1) First things first! I won the HR dept Cupcake Battle at work yesterday, with the Butterbeer Cupcakes. Yay!! Turns out staying up until 11pm on Tuesday night was worth it. Well, the prize is a gift card though I've yet to receive it so I'm not sure on the details of it.

2) The moving situation has turned into a bit of an ordeal. We decided against the first house we saw after meeting with our realtor to discover that we bought our current house when the market was booming (for sellers) and so we can only expect to make $2500 on the sale of our house...in TEN EFFIN YEARS! Livid doesn't even come close to expressing how I feel about that. So basically all we would have to put into a new house is the equity from this one and since so much of it ends up going to the realtor & fees & closing costs blah blah blah, we are left with about $1.50 to put down on a bigger, more expensive house. Yep - adulting completely sucks.
3) On that note, our realtor messaged us late last night that there is another house available in our neighborhood similar to the one we originally looked at. This one has some things better than the other and some things worse (no screened in porch). It's also 15k less, so here we are all sucked in again and off to look at it tomorrow night. This emotional roller coaster is wearing on me though, I had just resigned myself to the fact that we weren't going to be able to move and now that may change again. *sigh*
4) I'm afraid to jinx myself but my back pain has reduced in the past couple of days, though sleeping last night was difficult. I've done the dry needling twice now and plan to go again on Saturday. I think it's helping more than the actual PT moves. And interestingly enough, my PT friend is giving me different exercises than the other PT I'm going to and I'm starting to think my PT friend is correct that the other is not. Good thing is that I can do the exercises at home and quit going to PT, which will allow me to get to work sooner on Wednesdays. Win/Win. Only 49 days to the Star Wars 1/2 (and 10k) and I'm wiggin' out...really need to be better. It never fails, the FIRST time I sign up for back-to-back races and I end up with issues. Ugh!
5) I've noticed that many (all) of the "successful" women in my workplace are crazy tall. I am 5'4" and they tower over me. I know there's a study somewhere that talks about how tall women are more apt to be successful. There it is...I was doomed from the start.
6) I really want to make (and eat) this...but I have put myself on a strict diet...so I guess it'll have to wait.

7) I finally started reading Hamilton by Ron Chernow and holy smokes - after reading 5 pages on my Kindle app, it says I've only read 1-2 pages...it is going to take me forever and ever to read this book. Because of that, I have decided to concurrently read The Guests on South Battery by Karen White...this is the 5th in the series and I've loved them all...though they make me want to leave now for Charleston!
8) My book club met last Sunday and while I enjoy my book club, I desperately need another one with members in my age range....or we need to add people in my age range to my current book club. On that note, we are looking for additional members and I had/have 2 people interested. One signed up for sure and even read the book, then she emailed the day before and said she couldn't make it...family plans. That's the problem with people my age and book clubs - they don't have (or make) the time for them.