*just as I was feeling quite good...positive & wow, even happy...it had to come to and end...right?
*it's actually been more of a trickle effect...
*in conversing with one of E's teachers, last week I learned that one of his classmates last day was this past Friday...the reason: her mother had a 2nd child (age: 6 months) and she is going to stay home with her kids now. Translation: daggar to my heart.
*today we are back at school (while the public school teachers ARE DONE...and paid more!)...we had a brief pow-wow meeting this morning and that's where I learned that one of our 7th grade teachers, who has a son just a bit younger than E....you guessed it....is quitting to STAY AT HOME WITH HER CHILD!
*The reason this is SOOOOO upsetting is because I DO NOT HAVE THAT CHOICE!! I AM NOT WORKING BECAUSE I WANT TO....
*So while things may be better this coming year, with E being at the preschool where I work....it still translates into days NOT spent with him and well, that just plain sucks. There is NO way to sugar coat it.