Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Post By Numbers

With just a few days before our weekend getaway, I'll do anything to pass the I thought I'd put together a little "post by numbers"...

2 -  days until we leave for SC. the school bell on Friday will be music to my ears. :)

3 - lovely days to spend doing nothing but soaking up the sun, getting sand in my toes and eating at Poe's Tavern.

5 - glorious hours on the road to SC in which I will be reading, the entire time. wahoo!!

38 - books read so far this year.

52 - book goal for the year. happy to be 5 books ahead of schedule right now.

90 - high temp for today and the past 5 days as well as the next 4!! Hot!!


Travel & Dive Girl said...

So jealous of your beach getaway - have fun!!!

k said...

Thank you T&D Girl!! I plan to totally disconnect from real life. So over it.