one will take a while, I can tell.
~Also in progress is my never-ending battle of the bulge. I'll have an update on that one once I weigh in on Friday.
~Lastly, I'm trying to encourage people to make their own list and work towards accomplishing the things they put on their list. I hope at least one person will want to create their list and let me know about it so I can check that goal off my list too.
~As you will see, I still have a number of goals just to add to my 101 list. I'm currently only at that leaves me 52...dang, not even 1/2 way there yet. Off to brainstorm some more.
Day Zero Project
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
I Want Wednesday
I want: this super cute WDW 2010 Sweatshirt. I don't care that it says it's for "men"...why? because it's blue? I mean, can't I just order a smaller size and it would work for me? I think so. :) Oh and the back is really cute but the website wouldn't let me swipe the picture.
I want: this super duper cute Pluto figurine to add to my collection.
I want: (more of a desperately need) new drip pans for the stove. Mine are absolutely awful right now. Problem is that I keep forgetting to measure them so I never know which ones to buy.

I want: this super duper cute Pluto figurine to add to my collection.

I want: (more of a desperately need) new drip pans for the stove. Mine are absolutely awful right now. Problem is that I keep forgetting to measure them so I never know which ones to buy.

I Want
more "goal" stuff
~In the process of setting up my Day Zero Project, I noticed a goal that kept popping up on a lot of peoples is: "Answer the 50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind"...sounded interesting, so I had to check it out.
~Here is the list of questions. I had never heard of these before I set off on this crazy goal-making adventure.
~And so I added it to my 101 Things To Do List (Day Zero Project)
~And I'm still working on "influencing" or "inspiring" someone else to start a Day Zero's fun, no pressure...(except from me for you to join!) Honestly, if I don't finish everything on my list, the world won't end, I won't be upset, I'll just keep trying.
~Join the fun and let me know if you do, I'd love to check out your list!
~Here is the list of questions. I had never heard of these before I set off on this crazy goal-making adventure.
~And so I added it to my 101 Things To Do List (Day Zero Project)
~And I'm still working on "influencing" or "inspiring" someone else to start a Day Zero's fun, no pressure...(except from me for you to join!) Honestly, if I don't finish everything on my list, the world won't end, I won't be upset, I'll just keep trying.
~Join the fun and let me know if you do, I'd love to check out your list!
Day Zero Project
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Day Zero Project
~I have decided to participate in the Day Zero Project...which is basically creating 101 goals that you can (strive to) accomplish in 1001 days.
~You can read more about it here.
~I've created my list both on the Day Zero website as well as created a page here on my blog. Click on it and see what I have so far...I have a way to go to get to 101 but I'm brainstorming non-stop.
~Anyway, one of my goals is to influence (inspire?) someone to create their own Day Zero Project go. now. do it. be inspired. it's fun. and let me know if you start one so I can mark that goal as "completed" :)
~You can read more about it here.
~I've created my list both on the Day Zero website as well as created a page here on my blog. Click on it and see what I have so far...I have a way to go to get to 101 but I'm brainstorming non-stop.
~Anyway, one of my goals is to influence (inspire?) someone to create their own Day Zero Project go. now. do it. be inspired. it's fun. and let me know if you start one so I can mark that goal as "completed" :)
Day Zero Project
Monday, May 17, 2010
pleasantly surprised

~My dad booked our annual vacation today and we are headed to Orlando!! Woot!! So excited.
~It was really unexpected as we typically go to Myrtle Beach, which is really nice, but we waited too long to book this year (even though we started this process a couple months ago) and I was initially really limited with when I could go, but then that opened up a bit as well.
~Florida had been our first choice all along this year and we were hoping for the Destin area since it's closer to home and less of a drive. Apparently everyone else in TN and GA too, had the same idea. No luck there.
~Then a couple weeks ago my dad was able to book us in Florida...but in Ft. Lauderdale!! I got on Google Maps and discovered that it's WAY FAR AWAY...for driving anyway...and we were only going for 3-4 days, so that just wasn't going to work.
