Tuesday, August 28, 2012


*if you were wondering why my posts aren't showing up in your reader, I've switched over to private status for a bit...not sure how long I'll be here, but my paranoia is peaked right now, so here we are. my huge reading audience will surely plummet now. haha.

*back in the work routine. it's the pits.

*we had an assembly at school last week. it was free. it involved the use of yo-yos. the "catch" to it being free was that we would offer to sell the yo-yos at school for 5 days after the show. Today is day 5. I have sold $1600 in yo-yos. dang.

*i'm currently 3 weeks behind in Project Life. blaming this on also going back to work. seriously, I do not know how I kept up when I was working earlier this year. 

*speaking of work, yesterday, i almost had a meltdown. i have NO time. i wanted to clobber anyone who dared say stay-at-home-moms have it rough. from the minute i arrive home from work, i am moving non-stop. there is NO tv-time for me. no couch time. no relaxing. none. i'm a single mom all week but the saddest part of that is I'm not sure how much better/easier it would be if O was home. he's not much help. maybe bathing E once in a while but not like it's "his job" or anything (way back when we had agreed it was). this is not a "dump on O" rant, it's an "i'm so sick of rushing to get everything done every single night" rant. I get as much ready at night as possible, clothes out (for me and E), his breakfast bag, my lunch, a load of laundry, dinner: cooking & cleanup, general tidying around the house, water the garden...it's never ending and it's too much. Yes, we went to the Y and didn't get home til 6:20pm or so, but I don't feel like the Y is something I can entirely give up during the week. Without running for the past 4 months, I absolutely cannot skip a day there-thank you added 8lbs-I've transitioned over to swimming hoping for a great calorie burn and some healing time for the foot. ok, vent over. for now. i think.


~**Dawn**~ said...

I think tweeting that you blogged helps, in lieu of no feed. =)

Who knew there was such a demand for yo-yos?!

Travel & Dive Girl said...

I completely understand where you're coming from. I don't even have a young one anymore, but I still have no time.

It's good that you're taking time for yourself at the Y though - don't give up on that and don't be so hard on yourself. I now ask myself - will the world fall apart if I don't do this tonight? The answer is usually no.

Just remember to breath...

k said...

@Dawn - I ended up selling $2179 in yoyos over the 5 days. Nuts!

NewYorkerAtHeart said...

Oh, I'm there with you girl! Does it help to know you are not alone and we can look forward to a few minutes of girl time now and again? Love ya. Hang in there. One of us has to for the other! Lol.

k said...

@carla Thanks girl!! It DOES help to know I'm not alone in this frustration...read the GOODBYE SUMMER post...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the heads up on the blog going private. (insert sarcasm here, in case you can't tell).

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the heads up about the blog going private. (Insert sarcasm here).