Bookish and Not-So-Bookish Thoughts is a weekly blogging event hosted by Bookishly Boisterous. It allows book bloggers (and non-book bloggers) to write about pretty much anything, bookish or otherwise (i.e. share exciting plans for the weekend, rants on things encountered during the week. **************************************************************************************
1) I'm working my first "Wednesday before Thanksgiving" in the last 6 years. *sigh* At least it's super quiet and we get out at 2pm, so I guess it's not really all that bad.
2) Hoping I have the self-discipline to wake up early Thanksgiving morning and get to the Turkey Trot. The route is fairly flat and simple, so I really shouldn't miss it, but parking may be a bit of an issue and I hate dealing with parking matters. I was thinking it was also going to be cold, but looks like it will be in upper 40s, almost 50, so that's not too awful. It will also be my last race of the year.
3) I received the latest publication of the Food Network magazine yesterday and holy smokes, really regretting not going to Pastry School. I want to go home and bake all the cookies. I'm thinking of setting a goal of baking (or attempting to bake) 10 new cookies this holiday season. There are a few at least in the FN magazine I'd like to try. Ten may be a bit lofty but it's worth a try.
4) As I've mentioned before, the parenting gig is not for sissies. Ugh....I learned of a peer relations "issue" yesterday evening from Ethan - he told his music teacher and I overheard from the waiting room...I don't think he thought anything of it, but it's a HUGE issue....and now I get to work on having that resolved. I feel bad that I sent the teacher an email on the first day of Thanksgiving break, but this needs attention at 745am on Monday when everyone returns. I was so upset about the whole thing that I woke at 3am and could not fall back asleep for 45 minutes or so. That hasn't happened to me in ages. I'm usually pretty wiped out every day and don't have a problem not being able to sleep.
5) Still plugging along reading "the keeper of secrets"...I'm about 70% done so hopefully I will finish it in the next couple of days. If anything, I can finish it on Friday on our 5 hour drive to SC. I cannot wait to have lunch at Poe's Tavern...and buy a new shirt there too!!! Love their long sleeve shirts. So comfy.
6) Most of my reading time these days is coming while I'm on the treadmill or elliptical machine...I've been so tired at bedtime, that I rarely do any reading then anymore. I think this new job is (still) kicking my butt in terms of schedule. Ugh! I'm also super tired (fed up) with getting on the treadmill just to reach my 10k steps. It used to be SO easy to get 12k or more daily. Not the case anymore and I'm getting up and going for walks during the workday too. Yesterday I finally said "eff it" and went to bed with only 8,400 steps....which secretly "kills me". Oh well...I just don't have the time or the energy anymore...and now it all makes sense why my mom never wanted to do anything after she got home from work when I was a kid. There was NO flex time. She got off at 5pm and had a 30 minute (at least) commute from Downtown Detroit. Ugh. I would hate that too.
7) I tossed the traditional Thanksgiving desserts to the side this year and ordered a Nothing Bundt Cake this year. Red Velvet. It's going to be amazing!
8) This makes my heart hurt so, so bad. Those poor moms.
9) The struggle with Ethan to read continues. I have resorted to getting picture books from the library, usually new ones that I've read about in cyberland having won an award or such. He doesn't fight me on reading these and I figure it's better than nothing. He's reading, just not reading to his fullest ability. *sigh* I'm still buying him books for Christmas! Ha!
10) Geesh...OrangeTheory is super annoying. I called them over a year ago to inquire and (mistakenly) gave them my phone number. As much as I'd like to try their workout, they do not offer child care and are not conveniently located. They call me at least once a week! Ugh! I'm always at work when they call and I never recognize the number so I have not yet been able to tell them to quit freaking calling me, but I really need to tell them.
As I mentioned recently, I've been listening to Book Riot's podcast, All The Books and it's been amazing.
In episode #70, they shared two new releases that I quickly added to my "to-read" list and thoguht I would share here...they both sound amazing.
One is "right up my alley" in terms of the genre I typically read (WWII), but it's also very different. The other book is not something I'd typically pick up but the gals on the podcast made it sound absolutely amazing that I feel compelled to read it.
Book #1 is Mischling.
Book #2 is The Story of a Brief Marriage
Check them out!!
