Sunday, August 10, 2008


~I'm a little 'behind' on my Chacha work lately. There is no requirement set by ChaCha, but I had set a goal of 50 questions per day for myself. I didn't do any on Friday and maybe 5-10 on Saturday. Oh well, so much for that goal. It's also getting sort of boring & monotonous (sp?).

~Chacha is also not looking so good anymore. They have decided to implement a new pay system which really stinks. Basically if you don't do 300 searches/week, then you will only be paid .10 per search for the following week. Every week this is re-evaluated but the thing is that they marketed their "Guide" job as "work when you want, as much as you want" and that is no longer the case if you have to complete 300 searches to get a decent rate. Heck, .20 only averages out to about $5-6 per hour, so there's no way I'm doing it for .10. Thankfully, I made the .20 cut this week so I'm safe for a few more days. You also have to have 95% accuracy in your responses to make the .20 rate.

~My Etsy Shop has seen some traffic over the past few days thanks to a nice little 'plug' from KC. So excited about this...I hope it keeps up.

~Last Tuesday @ the mall, I ran into a gal who was in my child birthing class. We talked for quite a while and I learned about a FREE mom/baby activity that is every other Thursday. I am soooooo excited about this - FINALLY something to do with Ethan out of the house and the chance to meet some people. The activity is called "Mother Goose" and basically we do rhymes & textures with our baby...that's the general description. This Thursday will be my first time going, so I'll find out more...and it's a Knox County sponsored activity, which means it's F.R.E.E. Oh I said that already huh? Wahoo!!

~Mary has got me into this Parking Wars game on Facebook. Please join, so I have more friends & streets to park on. It's pretty neat and not very time-demanding, which is why it works for me.

~I really want to do a overhaul on my blog....I am ready for color now. Even though my life is not how I would like it to be or how I had imagined it, the black/white colors are depressing (which is basically how I had been feeling for a long, long time) and so I want to spice it up a little. Sure, I'm not working and I have no 'fun money' but I need to feel happier than I have been, so this is a start. I also want to change the name or leave it nameless 'til I can come up with something. I tried to change the entire layout using Pyzam but it didn't workout. I'll have to see what I can come up with but the Blogger layouts are kind of boring...really would like something more fun and colorful. If anyone wants to offer their layout are welcome to.

~Mom and I went to see "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2" today. I loved it. We may be a bit 'old' for that movie but I absolutely loved BOTH of them. I really shed some tears in this one too!! And BONUS...we saw the Harry Potter preview...come on November!!!


Mary said...

Chacha sounds like a pain - at first it sounded interesting but I'd be right with you getting out of that business soon!!! YAY on the Etsy stuff and on the free activity! I hear you on the blog overhaul - I just signed up for Typepad, I am starting a new blog after the wedding since my name will change (and hence my initials will, which are in the URL to my current one) and trying to figure out how to make it fun looking. and yay also on seeing that movie - I want to see it, and speaking of movies am now looking forward to Twilight (since I just finished the book - LOVED it!). Have a great week!!! M

Nichole M said...

That's awesome about the free activity! I don't remember that doing simple things like playing were always so expensive. When did that happen??

~**Dawn**~ said...

Free!! Free is wonderful. I hope you guys have a blast!

Heather said...

i am looking forward to seeing it as well.
bad news: harry potter has been pushed to next july for a release date.