Thursday, June 26, 2008

~update, per request~

I haven't updated because frankly, there's nothing to update you on...I'll try to scrape up a few things...let's see...

~E had his 4 month check up [& shots] on Tuesday. His stats are: 44.3 Head Circumference (88%); 18.3 lbs (91%); 26.25 inches (81%)....turns out he's a pretty big boy, not fat, just big. I've been told I must have powerful breastmilk - LOL!! (tmi?)

~Mom and I are finally going to see SATC on Friday...what a relief. I didn't think we'd be able to make it because little Mr. E has well, become a bit 'picky' about having his mom around. We are going to a 5pm showing so that way I won't miss a feeding - did I mention he refuses to take a bottle now that I'm home everyday - we have just begun spoon feeding him cereal, which is hilarious...and messy.

~There are no updates w/me really, heck, all of my days are the same and 1/2 the time I don't even know what day we are on. I totally had to ask/verify with O what day it was yesterday. bad is that?

~There are no mom/playgroups around here that I've found...I think they are more prevalent during the school year vs. summer time due to vacations etc. There seem to only be "Mom's Day Out" type things and well, I don't really need a day out since I have no job and as a result no money to go OUT and do anything. So here we are on day 2 of not going anywhere...good way to save on gas and keep low mileage on the car though. :-)

~Same status w/the lawsuit - the letter is out - they have 10 business days to respond which technically puts us @ July thinks they'll contact us quickly, in fact he thought they'd contact us this week, but I have not heard anything yet.

~A little computer excitement...I'm getting an additional 2G of RAM put in my PC - thank goodness for that as I don't really have enough space to run Photoshop and I want to upgrade to Office 2007 (anyone have the CD and want to 'loan' it to me?) - I'm in the stoneages with Office 2003. There is a great little group here in town called "Geeks for Less" - they will be helping me out. I'm hoping the RAM comes in today or Friday and the geek can make it over to install on Friday. It will be like having a whole new PC. Yay! By the way, the 'geek' is totally not geeky - in fact, he's HOT - totally did not fit the mold or the expectation I had...too funny.

~When E is sleeping or sitting on my lap, I spend gross amounts of time on Flickr...totally addicted and constantly seeking scrapbook inspiration.

~It was a rough night last night...not sure what the deal was, but E decided to wake up at 11:30pm, 12:30am, 1:30am and 2:40am....then again @ 6am....needless to say, I'm feeling a bit sleep deprived today. Is it naptime yet?

~Well, that's it.


~**Dawn**~ said...

You are going to *love* that movie. Seriously, I was so happy just to see the girls on a screen again. =)

Anonymous said...

Your lawyer really thinks they'll respond prior to the 10th business day? In my experience people always respond at the end of the deadline, especially if they get a lawyer involved. Then again, I always tell my clients the worst case scenario, so they'll feel better if things turn up quickly. Plus, it avoids them calling me everyday asking for updates!

k said...

Dawn-i'm super excited to go see the movie too..can't wait!

Amy-yes, based on his experience in employment law my lawyer does think that they'll respond quickly and want to settle as opposed to letting it go to litigation. I don't call him everyday for updates...he'll call when he hears from them.

~**Dawn**~ said...

Let me just put it this way: the second that movie is out on DVD, I will own it.

Chele76 said...

it was a good movie. I enjoyed it. Jess and I even brought her husband - he scretly liked it. Although he won't admit it, I know it! lol

Anonymous said...

Ah, you then, are a good client! I never get any. Mine all believe they must pester me for updates all the time, even though I have never ever given them reason to believe that I will not update them the second I have updatable information.

Mary said...

yay - thanks for the update! Hey, I have nothing to blog about and it's never stopped me, LOL!!

k said...

Mary!!! You have TONS to blog about - who are you kidding?

Wedding, Honeymoon, Fun Weekends (boating etc.), new toys (iphone, Wii)...I'm sure I'm missing some other stuff too...


Heather said...

He is a big boy! And so adorable too!