Bookish and Not-So-Bookish Thoughts is a weekly blogging event hosted by Bookishly Boisterous. It allows book bloggers (and non-book bloggers) to write about pretty much anything, bookish or otherwise (i.e. share exciting plans for the weekend, rants on things encountered during the week. **************************************************************************************

1) Market Day is coming up! What is Market Day you is where all 2nd grade students come up with a product or service to sell and then set everything up on a select day in May - called Market Day (of course!) and sell this product or service. In other words, it's ANOTHER parent project. Seriously...there is SO much competition for "what to sell" that it's a stressor for sure. I've been trying to figure out what Ethan and I could only idea that I think would be a big hit is macaron cookies....if they turn out of course. *sigh* We really need to make a couple practice runs with to find the time for that.
2) I've had the AIDA Broadway Soundtrack on continuous play over the last few days. It's really best when I'm driving alone (which almost never happens) as I can sing along at full volume. Love it!
3) Whoa!! Baseball season is underway. No complaints from me and no conflict with teammates - amen!! I don't anticipate any either, everyone seems to be sweet and friendly, well, the kids are anyway. Then there are the parents....what the heck is going on...we have ONE girl on our team and her mom is a freakin' nightmare...this girl is going to have mega self-esteem issues if mom doesn't shut her trap. She makes ZERO positive comments to the least in the last practice and last game. It's constant. It's awful. Normally I can block noises & voices out, but not this lady. Sad. And wait! There's one more...another crazy mom...they showed up LAST to our game last night. Obviously the coach had the batting order created and added this kid at the end. He looked at his mom and said "I'm batting last." with a facial expression that clearly said "I know you told me I'm too good to be batting last" and mom replies (right in front of me) "Oh! The best hitter is the last hitter!?!" with a big harumph! I seriously could NOT believe her comment. If I was braver, I would have had something to her as her comment was insulting to ALL the other kids on the team and they were also nearby in the dugout. Did I mention it was our FIRST game? We've had 3 practices and NO ONE on our team is even close to being a "slugger" so I'm not sure where she got the "best hitter" thing from. Oh and then let me add....Ethan hit a triple (on errors though) last night and this kid, hit a single to 2nd base to get on with an error as well. In the end, I'm not sure it would have mattered if this boy was 1st or last batter, we lost 27-2. It was pitiful. Oh and one of those runs was driven in on Ethan's triple. Should I mention IT to that mom? Hee!

4) Whew!! Last night I secured a hotel for the Nashville RockNRoll 1/2 later this month. Talk about last minute...but this time that was a good thing. I attempted to get a hotel room for us a few weeks ago and everything near the start line was sold out or $300+...sorry, but unless I'm at Disney, I refuse to pay $300/night for a hotel....oh heck, who am I kidding, I don't pay that at Disney either...never have. Ha! Anyway, I got online last night and surprisingly there were rooms available and I even secured a room with POINTS (!!) and it's only 4 blocks from the starting line and I'll run past the hotel 2 times during the race. Talk about score!!!

5) I'm supposed to be reading this for a small book club/review at work. I voluntary signed up and I DO want to read it...but so far, I've read maybe 5 pages. I'm really more interested in it from a personal standpoint than professional know, to be prepared when Ethan starts saying he hates school...oh wait, he's already said that a few times. Ugh!
7) Also reading Nightmares! Have been for a couple weeks in between finishing that last book for my book club. It's a cute book but I don't think I'll be reading the sequel.

8) Did I mention that my treadmill broke again? Yeah, super annoyed with that of course. This time it's not the motor...the gal who "troubleshot" it over the phone said it is the upright wire...the tech who is supposedly coming out to fix it some day said from my description of the problem, he doesn't think the upright wire will fix it. Lovely. Last night I took to Twitter to throw Sears and NordicTrack under the bus....I've had it. A 4.5 month old treadmill should not need a repair technician TWO TIMES...and actually, I might as well say it's only 3.5 months old since it's been out of commission for a combined 1 month between repairs...for this one, it's not been working for 2 weeks now. In my opinion, Sears should come pick this one up and deliver a new machine of same or better model and assemble it. So far, only Sears has responded on Twitter, but only to ask for my sales # so they can look into the transactions. *sigh*

9) We had so much fun last weekend at the Color Me Rad 5k...even though it was a bit chilly. Ethan said he wanted to do it again but without the 5k part, which of course made me crack up...this kid is so NOT into athletics...with the exception of's the only athletic-related activity he will do without putting up a fight. He says he likes it and was even hoping his game wouldn't be rained out last Monday...and it wasn't. We are signed up for The Flavor Run in June...which is essentially the same as Color Me Rad but the powder tastes good...should be interesting...I guess it will be like having Kool Aid powder thrown on us. Hopefully knowing he will get a medal for this one will help curb the whining...and did I mention we pretty much walked the whole thing...only running when we were "chasing" him in a game of tag.
10) The Book of Mormon musical was hilarious!! And well, I had NO idea about the language so that was quite a surprise...I laughed so so hard though and would definitely see it again.