Wednesday, August 01, 2007

~5 questions~

I got this exercise from Mary's blog...instructions to play along are included and I hope all of you do it! Basically, Mary posted five questions for me to answer about myself and I agreed to answer them here. Simple, eh? Here are her questions and my answers:

1. You are granted 3 wishes. what are they?
This is a difficult one, but here goes...
Wish 1) All of my family members would be happy and healthy.
Wish 2) I could somehow spend every weekend on a Mexican or Caribbean beach.
Wish 3) That the USA would adopt the European work style and 4 week Summer vacations.

2. What is your favorite day of the week and why?
Before working @ SB, I would probably have said Saturday simply because I don't have to work and it's my day of "fun" normally. I would run errands, get my hair cut/highlighted when needed, hang out at B&N and simply do the things that I enjoy. A day off is a good day! Since I often work @ SB on Saturdays, I rarely have a nice enjoyable Saturday to myself - but I will soon...

3. What are you doing this weekend?
This Saturday I have to work at SB from 12-5. My dad mentioned today that he may come in to town that evening and stay the night so that would be fun. We will likely do some steaks on the BBQ. I will enjoy a day off on Sunday and dad said he needed to do some shopping - not sure where, but normally that could include a trip to Sam's Club, which I will likely accompany him on.

4. Do you have a scrapbook or craft idea rolling around in your head? Tell about it.
I'm really stuck on mini-albums lately. I get about 1/2 way done w/them and then either run out of ideas or necessary supplies for decorating them. Right now I'm putting together a "favorite photos" mini album. The front and back cover are thick cardboard and the pages are cardstock. I'm using all Scenic Route papers with lots of 7 Gypsies rub-ons (I LOVE THOSE). I'll probably bring it with me to NC next month because I'm sure I will not be done with it. I also have 2-3 layouts "in progress" but my scrapping mojo has been on a rollercoaster lately. I think it's that I just don't have enough space....yeah, that's it.

Oh yeah...I will probably work on the August Scenic Route challenge too. I love their product and want to WIN some!!

5. What's your dream job?
This is an easy one. Don't laugh, but I've ALWAYS wanted to be that person that dives off of "Shamu's" nose at Seaworld. I would LOVE to be a whale/dolphin trainer. I even have a picture that I took of a trainer diving off of Shamu's nose back when I was about 10 years old. It was taken with one of those silly Disc cameras - I've held on to the picture all this time, can't seem to get rid of it. Maybe I should scrap that too...hey, there's an idea!

Want to play now?

Here are the rules if you do:
1. Leave me a comment saying anything random, like [the food you hate most in all the world]. Something random. Whatever you like.

2. I respond by asking you five personal questions so I can get to know you better.

3. You will update your blog with the answers to the questions.

4. You will include this explanation and offer to ask someone else in the post.

5. When others comment asking to be asked, you will ask them five questions.


~**Dawn**~ said...

Why would we laugh?? I am always amazed by those trainers. They have such a bond with those animals. In fact, there was a calf born at Sea World Orlando and the mama actually did a shortened version of her show while allowing another trainer to play with her calf in a far corner of the tank! That is some serious trust!

I always want to volunteer to be interviewed but then I know I will be stuck if someone wants *me* to ask them questions! LOL! I just know I will sit there with a confused expression, trying to think of something good to ask!

Mary said...

very fun!!! I'm with you on Saturdays being the best day of the week! have fun w/your dad!! and I had no idea about the whale/dolphin trainer - very cool!!!

Nichole M said...

My comment: I am totally brainwashed by the Skittles commercials and think about eating Skittles all the time now. :-P

k said...

Yay Nichole wants to play "5 questions" - here are your questions!!

1) What is the least favorite part of your job?

2) How many nights per week do you sleep @ the hospital?

3) What is your favorite scrapbooking product?

4) What 1 thing would you change about your life if you could?

5) If you won 1 million dollars, what would you do with it?

Nichole M said...

I answered! :-)

~**Dawn**~ said...

You know what? I'm going to take the leap and give in re: my last comment.

So... I am really liking music by Daughtry lately.

k said...

Yay Dawn!! OK - here are your questions...

1) I know I asked Nichole this too, but it's such a good question...What 1 thing would you change about your life if you could?

2) What is your dream job?

3) I'm lacking on creativity...You are granted 3 wishes. What are they?

4) Who do you miss the most in your life right now?

5) What is your favorite day of the week and why?

Sorry, some of these questions are ones Nichole and I had, but I feel like I know so much about you already that I had a hard time coming up with "new" questions. :-)

Thanks for playing!!

~**Dawn**~ said...

I *finally* got my answers posted. The last two days ate work have been insane.