Monday, January 09, 2012


listening to: the noise of the space heater in my office.

thinking: about how badly I wish I were a SAHM.

wishing: I never had to go back to work.

feeling: a little sad today...the whole work/mom thing is hitting me hard today. didn't help when Ethan said "I just wanna stay home today!" as I was trying to get him ready for school. :(

wanting: a million dollars...or heck, I'd settle for a couple snow days at this point...too bad the next 10 days don't look like they're bringing snow.

reading: I Gave My Heart to Know This by Ellen Baker and it's really pretty good!!

wearing: black pants, gray shirt & gray cardigan.

hoping: that this week goes by quickly.
enjoying: the itty bitty teeny amount of "free" time I get each day..meaning time with E or time to scrapbook/read.

needing: a change.

weather: 40-50s, rainy & gloomy.

wondering: why.


Beatriz said...

Hope your day goes well and that the week goes by quickly! Just remember MLK Day is right around the corner!

k said...

Thank you...yes counting down to next day off!! :)

Beatriz said...

OK fixed! For some reason my DOY&BOM blog was not showing up but yes it is still very much up! Thanks for letting me know! I did remove it from Google search due to some issues with a not nice person recently. However, I think it was the change to the new blogger view that changed everything - maybe. Who knows :)

Anonymous said...

Isn't it so funny how things are all about perspective and whatnot. "Free" time to me definitely does NOT involve my kids, but to you it does. And if you need a million dollars, come over here - every piece of paper Julia plays with is, apparently, a million dollars. So I'm rolling in dough. I just can't guarantee it'll get you anything in the real world. =)

k said...

Amy- so true about perspective...I guess I should clarify and establish TWO levels of free is away from work and then the other would be YES time just for ME (which never ever ever happens...unless running an errand by myself counts...and I say NO it doesn't) Ha!

Travel & Dive Girl said...

Heck, I want to be a SAHM and my son is 19, so I guess I would be a SAHM without having to do mommy things. I guess that would leave me lots of free time. Ah, who are we kidding - there's never enough time.

I hope this week goes by fast for you too.

Anonymous said...

Haha, David has those same two levels too. I don't really count errands as free time, yet that is all I ever do.