Bookish and Not-So-Bookish Thoughts is a weekly blogging event hosted by Bookishly Boisterous. It allows book bloggers (and non-book bloggers) to write about pretty much anything, bookish or otherwise (i.e. share exciting plans for the weekend, rants on things encountered during the week. **************************************************************************************
1. I thoroughly enjoyed this past Monday, Presidents Day AKA no school for Ethan. I worked from home in the morning and then took the afternoon off. I had a nice NON-rushed run on the treadmill followed by a trip to Barnes & Noble so Ethan could get his free birthday dessert before the coupon expired. We also left with one book: Pokemon Go Guide Book (ugh!).
2. I started PT for my back last week and also changed from taking Ibuprofen to Alleve. Now after 2 PT sessions and 1 dry needling session, I have 0% improvement. Insert super duper sad face here.
3. My house remains in "disarray"...painting in the office is in full swing, though just about done. We ordered new flooring and it will take 8-10 days to come in. There are piles of "stuff" all over the house and I'm just about losing my mind.
4. We are unexpectedly possibly moving to a new (to us) house. This all sort of came up out of (almost) nowhere. We have a friend who is a realtor, the house is in our same subdivision, which is awesome and it isn't on the market yet. We desperately need more space so it's an ideal situation if we can get price and timing worked out.
5. There is going to be a cupcake competition at my work next Wednesday. I am SO going to enter and am probably making these cupcakes. I made them a number of years ago and remember them being quite they look "fancy" with that drizzle. There are prizes too!! *crossing my fingers*
6. I moved to a new cube at work so that I have a sit/stand desk, which will hopefully help with my back pain. The cube is next to a window so that is a nice perk, however it was previously occupied by a wicked mean person so I sanitized with Clorox wipes, though I really wanted to burn some sage or have it blessed somehow. :)
7. I really wish I could get my life together enough to have a book blog. I'm not even going to try though since I can't even maintain this one regularly. Sad but true. I love seeing posts from "real people" about "10 books blah blah blah" and other fun lists. I would love to have the time to do the research into creating various reading lists like that. *sigh* I'll add that to my "when I'm retired bucket list" I guess.
8. We have officially entered the "do it my way" age with Ethan...specifically regarding his hair. He wants to grow his hair long(er) and also dye it blue (not happening!) like DanTDM. If you don't know who DanTDM is, he is a 24yo really rich You-Tuber from the UK and his voice is nearly constantly background noise in my house. Help me. Can I have my 4yo back please?
9. My book club meets this Sunday and we are reading "Unexpected Lives: Books 2 & 3 of the Smith Family". We read the 1st book in the series for our meeting last month and everyone loved it so we decided to move right into the sequel. The author is a local gal in her mid 30s and she came to our meeting last month and is going to join us again this Sunday. Before reading the first book, I did not know that she is a 2nd (or 3rd) cousin to my mother's husband. Neat!
Bookish and Not-So-Bookish Thoughts is a weekly blogging event hosted by Bookishly Boisterous. It allows book bloggers (and non-book bloggers) to write about pretty much anything, bookish or otherwise (i.e. share exciting plans for the weekend, rants on things encountered during the week. **************************************************************************************
1) Ever feel like you just don't belong where you are? Or anywhere, for that matter? I don't feel like I really fit it at my school job of the last 6 years...I mean, I had a few friends there, but I wouldn't say it was a 100% fit. Sadly, I'm starting to feel that way about my current gig...I don't know if it's "just me" or what, but most days I feel invisible when I'm there...because maybe others there feel (think?) they are better than me or I'm not "worthy" of a greeting or a conversation. Most days are "ok" but more and more, I'm feeling this way. *sigh*
2) I've really been struggling with back pain this actually started at the end of 2016. I tried a chiropractor for a month with no consistent progress. I have an appointment with an orthopedic doc on Monday morning and I cannot wait. I need an answer. I am beyond frustrated and Tues night after work, I was so uncomfortable I was almost in tears. It doesn't help that I'm ridiculously obsessed with Fitbit and getting my 10k steps daily so I often force myself onto the treadmill. though usually only to walk since running is painful...Tuesday night though, I camped out on my couch. I don't know how people with chronic pain tolerate it. I suspect the pain may be a result of my super sedentary job...even though I get up to walk fairly often, it's not enough and it's definitely less movement than what I had in my prior job.
3) Ethan turned 9 years old yesterday. Whoa...crazy...time really does fly, especially after you have kids. He got quite the birthday present this week with the entire week off of school as they are closed due to illness...the entire county. Nuts! Thankfully, we are not sick. I'm taking him for his 9 year well visit this afternoon, I sure hope we don't pick up any germs while there considering there is so much sickness going around.
4) So...I WAS enjoying a few book podcasts recently...but then over the past couple weeks the topic of politics moved to the forefront of the discussion(s). It was annoying...I wanted to hear about upcoming books, not politics, particularly since they were complaining about the latest "thing" in politics. Ugh. Anyway...i tweeted that I wish the podcasts would talk about books and not politics and one of the podcasters replied that books are 100% political....ok...either I'm completely clueless or maybe I just enjoy reading books for the "escape" piece...I'm not here to criticize the writing quality or whether the author is pushing some sort of please tell me....are books political?
5) We are doing some MUCH needed work on our home office is a disaster right now as the hubs pulled out the carpet and we are getting ready to paint it and then put down new flooring. I'm struggling with the disarray around the house...I have no where to put everything that is normally IN the office, so there are piles of crap all over the place...i.e. printer is on the kitchen table. I have to finish packing things up and getting everything off the walls so the painting can begin. Then there is the tackling of moving my desk out of weights a zillion pounds so that won't be fun.