~Anyway, after pricing everything & tagging them, I have $500 worth of stuff to sell. Wow! I will get 70% of whatever sells. The last day everything goes 1/2 off though and then

~In going thru the boxes of E's clothes, I came across some plain white onesies which ended up inspiring me to make the decision to create and sell the "monthly onesies"(see pictures) in a set of 12. I'm constantly receiving comments/compliments & inquiries on them, so maybe they can provide me with a bit of cash flow. I hope to pick up the iron on transfers today and get started creating. If you are interested in a set, just let me know here.
~Changing topics, I found out I'm not eligible for a cell phone upgrade until this July. *sigh* So I will hang on to my old phone until then. I was excited to find out about this site to get rid of my old phone. They buy old phones, they even send you the packaging and pay for your

~Really want to attend this conference, but totally bummed out at the realization that there is no way I'll be able to! I think it would be loads of fun and really quite interesting, not to mention that it's taking place in the rockin' city of Chicago!!! Oh how I miss you Chicago!!
~I am addicted to cupcake & baking blogs lately. All it is doing is frustrating me though because I do not have time to bake like I once used to. Argh.
~I got pooped on yesterday. Literally. I was changing E's diaper and apparently he wasn't done yet. Not fun!
Those onesies are very cute!
And, getting pooped on is no fun!
I recently donated our old phones to Cell Phones for Soldiers. It's tax deductible and helps the troops overseas call their loved ones at home!
You have a beautiful son! Love the onesies. What a great idea.
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