~Well, low and behold, it turns out the only timeshare properties with availability in late July/early August are in Orlando, so that's where we are headed. The resort has 4 pools, 2

~I can't wait to see Mickey and Dawn and Brandi again. Oh and wait 'til I tell Ethan!! :)
~Florida, here we come...Hello Hot & Sticky!!
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
~forgot to eat/grab breakfast before leaving the house today.
~forgot to pack my lunch.
~thank goodness it is my "friday"
~i'm clearly a bit scatterbrained today.
~forgot to pack my lunch.
~thank goodness it is my "friday"
~i'm clearly a bit scatterbrained today.
My (bad) Luck,
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
in the last month
I'm so indebted to Dawn...constantly "borrowing" or "swiping" her posts...I especially like this one and I could not resist. Thank you Dawn for the great blogging ideas/prompts!
I guess these questions are reporting on the previous month's activity...let's see if I can remember that long ago.
1) Current candle scents:
Vanilla, which I hardly even light since it's getting warm outside now.
2) What I am reading this month:
I'm reading "The Zookeeper's Wife" by Diane Ackerman. It is book #3 in my goal of 30 books to read this summer. You can find my Summer reading list here. I'm about 1/3 into it now and well, it's been pretty sad & depressing, but then it is a story from the Holocaust era, so that is to be expected. The couple people who've mentioned that they have read it, have given it positive reviews, so I know there must be some good to come in the story. Oh wait...I messed up, I'm supposed to write about the book I read LAST month...there were two..."Dune Road" by Jane Green and "The Help" by Kathryn Stockett.
3) Top three songs I was drawn to:
"A little more country than that" by Easton Corbin. "Smile" by Uncle Kracker. "Older" by Colbie Caillat.
4) Movies I saw:
None in the theater, that rarely happens. I did watch "The Blind Side" on iTunes rental which is a bit easier to manage with my current lifestyle.
5) Favorite TV moments of the month:
The moment I realized that I'm totally crushing on "Pete" from Private Practice...AKA Tim Daly!
6) Something yummy I made:
Milky Way Cookie Bars.
7) Restaurants where I ate:
Bravo...they have the best chopped salad ever! Yum!
8) Something I am thankful for:
That I'm the one that puts E to bed and even though some nights it can be rather frustrating, I wouldn't give it up for the world. I love the cuddling way too much.
9) A goal I had for this month:
To finish the semester with my sanity in tact.
10) This month I looked forward to:
Putting the semester behind me.
11) Something I want to remember about this month:
Our trip to VA for Easter. While country-life is so NOT for me (in the long term), I always enjoy the weekends we go there and the fact that I have a "sister" and we enjoy spending time together. We've made getting pedicures together sort of a ritual now. We are planning to learn canning together on our next trip up there, which is scheduled for Memorial Day weekend.
I guess these questions are reporting on the previous month's activity...let's see if I can remember that long ago.
1) Current candle scents:
Vanilla, which I hardly even light since it's getting warm outside now.
2) What I am reading this month:
I'm reading "The Zookeeper's Wife" by Diane Ackerman. It is book #3 in my goal of 30 books to read this summer. You can find my Summer reading list here. I'm about 1/3 into it now and well, it's been pretty sad & depressing, but then it is a story from the Holocaust era, so that is to be expected. The couple people who've mentioned that they have read it, have given it positive reviews, so I know there must be some good to come in the story. Oh wait...I messed up, I'm supposed to write about the book I read LAST month...there were two..."Dune Road" by Jane Green and "The Help" by Kathryn Stockett.
3) Top three songs I was drawn to:
"A little more country than that" by Easton Corbin. "Smile" by Uncle Kracker. "Older" by Colbie Caillat.
4) Movies I saw:
None in the theater, that rarely happens. I did watch "The Blind Side" on iTunes rental which is a bit easier to manage with my current lifestyle.
