1) I'm confident today will be a great day (after work)...library visit, E's TKD class and then home. Enjoyable and low-key. I love "me and E" time.
2) I'm overjoyed to have discovered that the elliptical machine at the YMCA may be my new best friend. I tried it months ago, but it bothered my knee, went back to it last night and there was no pain and it was a great workout. Bonus: my Fitbit counts the steps too...woot!! It's also a bigger calorie burner than treadmill walking - hooray!! I'll be spending many happy moments with the elliptical machine from now on. I'm determined to shed some of this fatness!!!
3) On Sunday, my little man had a nasty fever but no other symptoms. Monday we stayed home from school though he felt much better. I am thankful for the extra day off, I finally finished "Masterminds & Wingmen" and good thing too since it was due on Tuesday. Hooray! On Sunday I finished "The Winter Guest" by Pam Jenoff and loved it!! Great historical fiction!!
4) Totally full of joy that Fall Break is just about upon us...Friday is an in-service day, but Mon and Tues are days off. Woot!! I hope to catch up on some sleep. and scrapbooking. and reading. Yeah that's doubtful.
5) Trying again this weekend to get the patio poured. No rain in the forecast. Looking good.
6) Speaking of the patio and home improvement...the plan was for it to be a screened-in patio AKA reading haven for me....well, we are currently "on-hold" with that part after learning that Dollar General (gag!!!) is trying to build a 9000 sq ft store just outside our subdivision....like literally across from the entrance, in the middle of a residential area. Stupid. Residents are furious. There is a City meeting today to discuss this and I hope and pray it doesn't get approved. If it does get approved, we are moving. I refuse to live across from a Dollar General...we already have enough hoodlums coming to our neighborhood as it is...in fact, they just stole our pumpkins on Monday night (assholes!) and DG will only bring more of the same garbage people. Note: Sorry if you shop there and this offends you...but they really need to build in a more commercial area and not turn our neighborhood into a ghetto.

7) On the fence on buying this book. Really want to but wonder if it's a waste of my time. I don't even have an idea to pursue...I read his previous book "$100 Startup" and loved it...but again, I don't even have an idea to start my Startup.

8) Can't wait until these two books are released next year...they sound wonderful!!!
9) Getting really excited about Dorothea Benton Frank's Fan Fest in Charleston - November 14-16. My mom and I are going and are super excited since we have read just about all of her books. We will meet her, have our picture taken with her and even go to her house on Sullivan's Island for cocktails and sunset. Cannot wait!!!
10) Totally bummed the Detroit Tigers got swept in the first round of playoffs by the Orioles. True Tiger fashion though - blow it in the end...they need a bullpen, bad.
Oh, I can relate to the frustration of having neighborhoods change when something like a giant store goes in...I have lived in a variety of places, and just when I felt as though I was finally comfortable, something turned it all topsy-turvy. Good luck...hope it doesn't happen.
In the 70s, we lived in a neighborhood with a vacant hospital, and the county was trying to put the health department there. We rounded up a neighborhood group, got petitions signed, interviewed the Board of Supervisors individually...and successfully prevented it.
Good luck!
I haven't read The Pursuit of Happiness (and probably won't...) but wondering if you've read The Happiness Project? You might find it interesting given that you don't have a 'project to pursue'.
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