Bookish and Not-So-Bookish Thoughts is a weekly blogging event hosted by Bookishly Boisterous. It allows book bloggers (and non-book bloggers) to write about pretty much anything, bookish or otherwise (i.e. share exciting plans for the weekend, rants on things encountered during the week. **************************************************************************************
1) We became dog foster FAILURES. Well, it's not our fault really, it's Milo's fault...our poor 12yo cat wanted NOTHING to do with the dog...and well, the dog did chase after him as well, which didn't help things much. I just could not subject Milo to that stress when he is 12yo. *sigh* Add to that...the water dripping everywhere after he drinks from the do people deal with that??? Constantly running after the dog with a towel is just something I can't imagine doing. He was sooo cute too!! :(
2) Had a phone interview yesterday for a job I really, really, really, really want. I typically do not get nervous before interviews but maybe I was a bit for this one...though I felt like I did my best, was honest and had good answers, when I hung up I just didn't have that "yeah, I nailed it" feeling. Ugh. Sure hope I get a call to interview with the hiring manager. Please!!!

3) Bought this shirt! Couldn't resist.
4) This week is book fair at school and I want to BUY ALL THE BOOKS! Actually, not really, I haven't really seen any that I HAVE to have and that makes me sad. :(
5) I am running a 5k this Saturday and super excited about it. Not sure why, but I'll take the positive feelings considering I felt the complete opposite over last weekend's half marathon...oh yeah, didn't tell you about's the one where I was on track to get a 6 minute PR and then the course ended more than a half mile short so now my time is irrelevant. SOOOOOOOOOO upset.

6) I was upset about the race (above) for a while but I moved on when I realized it opened the door for me to PR at HOME in DETROIT on a FLAT course. Oh yeah. Can't wait!
7) So glad Monday is a holiday and I can (1) sleep in and (2) stay home. We have ZERO plans and I'm looking very much forward to them.
8) The job search stress continues. I am learning to "let go" to expectations that there will be closure or at least communication regarding interviews and such. Meh. Whatever. I'm happy to report however that an awesome position came through my email today and I couldn't apply fast enough. This one would be completely AAAA-mazing!!! Times 10!!!
Have a great weekend everyone!!!