5) Favorite TV moments of the month:
The moment I realized that I'm totally crushing on "Pete" from Private Practice...AKA Tim Daly!
6) Something yummy I made:
Milky Way Cookie Bars.
7) Restaurants where I ate:
Bravo...they have the best chopped salad ever! Yum!
8) Something I am thankful for:
That I'm the one that puts E to bed and even though some nights it can be rather frustrating, I wouldn't give it up for the world. I love the cuddling way too much.
9) A goal I had for this month:
To finish the semester with my sanity in tact.
10) This month I looked forward to:
Putting the semester behind me.
11) Something I want to remember about this month:
Our trip to VA for Easter. While country-life is so NOT for me (in the long term), I always enjoy the weekends we go there and the fact that I have a "sister" and we enjoy spending time together. We've made getting pedicures together sort of a ritual now. We are planning to learn canning together on our next trip up there, which is scheduled for Memorial Day weekend.
About Me
beyond bored
~ok folks...the end of the semester, while entirely joyful for me on a personal level, means complete & utter boredom in the least this week.
~it's possible that next week all the jobless new grads will pour in wanting me to wave my magic wand over their resume and produce a job for them. too bad it doesn't work that way.
~to help ease the extreme boredom & prevent me from poking my eyes out, I have decided that during my 30 minute lunch period I will make the short walk over to the local coffee shop and read my book. the change in scenery will be wonderful and i'm certain those 30 minutes will feel more like 2.
~and lastly, as a result of this extreme boredom, I may start posting like a crazy woman...heck, maybe even 2-3 posts per day. i told you I am B.O.R.E.D.
~it's possible that next week all the jobless new grads will pour in wanting me to wave my magic wand over their resume and produce a job for them. too bad it doesn't work that way.
~to help ease the extreme boredom & prevent me from poking my eyes out, I have decided that during my 30 minute lunch period I will make the short walk over to the local coffee shop and read my book. the change in scenery will be wonderful and i'm certain those 30 minutes will feel more like 2.
~and lastly, as a result of this extreme boredom, I may start posting like a crazy woman...heck, maybe even 2-3 posts per day. i told you I am B.O.R.E.D.
Monday, May 10, 2010
random is my favorite post title
~random posts are my favorite. they are also the easiest. just dump what I want to say in no particular order, no rhyme or reason. here goes...
~i did a bit of scrapbooking yesterday. hooray. a very little bit. apparently my scrapbooking ADD is still in full force as I struggle to finish one project and move on to start another.
~i've also discovered that I LOVE Cosmo Cricket paper and Crate paper as well. I guess they are more 'confirmations' than discoveries though since i've known of both for a while but it seems the past few times i've gone scrapbook shopping, i come home with these brands. yum. so good.
~our TV had been dying a slow death over the past 4-6 weeks (or longer). it finally got to the point of complete annoyance and off to the store we went on Saturday evening.
~lucky me spent quite a few hours on Mother's Day disassembling the old TV/entertainment center setup, dusting away the gigantic dust bunnies and then setting up and installing the new (very purty) TV. I am somewhat proud to say that we have finally joined the HD flat screen generation. I am even happier to say goodbye to that 900 pound TV we used to have.
~oh and i haven't had the opportunity to even watch 5 minutes of ANYTHING I want to watch on that TV yet...despite being the "brains" in the house to do all the cable connecting. i will halt my complaint there, although trust me when I say I could go on.
~i posted my old (and supercute) entertainment center on craigslist and received 3 email inquiries in one hour. hooray. i hate to part with it actually but there's no where to put it. it's cute with doors and it's RED!!!
~my reading has been slacking, but not for lack of want. of the past 3 nights, I have fallen asleep @ the same time as E instead of taking part in my usual night-owl tactics which is when I get my reading done. soooo sleepy. hoping to get back on track tonight.
