Bookish and Not-So-Bookish Thoughts is a weekly blogging event hosted by Bookishly Boisterous. It allows book bloggers (and non-book bloggers) to write about pretty much anything, bookish or otherwise (i.e. share exciting plans for the weekend, rants on things they've encountered during the week, etc.).
1) The fact that this is the only post I (1) make time for and (2) am able to (barely) scrounge something up to write about is both sad and pathetic. My life is rather mundane.
2) It's official. I'm injured. Total. Mega. Drag. I used to be one of those people who never got muscle strains/sprains etc. (The knees are another issue!) I cannot say that any longer. It's been almost 2 weeks. Very little improvement in my hamstring/glute area muscle strain. Yesterday it hurt just doing plain 'ol regular (slow) walking. I requested to defer to next year for the 4 mile race I had scheduled this Saturday...I hope they let me. Another total drag. I'm hoping by Nov 8 that I'm all healed up because I have a really fun 5k to run.
3) Just unfriended 25 people on FB. Not that they are/were enemies, but I figure if you and I never exchange communication via FB and you nor I ever like each other's posts/pictures, then what is the point?!? We may have gone to high school together, but we aren't necessarily friends.
4) This crockpot Mac & Cheese sounds & looks amazing. I need to make it.
5) I really want to read this book!!!
6) Though I have a ton of books to be read on my Kindle and/or nightstand...I also have a credit on Amazon and it's been burning a hole in my pocket. Bought a couple books this week.
7) You can thank me later...but do not buy the Trader Joe's Pumpkin Bread mix unless you can afford the calories of eating the whole thing. It is delicious and irresistible (unless you are a 7yo boy) I was forced to bring some of it to school to giveaway so as to avoid eating the whole thing myself.
8) Tonight E and I are going to a "trunk r treat" event that our neighbor invited us to. Seems like a fun thing to do on Thursday night....except we will get more candy than we need and it isn't even Halloween yet.
9) I'm totally looking forward to this weekend...Halloween, trip to the mountains and finishing it off with Disney on Ice.
10) I got nothing else. Seriously. See #1.
Bookish and Not-So-Bookish Thoughts is a weekly blogging event hosted by Bookishly Boisterous. It allows book bloggers (and non-book bloggers) to write about pretty much anything, bookish or otherwise (i.e. share exciting plans for the weekend, rants on things they've encountered during the week, etc.).
1) I heard on the radio yesterday that people who are happy in their jobs typically earn 25% more...well, that explains things then doesn't it?
2) Pretty soon I may need to sign up for a "self-esteem" class...especially as I apply for jobs and get no response. Even though I know that Disney (mostly where I'm applying) promotes 80% from within and that they likely post the positions externally as a legal requirement but already have a candidate identified for the position. #CantHelpIt #TotalDrag
3) I am so happy to report that I am a Momentum Jewelry Ambassador! They make adorable and inspirational jewelry with a focus on fitness. I especially love their wrap bracelets. I am also on-board with them as a Expo Representative so last Saturday I spent the day in Chattanooga selling jewelry, which was a blast. I have another Expo coming up in Nashville too.
4) Here are two of the wraps I already own...there's one more too...just haven't gotten a picture of it yet. They are so fun and comfortable!!
5) I've never been a "crazy" Star Wars junkie though I did watch the movies and enjoy them as a kid...the original 3...not those awful ones that came out later. Ethan is going to turn us all into Star Wars junkies before it's over though...having not seen any of the movies, he is choosing to be Kylo Ren (villian!) for Halloween and is all about seeing the movie in December. Looks like we will be going to Target to buy the Trilogy so we can refresh our memories and so Ethan can see them for the first time.
6) I pulled my hamstring on Sunday morning...running of course. I walked on Monday, did next to nothing on Tuesday and tried to run on Wednesday. I was feeling good and was excited to get back to training. After about the 5th step, the hamstring quickly told me it was just not ready for this running nonsense. Ugh! I headed over to the elliptical machine where I spent the next 40 minutes. Does anyone else's foot/feet fall asleep while they are on the elliptical? Totally frustrating!
7) Two-faced (or more) people are the pits. Why do cliques exist among 40ish year old women? #seriously #wth
8) Hoping for a very festive Fall weekend....pumpkin patch here we come!!
9) Minecraft will be the end of me...especially the YouTube videos that some crazy bored people make and post. Why is it more fun to watch those videos than actually play the game? I guess if I were a 7yo boy I would know the answer. Or not.
10) Miracle! I finished a book...finished reading "After You" yesterday. I have mixed feelings about it. It wasn't as good as the "Me Before You"...and since I don't want to spoil it, I'll just say it was a bit sloppy but I was still glad I read it.
0 - pages read yesterday. #fail
4 - half marathon races I am signed up for. Eeks!! What did I get myself into?
7 - weeks I am behind on Project Life.
11 - books I am behind in order to meet my year-end goal of 55 books read. Ack!
11 - pounds lost in past 2 months. Hooray!
15 - days until next running race. A 4-miler.
