Friday, May 13, 2011

post by numbers

I haven't done one of these in a let's revisit it, shall we? (especially because I'm doing a lot of "counting-down" lately)

10 - days of school left w/kids.

14 - work days left...really 13.5 because our very last day will be short. yay!

14 - days 'til I sign up at the YMCA & begin my Summer workout routine.

4 - miles I will run at gym EVERY.SINGLE.DAY...hopefully increasing that number as Summer progresses.

19 - days E has left in daycare.

15 - pounds I hope to lose this Summer.

20 - pounds I would REALLY like to lose this Summer.

90ish - days O will be working in SC this Summer...beginning next Tuesday!

15 - least number of days I will spend on a beach this Summer.

18 - books read so far in 2011.

50 - books I plan to read this year.

42 - days to first beach vacation...with Dad.

475 - pages in current book I'm reading - Unbroken - amazing amazing book. I HIGHLY recommend it.

1 comment:

emilysuze said...

Those are some pretty awesome numbers! Hooray for summer vacation and all sorts of great things you can do!