~i ran 3 days last week. i was so motivated. i went back to WW on friday too. for having missed about 6 weeks and sort of falling off the wagon, i was only up 2.4 pounds. the downside is that on Thursday, after 3 days of short runs, my back flared up and let me know it was NOT happy. the pain is still lingering. i'm pretty bummed. i feel really old.
~i did a bit of scrapbooking yesterday. hooray. a very little bit. apparently my scrapbooking ADD is still in full force as I struggle to finish one project and move on to start another.
~i've also discovered that I LOVE Cosmo Cricket paper and Crate paper as well. I guess they are more 'confirmations' than discoveries though since i've known of both for a while but it seems the past few times i've gone scrapbook shopping, i come home with these brands. yum. so good.
~our TV had been dying a slow death over the past 4-6 weeks (or longer). it finally got to the point of complete annoyance and off to the store we went on Saturday evening.
~lucky me spent quite a few hours on Mother's Day disassembling the old TV/entertainment center setup, dusting away the gigantic dust bunnies and then setting up and installing the new (very purty) TV. I am somewhat proud to say that we have finally joined the HD flat screen generation. I am even happier to say goodbye to that 900 pound TV we used to have.
~oh and i haven't had the opportunity to even watch 5 minutes of ANYTHING I want to watch on that TV yet...despite being the "brains" in the house to do all the cable connecting. i will halt my complaint there, although trust me when I say I could go on.
~i posted my old (and supercute) entertainment center on craigslist and received 3 email inquiries in one hour. hooray. i hate to part with it actually but there's no where to put it. it's cute with doors and it's RED!!!
~my reading has been slacking, but not for lack of want. of the past 3 nights, I have fallen asleep @ the same time as E instead of taking part in my usual night-owl tactics which is when I get my reading done. soooo sleepy. hoping to get back on track tonight.
~i ran 3 days last week. i was so motivated. i went back to WW on friday too. for having missed about 6 weeks and sort of falling off the wagon, i was only up 2.4 pounds. the downside is that on Thursday, after 3 days of short runs, my back flared up and let me know it was NOT happy. the pain is still lingering. i'm pretty bummed. i feel really old.
Home Stuff,
Saturday, May 08, 2010
welcome to motherhood
~So this past week I noticed something new in Ethan.
~He kept shrugging his left shoulder, inconsistently. My first thought: "OMG, my son has a tic"
~I kept it to myself initially, waiting to see if it continued to occur. Sure enough it did.
~So then I did the worst thing EVER...I Googled "tics in toddlers" Let me just put out a Public Service Announcement to all Mothers (both current & moms-to-be) DO.NOT.EVER.DO.THIS!!! I mean it!! Sure enough, I found a website that said "tics typically develop between the ages of 2-18" then it went on to list some of the common tics "shoulder shrugs" was included. By this time, I am completely freaking out. The only "positive" information I found was that many tics go away on their own, but I wasn't entirely buying that since it wasn't a "sure thing"
~On Wednesday I called the daycare to ask them to keep an eye out for him and see if they observed anything. They did not. I started to feel better. Until I got home and saw it happen again.
~As I continued to ponder making an appointment for the pediatrician, I was happy to be able to spend all day Thursday and Friday with E in observation-mode.
~Thursday I saw the shoulder shrug a few more times. Still only on the left side. We went to lunch w/my mom and she saw it too. :(
~Finally, on Friday morning as we watched Toy Story 2 (for the bazillionth time), I saw him shrug the shoulder again, but this time I noticed something else....he was ASKING A QUESTION AT THE SAME TIME!!!! After more observation, it turns out that he shrugs his shoulder when he is asking's likely something he picked up at school along the way. I'm just relieved it's not a tic.
~Again...DO NOT GOOGLE ANY MEDICAL are bound to find something that will just make you worry more. Take it from me!
~He kept shrugging his left shoulder, inconsistently. My first thought: "OMG, my son has a tic"
~I kept it to myself initially, waiting to see if it continued to occur. Sure enough it did.