As always, so many books, so little time! *sigh*
Bookish and Not-So-Bookish Thoughts is a weekly blogging event hosted by Bookishly Boisterous. It allows book bloggers (and non-book bloggers) to write about pretty much anything, bookish or otherwise (i.e. share exciting plans for the weekend, rants on things encountered during the week. **************************************************************************************
1) Meant to post last week, but just couldn't get my act together finish my post...
2) Like most people, I'm glad the election is more annoying ads and debates...but now the problem is the constant complaining...which I think is worse. Hey guess what...everything doesn't always go your way...suck it up, buttercup. Neither candidate was ideal, but it's time to move on. And quit complaining on FB too. Ugh!
3) I really miss stopping at ChickFila on my morning commute (except for the mean girl that was working there). Unfortunately, my only options for a fountain Diet Dr Pepper now are from Pilot...and while I've been stopping there, it's just not the same. I have actually purchased a couple of bottles of DDP at work lately and they have tasted fabulous so I may start to wean myself off the fountain drink (yay, no need to stop anymore) and just buy bottles at the grocery store. Cheaper too!! #winning
4) The constant controversy of who has it "harder" - working moms or SAHMs is one that constantly gets under my skin. This is a topic that gets me heated whenever (1) it comes up or (2) whenever something negatively affects my life because I am a working mom (not by choice). I do think moms who WANT to work can be excluded from this controversy but for those of us with NO choice...well, it sucks. Latest example, that I have to pay $50 for 5 hours of after school care next week (only 2 school days) when that is normally the cost for 5 days. No pro-rate. No holiday discount. Nothing. A problem that SAHMs don't have to worry about (or pay for). Even if I could arrange for Ethan to not go those 2 days, I have to pay $50. This kind of thing makes my blood boil. Meanwhile - the SAHMs are flying through the pick up their workout clothes.

5) I'm reading The Keeper of Secrets right now. I'm enjoying it and very curious to see where it goes. So far it's been a lot about old famous violins and uber talented violinists...but I'm guessing eventually we will get to the part where they realize they are in the company of a rare (missing) violin that is priceless and was thought to have been lost in the Nazi raids during WWII.
6) I'm really in a quandary about what I will read next...though I'm worrying about this prematurely as I'm only 30% into my current book. There are just so many good choices...and then GoodReads has their voting for Choice Awards and I discover a bazillion more books I want to read. *sigh*
7) Check out this "Can we guess your education level? Quiz by the books you've read?" I got to question 38 and then noticed I had 23 more question to go....what??? 61 questions...I gave up...maybe I'll go back to it.
8) So after only 3 months in my new job, I started having mega pain in my hand & wrist...yay...welcome Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Great! I bought a brace to wear at night....which oddly enough, as soon as I put it on, made my wrist feel 100x better. I also got a new ergonomic keyboard and mouse. I've been using these things for 2 weeks now and haven't had a single pain. Amazing. Hopefully it lasts.
9) Ethan and I have made watching The Voice together a tradition. This season though, I am not LOVING anyone SOOOO much that I'm dying to watch the show. I hope the remaining contestants really show some crazy talent soon or I may fall asleep while watching.
10) Speaking of TV....Ethan and I also loved watching Cooks vs. Cons on The Food Network. We are anxiously awaiting Season 2. Well, I just got wind of a show I"m going to love EVEN MORE....a spin off from Cooks vs. Cons, called Bakers vs. Fakers!!!! OMG.....I cannot wait until this show starts!! I wish I was a good enough baker to apply....instead I'll admire from my couch.
In an effort to be more consistent and planned with my blogging, I am going to try to do my Currently posts on a monthly basis, hopefully within the first week of each month. Ha...wish me luck! Here we go...
Thinking about: this weekend and the fun we will have while camping. It's a black bear habitat, so hopefully we do not get attacked or eaten while there. Yikes!
Reading: I'm just about done with "Winter Garden" hoping to finish it en route to campground tonight. It's been a "different" story in terms of the way it's delivered/told, but the last 100 pages I think are going to be the best, probably because the mystery of the whole thing will be revealed. They are definitely some broken people though.
Listening to: Hamilton and more and more Hamilton. Cannot get enough. It will be very painful if the show eventually comes to Atlanta but is so unreasonably priced that I cannot manage it within our budget. I guess I should start saving now.
Watching: only The Voice and This is Us. The Voice is a show Ethan and I enjoy together every week. He loves Adam Levine (and secretly so do I). This is Us....well, yep I'm on the bandwagon with that one. And it seems to be a big bandwagon too.
