1. I'm on a "not-so-great" book roll...I started reading Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein and despite the rave reviews I kept seeing, I'm missing something. The book is set during WWII but the focus of the book is on pilots, female pilots specifically, which is also great, but it's so full of unnecessary detail that I am bored out of my mind. Since I have great difficulty giving up on a book, especially one with great reviews, I've set it to the side for now and moved on to another book...something else I rarely ever do - read more than 1 book at a time. Ack!

2. The book I moved on to is Seating Arrangements by Maggie Shipstead. I thought it sounded entertaining and a light read, so a great one to turn to after my struggles with above mentioned book. For the most part the story is simply ok - however the characters are the whiniest people you will ever meet. And then I went and read some reviews and NOBODY seems to have liked this book - primarily because of the whinyness...the characters are also the very rich, so their complaints are things like not getting into some stupid exclusive golf club. Seriously. I want nothing more than to plow through both of these books and move on to something good!!
3. The strange thing about books and me is that I'm pretty easy to please. It is rare that I just do not like a book or come across one that is difficult to for me to finish. I can't believe I've hit two in a row like that. Geesh!! Also, I wonder if I hadn't read the negative reviews of Seating Arrangements, if the whining would bother me as much as it does. I tend to overlook things like that, but now that it's brought to my attention, it's bugging me.
4. I could not be happier that today we dismiss at 1pm and don't have school until next Tuesday. South Carolina, here we come!!

5. Speaking of South Carolina, I'm hoping to be reading The Beach House next!!
6. I cannot believe I haven't ran since September 2013. That was when the trio of knee surgeries began. Ugh. Up until one month ago, I miraculously managed to maintain my weight, but I guess that "grace" period is over...all of a sudden the scale starting going up and up and up and once again I find myself over a dreaded number that I worked so very hard to get below after seeing a Nutritionist in November 2012. I've also changed gyms - the new one is a little farther from my house and I'm struggling with that. I might change back to the old gym....we'll see. On top of that, E was not in TaeKwonDo this time last year, so that adds 2 nights of class to our weekly schedule instead of going to the gym. So finally, this past Monday I decided "enough is enough" and I'm going back to healthy eating, especially if I'm not able to get to the gym as much as I would like to. Already Tuesday morning I saw a change in the scale and just felt better over all. Hooray! Let's hope I can keep up...I'm missing those running endorphins though, that's for sure.
7. As much as I love creating & crafting I am losing my love of scrapbooking...sorta. It has turned into more of a chore or stressor as opposed to being a source of enjoyment. I just don't have the time for it like I used to. Seriously contemplating giving it up entirely at the end of this year.
8. And that's all I have for this week. Happy Easter everyone!!!
I wasn't a huge fan of Code Name Verity either. I think I liked it more than you did, but I was constantly wondering what everyone else found so incredible about it.
I remember being really enthusiastic about reading Seating Arrangements when it came out, but then saw some reviewers and bloggers that I trusted give it some very mixed reviews, so I backed off. It's frustrating when books sound so great in theory!
Hopefully after getting two books in a row that you don't love, that'll be your bad books out of the way for the year :) it's so frustrating when that happens though, reading a dud book totally takes away my mojo :(
I hear you on the healthy eating thing, I've been having the same thoughts lately, because I'm at the point in my life where I really shouldn't be eating so much crap :( and I need to get back to the gym, motivation is hard to find. Good luck with your goals :)
- Wattle @ Whimsical Nature
I think you're the first blogger I've read who didn't enjoy Seating Arrangements as much (that's okay!). I've been meaning to pick up the book as it was recommended to me by some bloggers; I can imagine quite a bit of whining involved, lol.
Hope you had a lovely Easter weekend!
- Lianne @ caffeinatedlife.net
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