~So then I did the worst thing EVER...I Googled "tics in toddlers" Let me just put out a Public Service Announcement to all Mothers (both current & moms-to-be) DO.NOT.EVER.DO.THIS!!! I mean it!! Sure enough, I found a website that said "tics typically develop between the ages of 2-18" then it went on to list some of the common tics "shoulder shrugs" was included. By this time, I am completely freaking out. The only "positive" information I found was that many tics go away on their own, but I wasn't entirely buying that since it wasn't a "sure thing"
~On Wednesday I called the daycare to ask them to keep an eye out for him and see if they observed anything. They did not. I started to feel better. Until I got home and saw it happen again.
~As I continued to ponder making an appointment for the pediatrician, I was happy to be able to spend all day Thursday and Friday with E in observation-mode.
~Thursday I saw the shoulder shrug a few more times. Still only on the left side. We went to lunch w/my mom and she saw it too. :(
~Finally, on Friday morning as we watched Toy Story 2 (for the bazillionth time), I saw him shrug the shoulder again, but this time I noticed something else....he was ASKING A QUESTION AT THE SAME TIME!!!! After more observation, it turns out that he shrugs his shoulder when he is asking's likely something he picked up at school along the way. I'm just relieved it's not a tic.
~Again...DO NOT GOOGLE ANY MEDICAL are bound to find something that will just make you worry more. Take it from me!
Wednesday, May 05, 2010
20 questions
Because I am about to poke my eyes out due to extreme boredom in the office, here is a 20 questions post for you...kindly swiped from Dawn's blog!
1. What kind of weather do you most dread?
Frigid cold, which may or may not include icy or snow covered roads. I cannot stand being cold.
2. Which drives more of your decisions: your head or your heart?
Nowadays, my head. There was one decision I made a while back based on my heart and well, all it did was cause me headaches, heartaches & moments of complete rage.
3. When were you last in a church? What was the occasion?
Oh boy. This is bad. Really bad. Christmas was the last time. We had planned to go on Easter Sunday while in VA but it just didn't happen.
4. What is the closest framed photo to you?
There is a pic of me and E in a frame on the file cabinet next to my desk here at work. He is only about 9 months old in the picture, but it's one of my favorites.
5. Mustard goes on:
Turkey sandwiches. Hamburgers. Hot dogs.
6. Do you fold your underwear or does it just get stuffed in the drawer?
Okay, don't laugh. I fold in both "sides" and then roll them. It's how my mom did it, so that's how I do it.
7. Which Disney character is your favorite?
Pluto of course.
8. Do you sleep with bare feet or do you need socks on?
In the Summer I sleep barefoot unless it is unusually cool in the house. In the winter, you can pretty much guarantee I am sleeping with socks on. I usually find a pair or two in the bed by the end of the week.
9. Do you know how to shoot a gun?
Not really. I could probably do it, but I've not necessarily taken a lesson or been taught "how-to"
10. Have you ever taken pictures in a photo booth?
Yep...back in my high school days.
11. Do you write in the margins of books as you read them?
No. I do not ever write in books. I will occasionally highlight textbooks, but rarely.
12. How do you feel about Thursdays?
Right now I love them because they are one of the two days per week that I am home with E and can live under the illusion that I am a Stay-At-Home Mom. Ha!
13. What was the last item you purchased and returned?
I cannot's been a while.
14. What is the last letter of your middle name?
15. Do you read tabloids?
Just the covers while I'm in the check-out line at the grocery store.
16. What is the last kind of cookie that you ate?
Some small vanilla like cookie from Starbucks. They came in a two-pack and E and I were going through the drive-thru and he wanted a cookie, so we shared them. One was shaped as an owl and the other was shaped as a cat. :)
17. What was your seventh grade teacher's name?
Heck if I know...and anyway in 7th grade is when we switched to hourly classes so I would have had 6 different teachers.
