Tuesday, October 05, 2010

A day in the life

So my new job...
I'm liking it most of the time, Which is alot more than my last job...and when I say most of the time, I mean like there is only one thing I don't care for...that would be the beloved (not) position of "arrival duty".

What does that mean? Well, let me tell you...see, since we are a private school, we have no buses, so the kids are dropped off and picked up everyday by parents, family, friends etc.

Since we have about 600 students, that's alot of cars.

I have to arrive by 7:30am in order to open a gate so that the middle school kids can be dropped off...while that is not such an awful duty, the next 25-30 minutes that I have to stand outside "watching" (for nothing to happen) cars drive by is pure torture, in that it serves no purpose. Now that it's getting cold, I'm getting pretty miserable out there.

While I wasn't given a choice between arrival or dismissal duty, I was "sold" that arrival was far better since I could leave immediately at the end of the work day.

What I wasn't told though was that dismissal duty only occurs once every 4-5 weeks for one full week, while my arrival duty is every.single.day of the school year. Sucks to be me!!

So yep, dismissal duty would have been way better and no one will trade with me. Yay me!!

Also, I had requested an afternoon duty once they hired me primarily because I have to drop E off at his school (which opens at 7am) and then still drive to mine. Of course in a perfect world he would be in the preschool at my school, which would not only be uber convenient, but also a better education for him as well as save me about $80 per month. But they are at capacity. :( Yay me again!!

Oh this would also alleviate the worry of being late when the lady at the current daycare is 15-20 minutes late every now and then. For the record, that has happened 3-4 times lately in as many weeks.

So yeah, I love everything else about my job and especially my coworkers, they are awesome!! I could just do without the 5:30am wake up time and the arrival duty! :)


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Lindsay said...

My friend teaches special ed at a public school and she got the lucky arrival duty post as well... It sounds to me like hers was a seniority thing but I don't know. I don't get how the people on dismissal rotate but they can't put more people on arrival to rotate? Dumb...

Travel & Dive Girl said...

Ouch - that stinks that you have to stand outside for so long in the morning. It should certainly be a rotating responsibility.

Other than that, I'm super glad you are enjoying your new place and co-workers.

Heidi Renée said...

My mom used to have playground duty years ago. She would dress up like she was going on an Arctic expedition!

Beatriz said...

Well sucks to be up that early but glad that you like your co-workers and new job :)

Have a good day!

Tricia said...

Why do they rotate dismissal and not arrival duty? Makes no sense? Sounds icky for sure as I don't like mornings much. LOL

Glad that otherwise the job is going great! Is E on a waiting list to get into the same school where you teach?

k said...

I wish I knew why they don't rotate arrival duty, but I certainly plan to suggest it for next year! There is NO way I'm doing this duty again for another full school year!!

And Tricia, yes we are first on the list for E to move to pre-school where I work...but someone has basically got to move for that to happen this school year! :(