
1. Just signed up for Bout of Books 10.0 - wahoo! I love this little challenge. Hoping to beat my goal from last time, you know, since I failed to meet it then. It will be hard though. I really need Bout of Books to happen in the Summer so I can knock it out of the park. Read on!!
2. Finally reading The Invention of Wings by Sue Monk Kidd and LOVING IT!! I just need about 2 solid uninterrupted hours so I can finish it!!
3. I added a few books to my TBR list this week...a list that will never have everything checked off of it. Too many books. Not enough time.
4. The weather has been nuts here. 50s today. 80s all next week. I guess we skipped right over Spring and went to Summer.
5. This weekend is packed full...not how I like them to be really. We have a baseball game at 9am on Saturday morning. Afterwards I am working a wedding (photography) from 11am-8pm and then falling hard into bed as weddings are completely exhausting. Ugh. Sunday is a fundraiser kids walk at the local high school followed by a sort of date night to see Jersey Boys. Guaranteed I'll be a zombie next week as you can see there will be NO rest for me this weekend. It's mostly fun stuff, but no rest is still hard.
6. Random question...do you eat yogurt? If so, do you add anything to it? Like granola, raisins etc? I get some chuckles/odd responses from people when I mention that I like adding those items to my yogurt for texture. Is that strange? I didn't think so, but maybe it is? Let me know.
7. That's all for now. Happy Thursday folks!
I don't eat yoghurt enough but when I do, I don't add anything. I think it's a thing to add stuff like granola and stuff though...right? Or at least, that's what I see in Starbucks and Tim Hortons and the like, lol. But yeah, I personally don't add anything to mind but I don't find it strange that other people do *nods*
Have a lovely weekend! :)
There is always too many books and not enough time. Have a great weekend, hopefully with lots of time to read :)
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