Wednesday, June 08, 2011

The Scrapbooking Camp Experience

-And by "experience" I mean MY experience...

-Overall it's been fun, however here are a few lessons learned (so far)...

-Girls take 1/3 the amount of time (if that) to complete a project than a grown woman (me) would.

-All 3 projects I planned FOR THE WEEK were done in 2 days by most of the girls.

-Girls like the look of writing with a black Sharpie marker IN their mini-albums, right ON TOP of bright patterned paper, as opposed to using the COORDINATING letter stickers provided in their kit. Who knew?

-Each girl needs to have at least TEN tape runners...holy macaroni, people...what's the deal...I told them to each have at least 3...SOOOO not enough!!

-I have lost count of the number of adhesive tape runners that have "broken" or "malfunctioned" so far this week. 

-Glue sticks suck...even if they are just "back up" adhesive.

-Do I provide adhesive next year & work it into the cost? It would eliminate the 73 different types of tape runners in the room. :)

-I have added a 3x3 mini chipboard album to the projects for the week.

-I also added a "door hanger" (on chipboard) project.

-Most girls finished these last two projects today.

-A couple girls even did 2 cards today.
-Of course, these creations are not bound for the pages of any scrapbooking publications.

-I'm not terribly excited about Thursday/Friday.

-Someone suggested I take in my stamping stuff...I am pretty sure I will have to resort to that. Meh!

-I refuse to BUY anymore product...I already bought a pack of white cardstock for additional cards.

-Yesterday I went thru my ENTIRE stash and took in ALL the papers I have had for WAY TOO LONG and know I will not use. 

-My mom is doing the same for me tonight and I will pick up her stash tomorrow morning before scrap camp.

-I have one girl who, shall I say, does not seem to have any excel in the 'social-skills' area and that seems to be with kids OR that's been (not so) fun. The second she is done w/something, she is pretty much attacking me asking what is next...doesn't matter that I'm busy helping 3 other girls either. *sigh* Practicing my "patience" skills. :)

-3 hours per day is about 1 hour too much.

-5 days per week is about 2 days too many.

-Friday we are having pizza so thankfully that will take up some of our scrapbooking time.


justem said...

I was JUST reading this post when yo uposted on my blog! ;)

I can imagine that kids go quicker...and I love the sharpie usage! ;)

As for the adhesive, if it were me, I wouldn't include it. Adhesive is SO expensive and if you are providing it they are just going to use as much as possible and if you run out, then YOU are responsible for buying more and I doubt you can add more on to their cost. Just my thoughts... ;)

You are awesome for doing this. If I lived by you I'd totally come be your assistant!

k said...

Em - that's too funny about timing...great minds.

Also, I TOTALLY need an year!!!

I hear ya' on adhesive...the cost would go WAY up which may deter people from signing up...I tried to steer them to ONE kind of adhesive, but that didn't happen.

Seriously tho...if YOU used sharpie...I'm CERTAIN it would look WAY BETTER than what they've done with it. Just sayin!! It's bad. :)

Travel & Dive Girl said...

You are a brave one for even attempting the camp. I'm glad everything turned out okay and I'm sure the girls had fun.

BTW - LOVE, LOVE, LOVE you new banner!