1. Today is Field Day!! Wahoo....except that it's supposed to rain. :( Hoping it holds out and waits until we are done outside.
2. Simply cannot wait for school to be done so I can read, read, read!!
3. Didn't fare too well with the latest Bout of Books read-a-thon...I read a total of 438 pages...probably more than a normal week when I'm not focusing on reading ALOT, but still would have liked to have done better.
4. In the past 3 years, this last week of school has been pretty low-key...not at all how it's been this year. Ugh. What is wrong w/people? A lot!

5. After reading The Kitchen House - which I ABSOLUTELY LOVED and will be recommending to EVERYONE under the sun for the rest of my life...I am in a slavery-time-frame for reading and so I plan to read WENCH next!

5. Had to make a few adjustments to our FL trip...I've been calling it "Florida on Steroids" because it sorta grew and grew into a ginormous trip with LOTS of plans. We scaled back and reduced it by one day and one park. I have mixed feelings about it, but it is in the better interest of our sanity.
6. I just want to make and bake things that I find on Pinterest all day long. *sigh*
7. And I guess that's all I have right now...happy Thursday folks!!