Thursday, December 18, 2008

~a great BIG Thank You~

Michele is the best!! She is an amazing, generous and thoughtful person. I got the best surprise in the mail today...she sent me two books from my wishlist and I am so excited to sit down and read them!!

I am so grateful and honestly, she made not only my DAY, but my Christmas a WHOLE lot brighter. Her gift will likely be the best one I get this certainly beats out the cookie sheets I asked for. LOL!!

I think what makes her gift SO very very special is the element of surprise. I certainly did not expect it and what a pleasant treat when I opened the box today. I cannot explain to you how happy it made me. Thank you so VERY VERY much!!

A great 'pick-me-up' at a time when I really needed one.

Thanks Michele! You rock!!!


Chele76 said...

I'm really glad it brought you such joy. I recognized the fact that things have been difficult lately and I thought that you deserved soemthing special, something just for you to put a smile on your face.


btw - my word verification is 'greed' WTF??? lol

k said...

I cannot thank you enough Michele!!!

Crazy word verification!!!! It could not be more are the polar opposite of that word!!


Freebird said...

That's really nice. :-)

Mary said...

thats so neat! what a great way to brighten someones day!!

~**Dawn**~ said...

Chele is good people. =) I am so glad that she brightened your holiday, Krystyn. Now, for your letter: M!