Thursday, February 14, 2008

~playing games~

Ethan is playing games w/me already...

I change his wet diaper, sit down to feed him, he poops...I mean within 1-2 minutes of starting his feeding. In fact, today I didn't even make it out of his room to take the wet diaper to the garbage can...he pooped.

Apparently, this boy will not poop in a wet diaper. He waits for a dry diaper and then poops!

I changed his diaper 3 times within 30 minutes today...poop, poop, poop.

With the cost of diapers where it is...if he keeps up like this...I'll be broke in no time. :-)

OK and I gave's a pic of me and Ethan - taken on 2/13...I look gross, but look @ Ethan's smile...oh my goodness, I just love it!!!


Mary said...

see, everyone was right, you look great! and you have a cutie patootie right next to you!

~**Dawn**~ said...

You are absolutely your own worst critic. You look like a beaming new mommy to me. When you see something the rest of us don't, just remember that it was for Ethan, and I know that makes it worth it to you.

I am dying about the pooping. I wonder if you can trick him by opening up the diaper & pretending you've changed it but closing it back up til he finishes...

Anonymous said...

Ha, poop! Maybe if you lay him on top of a newspaper he'll think the diapers on and poop, then you won't waste them?

And you look great! I know that won't change your opinion, but still.

Nichole M said...

You're beaming! And have a perfect leading man. ;-)

justem said...

You guys look great!!! :) I've heard babies are like that...and that boys are worse!!

Freebird said...

Cute picture. Okay, it's obvious Amy doesn't have kids. Lay him on newpaper??? omg. lol

k said...

Yeah...I was confused about the newspaper..that would probably work for CATS, but not likely for BABIES. :-)