Bookish and Not-So-Bookish Thoughts is a weekly blogging event hosted by Bookishly Boisterous. It allows book bloggers (and non-book bloggers) to write about pretty much anything, bookish or otherwise (i.e. share exciting plans for the weekend, rants on things they've encountered during the week, etc.).
************************************************************************************************1) Well, we didn't go camping. The rain and flood forecast just made it too dangerous, not to mention cold & miserable. Honestly, I was bummed, even though I was freaked out about the bears. We ended up having our friends who we were going to camp with over for dinner. Fun was had by all.
2) A friend "invited" me to an Ultimate Fit class at the YMCA on Monday. I didn't really realize they offered them, which is actually really great news since now I won't have to fork out a ton of $$ to join CrossFit. The Y class was as difficult, if not more so. I am still sore 3 days later. Once Fall baseball is over, I plan to go every Monday and Thursday. They also have a class for kids that Ethan said he wants to sign up for, so that will be awesome.
3) One not so great thing about the Ultimate Fit class...I hurt my "good" knee...seriously...hurt it by having to get down to do sit ups and then getting back up to high knees...the simple movement of getting up and down. It locked up on me and I had to hold in my screaming in excruciating pain until it subsided. Thankfully the class was almost over. I guess this is what getting old is all about. I'm just glad that it's not so painful today since I have a 15k to run on Sunday and need the time for corral placement in the Disney race.
4) I feel like "networking" know...what people do to get leads on jobs, or even better, actually GET a (new) job (or interview) pointless. I have reached out to many former co-workers, friends etc. with absolutely ZERO results. Honestly, it makes me feel like the whole world is against me...which I realize is a crazy thought, but still sometimes I can't seem to think otherwise. Can't a girl get a break?
5) I'm beginning to think Oscar and I upset the Karma gods....we are both struggling separately in a couple significant areas of life. It's starting to suck the life out of us. It's hard to feel happy and/or positive. It also makes it hard to come up with 10 items for my post without them all being whiny or rants. #sorrycanthelpit #truth
6) Ethan and I went to see Hotel Transylvania 2 on Tuesday night. A school night. It was nice to not have any other commitment and be able to just go to the movie. He liked the movie and I liked the down-time. You can't go wrong (IMO) with an Adam Sandler movie.
7) I'm so thankful for a decent week of weather. Last week was cold and rainy It makes for a not so fun dismissal duty outside too. I'm looking forward to Ethan's baseball game tonight and enjoying the weather...and a little more down-time for me....though it will be short-lived as we race home to do dinner, homework, shower and bedtime. Weeeeeee.
8) Ethan has never seen a Star Wars movie, but if you met him you would think he is the biggest fan ever. He is going to be Kylo Ren for Halloween....apparently he is the leader of the "bad guys" in this new movie. Instead of spending the $40 bucks on the costume, I could have bought a black bedsheet and draped it over him...seriously. We are certainly planning on seeing the new movie in December, but honestly, I need to watch the original first 3 movies as a refresher. It was a billion years ago when I last saw them. Yes, I am that old! Speaking of seeing them, I do not own them. Why are they 400x more expensive than any other DVD movie???? Price gouging? Thank you very much. Not cool. I plan to go to the Used Book/Movie store here in town...someone said they had them there, but I hope everyone hasn't beat me to it already.
9) A fellow blogger posted about why we give people the power to make us feel bad, sad, mad etc? I could not agree with this more. I hate that I am so easily made to feel AWFUL by other people's words and/or actions and quite frankly, I really wish I just didn't care. So many people are so very mean.

10) I started reading "AFTER YOU" a couple days ago...I am enjoying it so far but do feel a bit frustrated by Lou and some of her ridiculous behavior. Sometimes she just seems SOOOOOO helpless. I made some good progress in the book yesterday as I spent 45 minutes on the elliptical machine. It seems the only reading I get it lately, is when I'm at the Y.
Have you read the book by JoJo Moyes YOU BEFORE ME? I sounds like it comes first in the series. We read it for book club and had a decent conversation about the topic.
I think I was the blogger who made the comment about a colleague whose behavior caused me to feel badly about myself. I went home and thought about it and decided I am not going to this gal my power. There I feel better.
Where do you live? I see you are a Tigers fan. Do you live in Michigan? The weather here has been very tolerable this Fall.
It's so funny to see kids getting into Star Wars. I got a whole catalog of Pottery Barn Kids Star Wars stuff. I loved Star Wars as a kid, so it feels like it is coming full circle.
@Anne- yes I did read YOU BEFORE ME...loved it...which is why I had to get the sequel ASAP. Yes, it was your blog that inspired my comment about how people make us feel. Ugh...such a struggle. If only I didn't have to work, a lot of that problem would be solved.
I am originally from Michigan, but now live in Tennessee...but I'm still a Tigers fan!! :)
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