19 - miles ran so far this month.
28 - school days left until Thanksgiving Break! Oh goodness...hurry up!!
32 - miles ran in September....actually more but that is what is recorded in my NIKE app.
64 - ounces of H20 I drink (almost) every day.
70 - days until Christmas!!!
127 - days until the WDW Princess 1/2 Marathon.
Bookish and Not-So-Bookish Thoughts is a weekly blogging event hosted by Bookishly Boisterous. It allows book bloggers (and non-book bloggers) to write about pretty much anything, bookish or otherwise (i.e. share exciting plans for the weekend, rants on things they've encountered during the week, etc.).
1) Confession: I have never read a Jane Austen book. I would like to but it seems that there is always something else (newer) that I'd rather read first. I do wonder if I would love Jane Austen books, as many people do, or would I end up bored with them? I feel like I need to give at least one a try. Just cannot decide which I should start with....any suggestions?
2) Enjoy this not-so-flattering picture of me finishing the 15k on Sunday. A friend of mine also ran it and finished 12 minutes before me, so she took these pictures. It is clear that I DO NOT photograph well when running.
3) Everyone is the city enjoyed Fall Break on Monday & Tuesday, except for us. That is what happens when we have an extra long summer so they can do we have ZERO days off until Thanksgiving....oh that turkey sure will taste good!!
4) Back to the 15k, I had a goal in mind for my finishing time, but missed it by 5 minutes. I am "ok" with that now because I thought it was going to be much worse as I struggled through miles 6-7. I submitted my time for the corral placement for the Disney race and they estimate my finish to be 20 minutes faster than the other 2 times I ran the Disney Princess 1/2 so I'm super excited about that!!!
5) My treadmill @ home is officially dead. This is a total drag. I am completely obsessed with my Fitbit and getting my 10k (at least) every day. On non-workout days, this is often hard to do, especially when I have sat in 3 hours of meetings (like today).

6) So I posted on my FB about an observation I had at the library yesterday. The short story: a woman (covered in tattoos--I'm thinking $$ here, not that she has tattoos necessarily), paid $1.55 in PENNIES to the library so that her balance owed would be under $12 and they could out books for her school age daughter. I guess this is the downfall of being responsible (me, for the most part)...I cannot understand spending (a lot of) money on tattoos (in her case) while having fines at the library. You can check out and renew books for up to 9 does one get fines?!?! If you can't pay the fines, don't check out books. Don't get me wrong, I'm not opposed to the's more the lack of responsibility and/or expectation that one is entitled to things (books in this case) while indulging in other self-satisfying things (tattoos). Oh and I got "attacked" by a couple of FB "friends" after posting this...which reminded me why I rarely make a post that people might feel the need to argue about.
7) I think I'll only post pics, book/reading updates and really boring, pointless status updates on Facebook from now on. See #6. #seriously #PeopleWearMeOut
8) People confuse me. A lot. Especially the ones who contact you when they need something or need to talk. I still think living a hermit life style (on a beach of course) would be amazing. Just give me my books. Goodbye!
9) Hopefully this doesn't bring me bad luck...but looks like we might actually get a new to us vehicle in the next couple weeks. We tried this a couple of months ago through Carmax and mysteriously "lost" the vehicle after paying for it to be transferred here. Long story. We finally found another vehicle that we wanted and it's supposedly en route from San Antonio, TX. Woot! Can't wait. Our current family vehicle has 136k miles on it and is 10 years old!
10) Enjoy this...
Bookish and Not-So-Bookish Thoughts is a weekly blogging event hosted by Bookishly Boisterous. It allows book bloggers (and non-book bloggers) to write about pretty much anything, bookish or otherwise (i.e. share exciting plans for the weekend, rants on things they've encountered during the week, etc.).
1) Well, we didn't go camping. The rain and flood forecast just made it too dangerous, not to mention cold & miserable. Honestly, I was bummed, even though I was freaked out about the bears. We ended up having our friends who we were going to camp with over for dinner. Fun was had by all.
2) A friend "invited" me to an Ultimate Fit class at the YMCA on Monday. I didn't really realize they offered them, which is actually really great news since now I won't have to fork out a ton of $$ to join CrossFit. The Y class was as difficult, if not more so. I am still sore 3 days later. Once Fall baseball is over, I plan to go every Monday and Thursday. They also have a class for kids that Ethan said he wants to sign up for, so that will be awesome.
3) One not so great thing about the Ultimate Fit class...I hurt my "good" knee...seriously...hurt it by having to get down to do sit ups and then getting back up to high knees...the simple movement of getting up and down. It locked up on me and I had to hold in my screaming in excruciating pain until it subsided. Thankfully the class was almost over. I guess this is what getting old is all about. I'm just glad that it's not so painful today since I have a 15k to run on Sunday and need the time for corral placement in the Disney race.
4) I feel like "networking" know...what people do to get leads on jobs, or even better, actually GET a (new) job (or interview) pointless. I have reached out to many former co-workers, friends etc. with absolutely ZERO results. Honestly, it makes me feel like the whole world is against me...which I realize is a crazy thought, but still sometimes I can't seem to think otherwise. Can't a girl get a break?
