Wednesday, April 14, 2010

seeking happiness...

~in all the chaos that seems to be my life lately, I've been thinking long and hard about how I can make some changes that (hopefully) generate happiness.

~instead of having to find a PT job over the Summer on Thurs & Fridays to earn a little extra $ & help offset expenses - solely based on the fact that E is in FULL TIME daycare w/no option for part time- I've decided to look for a college-age gal to come watch him @ home Mon-Wed while I put in my dreaded required 20 hrs at the university. This would both cost less & make mornings easier on me. Oh and most importantly, it gives me Thursdays & Fridays to stay home with him...which is what I've been aching to do (alot) lately.

~i dropped the one academic course I was going to take over the Summer simply because it would be "free". I don't need it for my degree. Would it have been helpful? Somewhat. Can I use the time to make myself happier? Certainly! It would have been on Tuesday nights and honestly, I'm tired of hearing moaning from someone else (O) having to pick up E from daycare. Instead I will take back those 3-4 hours each week and spend them with my #1 (E of course). :)

~I've been pretty much free of back pain for the past 5-6 days now. Yay! I have not ran since Saturday but plan to hit the gym both Thursday & Friday after finishing at the high school. I'm hoping to add in some stationary bike too. I'm pretty sure I've gained 3-4 lbs since the Disney trip and have just about fallen off the WW wagon...well, maybe I'm being dragged along behind the wagon by a single rope, but that would be it. Today has been a good WW day so far. I tend to fall apart in the evenings for some reason. I'm looking forward to an endorphin boost...I can certainly use them.

~i'm also quite excited about the Yoga class in June, however if the child care arrangement above works out, that means I couldn't do Yoga on Thursdays so I'll have to see if I can still participate M-W and if not, then I'll have to drop the course. a sacrifice I'm OK with making since I'll be spending time with E.


Unknown said...

Sounds like you've got things figured out. Glad the back pain is gone!

Winks & Smiles,

Rachel said...

I think you're making a great decision by just dropping the classes :) You've got your hands full, but not enough time to do the things you love!! Spend this summer making memories. You won't regret it!! :)

Anonymous said...

So would he no longer be in daycare at all? What will you do next semester?

k said...

Amy-I would pull him for the Summer and he'd go back in the Fall.

~**Dawn**~ said...

I think you deserve a nice long Summer to hang out with your little man. =)

Tricia said...

Hoping you get a job for fall so you can enjoy your summer knowing you have the future lined up! :) Then you can enjoy every summer off - I totally should have been a teacher. LOL