Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Reverb - Day 28


What’s the thing you most want to achieve next year? How do you imagine you’ll feel when you get it? Free? Happy? Complete? Blissful? Write that feeling down. Then, brainstorm 10 things you can do, or 10 new thoughts you can think, in order to experience that feeling today.

This prompt seems repetitive (yet again)...at least in terms of what my answer would be...to become very well-versed in InDesign, enough so that I could make some funky scrapbooking embellishments and sell them on-line. Since I've already written about this at least 2 times previously...there is one other thing I want to achieve which would provide me with a great sense of accomplishment.

I was speaking with the art teacher at the school where I work the other day and she mentioned that one of the teachers offers a clay art project during the summer and that maybe I should consider doing a scrapbooking workshop for the kids when school is out for the summer. She would help me obtain the art room for use as well (at no cost!).

So I'm getting quite excited about this. My initial plans are to run one workshop for 3-5th grades and another for 6-8 grades. I'm certain it will be only girls, so that will be easy. For the older girls, my plan is an "All About Me" mini-album...and I might do the same for the 3-5th grades but the construction of the album may be different. Also, I may need to come up with quite a few projects because I'm not certain quite yet of timeframe...it may be something that runs for a full week for 3 hours each day...just not sure yet. 

The best part, the girls who own the LSS here in town are going to help me plan this and of course I will get my product there as well as direct all the workshop participants to their LSS for products/supplies.

So I still have a lot of planning left to do but I am really looking forward to all of this. Not only will it be tons of fun with the kids but some additional income for me. While I was/am looking forward to having the summer off, I was already contemplating having to find some sort of summer employment, you know, to pay my student loans etc.  These scrapbooking workshops would be a great way to do that and certainly a whole lot more fun!!


indynikongal said...

Ah! That sounds like so much fun! I wanted to try and teach some sewing classes at the Jewish community center, but I don't foresee that happening any time soon unfortunately. But I would love to do some more scrapbooking.

none said...

Hi, I found your blog through Mark's page on the Notebook.

Wishing you a fun New Year with this project you have to look forward to!

Sounds like a great way to spend the summer.

Heidi Renée said...

That is such a great idea! Making money doing what you love, whodathunk?

Prettypics123 said...

Great prompt to work with. I'll do that exercise!