1) I've been MIA for a bit...summer sorta started, but then I committed to teaching Summer School for 2 weeks - which was impossible to pass up considering it pays MORE than my regular job wages...WTH?! Anyway, it's been pretty painless and finishes tomorrow! Hooray!!

2) 8 days until we leave on our very first Disney Cruise...hence working Summer School....LOL!!! While there will be so many exciting things about the cruise, one of the best will be the forceful DISCONNECT from social media and internet. I don't know how much WIFI is on the boat, but I've read it's not cheap, therefore....why bother...I'm there to enjoy the cruise anyway, I can get on the internet anytime I'm home.
3) Oh yeah...that Dorothea Benton Frank Book Launch Party----I was chosen as a Hostess...and it was good fun!! Everyone that came said they had a good time, which makes me happy and I loved being able to share my love for DBF with my friends...bonus that they all got a hard copy of the new book too. I finished reading it the day it came out, so I'm ready for her next book already...that will be a while...though she said she is working on a sequel to "All the Single Ladies" which will be awesome..it left off perfectly for a sequel.
4) Speaking of DBF...I am so excited to head to Nashville on Monday to her book signing. Mom, Ethan and I will head over early in the morning and enjoy the Zoo first, hopefully lunch at Margaritaville (oh yeah!) and then the signing at Parnassus Books that evening. Good times!! Did you know it is co-owned by by bestselling author Ann Patchett?!?!
4) So the Cotton Candy OREOs were not that great, but these S'mores OREOS - oh yeah - they got it right with these!!! Delicious!!
5) Even though I've been reading a lot more recently since school has been out, I'm still somehow 8 books behind on my Goodreads goal. Ack!!! Must.Catch.Up!
6) Planning to start reading The Mapmaker's Children by Sarah McCoy next as I have it in real book form, not e-book...oh and I've had it for 8 months or so now sitting on my nightstand. I'll take it on the cruise w/me and it can be my "beach-read" on Castaway Cay....(who already knew Cay is pronounced Key?! I find that terribly annoying!!!)

7) Can't decide which shirt I want to make myself for the Castaway Cay 5K run....input welcome. I just had a message from the gal who makes the Mickey Bar one and she will change the text on the bottom to say "Castaway Cay 5k" - so I'll probably go with that one since it's more colorful. :) Now I just have to hope I don't melt into the ground while running...everything I've read about the race is that it's insanely hot...though when I look it up on my phone, it's 82 degrees and it's been in the 90s for the past 2 weeks here, so I'm thinking I'll be ok.
8) Ethan finished a week of Tennis camp our first week out of school and loved it. It was his idea and on the last day he said he wanted to do another week....hopefully in July I can find a week for him to do this, but it sure will be hot.
9) T0tally frustrated with my current search for a workout t-shirt...I MUST have a v-neck as crew necks "choke" me when running. I also don't do the FITTED crap...no one needs to see my fat rolls...I don't even like looking at them so I'm not going to put that misery onto anyone else! So the other day as I was walking through Belk, I stumbled upon an Under Armour Loose Fit Charged Cotton Vneck shirt and it was FABULOUS...I was so excited to find a shirt that works for me (that is not too long)...but those feelings of joy were quickly extinguished when I discovered that there were no more to be found anywhere....went to Dick's Sporting Goods and Academy and then I called the Under Armour Outlet. Gee whiz...what is a chunky gal suppossed to do and HOW am I supposed to become LESS chunky if I can't find a good shirt to work out in. Argh. Rant over.
10) Wishing everyone a happy summer!!!