Wednesday, October 22, 2008

~mid-week update~

~Ha! As I typed the title, I accidentally put "mid-weeD"....I may have to resort to drug dealing to make ends meet...just kidding.

~Got an email from the recruiter butthead. Says they are still doing phone screens. I think he's full of it.

~I've been feeling desperate this week about money and getting a job, any job, well, almost any job.

~Mary reminded me about Barnes & Noble. I applied there a few months ago, they said they wouldn't be hiring 'til later in the year...maybe now? I will call tomorrow and see.

~I also applied @ Borders a few months ago. They weren't hiring @ the time, but I'll call and check there again.

~I put in my application @ SBUX the other day - a different location, but I think my former mgr will sabotage that effort.

~About 13 yrs ago I worked the holiday season at Bath & Body -back in Michigan- I suppose that's another option, but honestly, I would be terribly embarrassed to work in the mall, especially when a former co-worker sees me there - then I'll be completely humiliated. I think I'm already feeling pretty low, I don't need anything to make me feel lower.

~It seems I have a snowballs chance in hell of getting a job ANYWHERE.

~Tomorrow (Thurs) E and I have "Mother Goose" @ 10am and then we are meeting my mom for lunch. From there, we are all going to the mall. Mom needs some stuff. I, of course, will only be window shopping, which is NO case you were wondering.


~**Dawn**~ said...

Just my two cents, but if I saw someone I knew working at the mall, especially a stay-at-home mom and *especially* this time of year, know what I would think? I would think: She got a part time job so she can do lots of Christmas shopping. Whether that's really the case or not? None of my business. But that is still what I would think.

k said...

Dawn-that's because you are a MUCH nicer person than most people out there. I may have to do it, but it still makes me feel like crapola.

~**Dawn**~ said...

Aww... Thank you for thinking so. But really? How would anyone know that you aren't just working that job because that's really all you need to do? Maybe you don't need more than that? Lots of moms work retail around the holidays. =)

k said...

If I end up there, then I guess I could just play that role - that it is all I need, money for Christmas etc. :-)

~**Dawn**~ said...

Who would be the wiser, right? ;-) When I worked retail, we had quite a few moms that would come on around the holidays. A few would even elect to stay on afterward because they liked working a few nights a week: gave them some time "to themselves" while still allowing them to be home with their kids and they liked the extra cash. If that wasn't true, I never caught on. You could change it around & look in pity on this other person for "needing to work full time." >=]

Anonymous said...

What the hell, I just posted a comment and word verification didn't show up and it vanished. Anyway, I'd think the same thing as Dawn - you want extra holiday cash, want the B&B discount, and just want to get away from being mommy for a bit, and nighttime and weekends when the hubby is home is the time to do it.