The Art Forger - it's not available as an e-book at the library. it's $14 on B&N and $9 on Amazon (!?!) and I spent my Christmas giftcards I'm trying VERY hard to be patient.
The Dressmaker - I'm #11 on the e-book waitlist at the library for this one and running out of patience. I really need to be more disciplined with book spending (all spending actually) this year and so I'm holding steady on NOT buying it. The library only has ONE copy of it and people can keep it for up to 3 with that estimate, looks like it will be at least 33 weeks (!!!) until I get my hands on it. *sad sad face*
On Folly Beach -just got this e-book from the library so it will be next up to read after I finish my current book. So excited to read another about my favorite part of the country and also that it has a tie into WWII - score!!
The Invisible Bridge - I'm next on the library waitlist and there has been a waitlist for this book for as long as I have had my Nook (almost 2 years), so from that I would say it must be good. Another WWII story - my favorite!! It also has a 4.2 on Goodreads, which is pretty high!!
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