5) I'm beginning to think Oscar and I upset the Karma gods....we are both struggling separately in a couple significant areas of life. It's starting to suck the life out of us. It's hard to feel happy and/or positive. It also makes it hard to come up with 10 items for my post without them all being whiny or rants. #sorrycanthelpit #truth
6) Ethan and I went to see Hotel Transylvania 2 on Tuesday night. A school night. It was nice to not have any other commitment and be able to just go to the movie. He liked the movie and I liked the down-time. You can't go wrong (IMO) with an Adam Sandler movie.
7) I'm so thankful for a decent week of weather. Last week was cold and rainy It makes for a not so fun dismissal duty outside too. I'm looking forward to Ethan's baseball game tonight and enjoying the weather...and a little more down-time for me....though it will be short-lived as we race home to do dinner, homework, shower and bedtime. Weeeeeee.
8) Ethan has never seen a Star Wars movie, but if you met him you would think he is the biggest fan ever. He is going to be Kylo Ren for Halloween....apparently he is the leader of the "bad guys" in this new movie. Instead of spending the $40 bucks on the costume, I could have bought a black bedsheet and draped it over him...seriously. We are certainly planning on seeing the new movie in December, but honestly, I need to watch the original first 3 movies as a refresher. It was a billion years ago when I last saw them. Yes, I am that old! Speaking of seeing them, I do not own them. Why are they 400x more expensive than any other DVD movie???? Price gouging? Thank you very much. Not cool. I plan to go to the Used Book/Movie store here in town...someone said they had them there, but I hope everyone hasn't beat me to it already.
9) A fellow blogger posted about why we give people the power to make us feel bad, sad, mad etc? I could not agree with this more. I hate that I am so easily made to feel AWFUL by other people's words and/or actions and quite frankly, I really wish I just didn't care. So many people are so very mean.
10) I started reading "AFTER YOU" a couple days ago...I am enjoying it so far but do feel a bit frustrated by Lou and some of her ridiculous behavior. Sometimes she just seems SOOOOOO helpless. I made some good progress in the book yesterday as I spent 45 minutes on the elliptical machine. It seems the only reading I get it lately, is when I'm at the Y.
Bookish and Not-So-Bookish Thoughts is a weekly blogging event hosted by Bookishly Boisterous. It allows book bloggers (and non-book bloggers) to write about pretty much anything, bookish or otherwise (i.e. share exciting plans for the weekend, rants on things they've encountered during the week, etc.).
1) We are going camping this weekend. Like real-in-a-tent camping. There are bears there. I am somewhat scared. Have you heard all the news reports about bears getting into people's cars and eating everything and/or destroying the cars??? My husband assures me we will be, ok?!? We are also going with a "hard-core" camping family. I am about as far from a "hard-core-camper" as anyone could ever be. This should be interesting. On the plus side, the leaves should be beautiful!! (Is it wrong to hope that my phone gets service there?!?! Haha!)
2) I need to start some countdowns...surely they will help my sanity through difficult times. I need a countdown to Thanksgiving Break, Christmas Break, Disney Princess 1/2 trip, Spring Break and finally, Summer. While I hate wishing my life away, I am glad that September is over with!! Seriously!!
3) I seriously need to get back to scrapbooking...just before school started I made mega progress with Project Life, getting within 1 month of the current date. Well, now I'm 2 months behind again. Then #weekinthelife happened, which is my most favorite project each year and I have yet to finish my album....which is odd, because I've always been good at getting this one done within a week afterwards. And then, silly me, thinking I had the time (and energy) to fit it in, decided to sign up for #30lists - another fave project that I hadn't done for a couple years. I'm about 2 weeks behind on this one.
4) I love this shirt. a lot.
5) I really like this one too!
6) I am almost done reading The Color of Secrets right now. I've been enjoying it for the most part, but gee whiz, how many awful things can happen to one family?? Geesh! They really need a break!
7) I always have such high hopes for getting TONS of reading done over the weekend. Then I blink and it's Sunday night and I've read maybe 100 pages. #truth #fail
8) I didn't want to run yesterday. Then I realized I won't be able to run again until Monday....why is my schedule so full. Ugh! I mean, I'm going to take my running stuff to the mountains for camping, but not sure I'll get a chance to actually go running. Glad I got in 3 miles tonight, but I didn't love it.
9) OK, I know I just said yesterday I wasn't going to buy "After You" by JoJo Moyes....but that was before I realized I had a $6 credit with yep, I ordered the e-book today. That will be up next for reading.
10) I miss having more time for blogging, but turns out I also have a hard time coming up with 10 worthwhile points to make for this post, so I guess if I had more time, I'd still have nothing to say. I think the fact that I watch little to no TV and pay NO attention to the news plays into having nothing to write about. I didn't even know there was something going on with the FB privacy blah blah blah...hoping ignorance is bliss here, but it's probably something I DO need to know....can anyone fill me in?