Eating: too much of everything it seems lately. Ugh. Poor self control. I start out the day really well, eating good, tracking everything but then most evenings end in a crash and burn, especially now with truckloads of Halloween candy in the house. I have got to reel it in and get things back under control. Of course, I'm still working out and drinking a ton of water, but apparently not enough to offset my poor eating habits of late.
Wearing: whatever is comfortable and appropriate for work. I've been struggling in this area since starting this new gig. I'm not one to wear heels, I don't even own a pair, but a lot of the women here do wear them and look really professional. I'm just not a girly-girl...never have been. Also, we are business I'm really loving my chino pants and cardigans. Still dressing like a school teacher (counselor), and that's ok by me.
Wishing: for so many things...leaving the political out, I will focus on personal instead...I wish I had the financial blessings to allow me to be a stay-at-home-mom...clearly this has been my wish for years and now that Ethan is in school all day, it's different, but I still would love to pick him up from school each day and have the afternoon with him. I don't think I'll ever fully accept that this hasn't worked out for least I'm not angry about it anymore, but I'd by lying if I said I wasn't disappointed. Add to that the many hours I would have each day to work out....I would be in amazing shape (for the first time in my life). OK -dream over...back to reality. *sigh*
Loving: Fall weather. Leggings. Sweaters. Scarves. Weekends.
Looking forward to: any and all days off from work. So in this case, I will be off early on Election Day, so that will be nice since Ethan will be out of school. Having been at a private school previously, he always had school that day. Coming up on the heels of Election Day will be the lovely Thanksgiving holiday. This is where I begin to second guess my job change (for the bazillionth time) since I will not be off on Wednesday and Ethan will. The bright side however is that I will get out at 2pm as the company will close early.
Bookish and Not-So-Bookish Thoughts is a weekly blogging event hosted by Bookishly Boisterous. It allows book bloggers (and non-book bloggers) to write about pretty much anything, bookish or otherwise (i.e. share exciting plans for the weekend, rants on things encountered during the week. **************************************************************************************
1. I've determined that my death will likely involve my being hit by a car. Why? It has almost happened TWICE in the past 30 days!!! Seriously! The first time occurred walking into the gas station in the morning for my diet dr pepper. A gal was in way too much of a hurry for her McDonald's coffee and she came within 6-12 inches of hitting me. Not a great start to my day!
The second occurrence was Halloween night. I was standing ON a driveway as Ethan collected his candy. I turned around to step into the street (just into it - we have no sidewalks) when this complete idiot came FLYING up the street. Even if I wasn't there, he should not have been going that fast ON Halloween night anyway. Unbelievable. If Ethan hadn't been complaining about his feet hurting, I would have walked after the guy (he parked up the street) and given him a piece of my mind. I also really wish Oscar had been with us, he would have REALLY given this guy a piece of his mind....and I would have enjoyed watching.
2. I eat a lot of turkey sandwiches. At least 3-4 a week. It's my "go-to" healthy lunch option. Of course, I do not make these sandwiches, but purchase them at work or at Subway with Ethan. I'm so glad he loves Subway as much as I do. But seriously, I probably need to branch out a bit on my sandwich choices, but I do love a turkey sandwich.
3. We are going camping this weekend and I am SUPER excited. Lots of awesome hikes with beautiful scenery - I'm planning to take a bazillion the one above!
4. I finished "Be Frank With Me"....good book with super quirky and sometimes annoying characters. Still a worthy read. I am now reading "Winter Garden" by Kristin Hannah...after reading "The Nightingale" I had to try another by her. Winter Garden is no Nightingale, but it's getting very good here in the last 150 pages or so. Hoping to finish it this weekend and move on to to be determined.
5. I really, really, really, want to read Hamilton. It is 832 pages! That will take me forever! I'm a 350-page kind of gal.
6. I would love to attend the Book Riot Live Convention in NYC this month. Too bad it's going to have to remain a dream for now. *sigh*
7. In regards to podcasts, I've left BookNerd, which ended and won't have any new podcasts anyway, and jumped on board ALL THE BOOKS! by Book Riot. I love this one even more than Book Nerd because it's a weekly podcast about new releases. This will help me learn more about upcoming releases that I maybe would never have considered.