Bookish and Not-So-Bookish Thoughts is a weekly blogging event hosted by Bookishly Boisterous. It allows book bloggers (and non-book bloggers) to write about pretty much anything, bookish or otherwise (i.e. share exciting plans for the weekend, rants on things they've encountered during the week, etc.).
1) Well, finding time for blogging is proving harder than I thought it would be. Total drag.
2) That shortage of time is also affecting my reading...I remain 9 books behind my yearly Goodreads goal and it certainly looks like this will be a "crash & burn" year in regards to reading. I even finished 2 books recently, but it has hardly helped.
3) And lately if I have the time for reading, it turns out to be a day when I have too much on my mind and cannot clear it enough to enjoy (or focus on) reading, so I end up surfing the internet on my phone, in bed. Completely "unhealthy"...but it's my coping mechanism for now, I suppose. *sigh* #notwinning
4) I love my new running shoes. Turns out I needed them quite badly and had completely worn out the prior pair in only 6 months.

5) I ran a 5k on Sunday using the Galloway method (the right way, as opposed to the wrong way that I was doing before reading the book)...I was trying to run for too many minutes and the 1 minute walk was not enough recuperation time. I did this race with a 2.5 minute run and 1 minute walk and finished in 35:08, which is 3 minutes faster than the 5k I did in August. Gotta love results like that. I'm super happy!!
6) It's been 8 days now, but I can't stop talking about the great service I received at my local Fleet Feet when buying my new shoes. I will NEVER go anywhere else for running shoes again...unless I move out of TN...which is a goal of mine...but I digress...I was at the store for about 1 hour and was able to tell the saleslady all the craziness that has gone on with my last pair of shoes recently so she could make a good decision on where to go from there. I didn't know if I could still use New Balance or not. She took the time to look at my arch and decided that we should stick with what has worked...New Balance has always worked in the past. She checked out my PowerStep inserts and determined that they were still good and so I tried on the above NB shoes. Loved them. She still had me try on the equivalent in Asics, but it just wasn't the right feel. We were going to try Brooks but she felt like they had more support than I needed...part of my problem was my arch being lifted TOO much. So once everything was in place, we determined that my old NB were broken down on the outer edges, which was causing all the discomfort. It was really neat to try on and look at one new NB shoe and one OLD NB shoe to see the (obvious) difference in the way my foot was supported (or not). Now I need to go back there for a 101 class on my Garmin 220 watch...geesh...I just can't quite figure it all out.
7) Lucky Charms really needs to come out with JUST a box of the marshmallows. For every bowl of cereal I pour for Ethan, I sneak out a few (20) marshmallows...I just can't help it!! Their marshmallows are way tastier than the "real" (?) white puffy marshmallows in my opinion.
8) Even if my entire workweek sucked eggs last week, at least I got to see one of my all-time favorite 80s bands...REO Speedwagon came to our good 'ol TN Valley Fair...yeehaw ya'll!! The best part, my neighbor, who is a tv/radio celeb took me with her, so we had 2nd row seats, though I won't deny I was hoping for a backstage meet & greet...but it didn't happen. The best I got was this failed attempt at a selfie w/lead singer, Kevin friend got one (as you can see), but then Kevin wouldn't stop for one for me....what?!?! Yes, totally bummed!
9) I started a new book last night! I'm already enjoying I just wish I could sit at home alone for 3 days straight and read. Or better yet, sit on a beach somewhere alone for 3 days and read.
10) So many feelings in my head lately. Lately, as in the past 3 weeks. Too paranoid to put them down here, though I know I'd feel somewhat better. *sigh* Oh well, life goes on...and thank goodness for that because I'd really hate to be stuck in my life of the past 3 weeks. #crypticforareason #itsgottagetbetterright
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