18. What is the newest television show you've acquired in your personal lineup?
Ha! Me, watch a new show. That's funny. I can barely keep up with the few regular ones I've committed to this year.
19. Three signs Winter is here:
I'm miserable. It's cold as *&^%. I dread getting out of the shower & trying to dry off fast enough to avoid freezing to death.
20. Are you afraid of the dark?
Not the dark by itself, but more the scary things that can happen in the dark. Eeeks!
1. What kind of weather do you most dread?
Frigid cold, which may or may not include icy or snow covered roads. I cannot stand being cold.
2. Which drives more of your decisions: your head or your heart?
Nowadays, my head. There was one decision I made a while back based on my heart and well, all it did was cause me headaches, heartaches & moments of complete rage.
3. When were you last in a church? What was the occasion?
Oh boy. This is bad. Really bad. Christmas was the last time. We had planned to go on Easter Sunday while in VA but it just didn't happen.
4. What is the closest framed photo to you?
There is a pic of me and E in a frame on the file cabinet next to my desk here at work. He is only about 9 months old in the picture, but it's one of my favorites.
5. Mustard goes on:
Turkey sandwiches. Hamburgers. Hot dogs.
6. Do you fold your underwear or does it just get stuffed in the drawer?
Okay, don't laugh. I fold in both "sides" and then roll them. It's how my mom did it, so that's how I do it.
7. Which Disney character is your favorite?
Pluto of course.
8. Do you sleep with bare feet or do you need socks on?
In the Summer I sleep barefoot unless it is unusually cool in the house. In the winter, you can pretty much guarantee I am sleeping with socks on. I usually find a pair or two in the bed by the end of the week.
9. Do you know how to shoot a gun?
Not really. I could probably do it, but I've not necessarily taken a lesson or been taught "how-to"
10. Have you ever taken pictures in a photo booth?
Yep...back in my high school days.
11. Do you write in the margins of books as you read them?
No. I do not ever write in books. I will occasionally highlight textbooks, but rarely.
12. How do you feel about Thursdays?
Right now I love them because they are one of the two days per week that I am home with E and can live under the illusion that I am a Stay-At-Home Mom. Ha!
13. What was the last item you purchased and returned?
I cannot's been a while.
14. What is the last letter of your middle name?
15. Do you read tabloids?
Just the covers while I'm in the check-out line at the grocery store.
16. What is the last kind of cookie that you ate?
Some small vanilla like cookie from Starbucks. They came in a two-pack and E and I were going through the drive-thru and he wanted a cookie, so we shared them. One was shaped as an owl and the other was shaped as a cat. :)
17. What was your seventh grade teacher's name?
Heck if I know...and anyway in 7th grade is when we switched to hourly classes so I would have had 6 different teachers.
18. What is the newest television show you've acquired in your personal lineup?
Ha! Me, watch a new show. That's funny. I can barely keep up with the few regular ones I've committed to this year.
19. Three signs Winter is here:
I'm miserable. It's cold as *&^%. I dread getting out of the shower & trying to dry off fast enough to avoid freezing to death.
20. Are you afraid of the dark?
Not the dark by itself, but more the scary things that can happen in the dark. Eeeks!
20 Questions
Tuesday, May 04, 2010
a lofty goal
The semester is over and I'm more than happy to have it behind me. It was a say the least. On to better things, like summer and reading for fun!!
There are SO many good books out there that I want to read and so I have decided to set a goal to read 30 books over (my) summer-->which ends around August 18, when the Fall semester begins.
