*A lifetime supply of these....so yummy!! Try 'em!! You'll like 'em!
*less debt.
*this peanut butter cupcake!! Yum!!
*drip pans...exciting I know, but this is a rather urgent necessity at this point, um considering that I was using the stove last week and one of them caught on FIRE because of so much CRUD on it...awful I know.
*And I'm still aching for an iMac...my desktop PC has officially DIED so I'm operating with my laptop only, which is NOT at all my preference, but is certainly going to have to do, considering the price of the iMac.
*THIS outdoor patio furniture...right now I have only 2 plastic adirondack chairs on my patio...E is forever wanting to play outside and well, I'd like something comfy to sit on. If I had this set, I'd make a point to eat outside too. It's always been my dream to have a cozy outdoor/backyard area. And BOO on Target for not letting me copy the picture to post here. Stupid website!!
*And I'd love this Solar Umbrella to go with the patio set...you know, since the umbrellas are NEVER included. *sigh*
*And some cute solar lights or string lights would also make for some great ambiance...