Here are the books I plan to read, not necessarily in the order I will read them:
1)Dune Road by Jane Green completed 5.1.10
2)Baby Proof by Emily Giffin completed 5.6.10
3) The Kommandant's Girl by Pam Jenoff
4) The Diplomat's Wife by Pam Jenoff
5) Balancing Acts by Zoe Fishman
6) Miranda's Big Mistake by Jill Mansell
7) Look Again by Lisa Scottoline
8) My Enemy's Cradle by Sara Young
9) Who By Fire by Diana Spechler
10) Lost & Found by Jacqueline Sheehan
11) The Botticelli Secret by Marina Fiorato
12) Those Who Save Us by Jenna Blum
13) Prayers for Sale by Sandra Dallas
14) The Zookeeper's Wife by Diane Ackerman
15) Everyone is Beautiful by Katherine Center
16) Her Fearful Symmetry by Audrey Niffenegger
17) Girl in Translation by Jean Kwok
18) The 10 Best Days of My Life by Adena Halpern
19) The Accidental by Ali Smith
20) Promises to Keep by Jane Green
21) Heart of the Matter by Emily Giffin
22) The Guernsey Literary & Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer
23) Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides
24) Mr. Maybe by Jane Green
25) Room for Love by Andrea Meyer
26) Tuscan Holiday by Holly Chamberlin
27) The Gift by Cecelia Ahern
28) Real Life & Liars by Kristina Riggle
29) The Local News by Miriam Gershow
30) Swapping Lives by Jane Green
Phew...that's a long list, but I'm pretty excited about it. Shamefully, I already have most of these books and they are piled up high on my nightstand.
There is a nice mixture of chick-lit as well as some more serious fiction novels. I'm really into reading about the Nazi era. I've never been much into history but since reading Sarah's Key, I'm very interested in reading (and learning) more about this sad time in history.
Also, I scored 3 books at the used book store for only $8 last week. Yay!
And I'm super excited that mom, E and I will be taking a day trip to Atlanta on 5.21 to take part in Emily Giffin's book signing of "Heart of the Matter." Yay! So excited!
In the spirit of reading, here is a coupon for 33% off one item at Borders.
There are SO many good books out there that I want to read and so I have decided to set a goal to read 30 books over (my) summer-->which ends around August 18, when the Fall semester begins.
Here are the books I plan to read, not necessarily in the order I will read them:
3) The Kommandant's Girl by Pam Jenoff
4) The Diplomat's Wife by Pam Jenoff
5) Balancing Acts by Zoe Fishman
6) Miranda's Big Mistake by Jill Mansell
7) Look Again by Lisa Scottoline
8) My Enemy's Cradle by Sara Young
9) Who By Fire by Diana Spechler
10) Lost & Found by Jacqueline Sheehan
11) The Botticelli Secret by Marina Fiorato
12) Those Who Save Us by Jenna Blum
13) Prayers for Sale by Sandra Dallas
14) The Zookeeper's Wife by Diane Ackerman
15) Everyone is Beautiful by Katherine Center
16) Her Fearful Symmetry by Audrey Niffenegger
17) Girl in Translation by Jean Kwok
18) The 10 Best Days of My Life by Adena Halpern
19) The Accidental by Ali Smith
20) Promises to Keep by Jane Green
21) Heart of the Matter by Emily Giffin
22) The Guernsey Literary & Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer
23) Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides
24) Mr. Maybe by Jane Green
25) Room for Love by Andrea Meyer
26) Tuscan Holiday by Holly Chamberlin
27) The Gift by Cecelia Ahern
28) Real Life & Liars by Kristina Riggle
29) The Local News by Miriam Gershow
30) Swapping Lives by Jane Green
Phew...that's a long list, but I'm pretty excited about it. Shamefully, I already have most of these books and they are piled up high on my nightstand.
There is a nice mixture of chick-lit as well as some more serious fiction novels. I'm really into reading about the Nazi era. I've never been much into history but since reading Sarah's Key, I'm very interested in reading (and learning) more about this sad time in history.
Also, I scored 3 books at the used book store for only $8 last week. Yay!
And I'm super excited that mom, E and I will be taking a day trip to Atlanta on 5.21 to take part in Emily Giffin's book signing of "Heart of the Matter." Yay! So excited!
In the spirit of reading, here is a coupon for 33% off one item at Borders.
I Love To Read
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