Bookish and Not-So-Bookish Thoughts is a weekly blogging event hosted by Bookishly Boisterous. It allows book bloggers (and non-book bloggers) to write about pretty much anything, bookish or otherwise (i.e. share exciting plans for the weekend, rants on things they've encountered during the week, etc.).
1) I finished reading Gods & Kings last night. Not a typical book I would choose to read but I'm trying to be a good book club member. With the exception of making up my own pronunciation of most of the characters names, it was a fairly quick and easy read. I may even read the next one in the series!!
2) I have gotten completely sucked in to watching THE VOICE. I will vote for Regina Love each and every week. She has some crazy talent. I loved her rendition of "Midnight Train to Georgia"...oh yeah!!! Watch the video. You won't be disappointed.
3) Speaking of TV, I'm totally ready for finale week of Project Runway...we are down to the wire. It's Fashion Week in NYC!!! Tonight! I'm on Team Ashley. Not a fan of the #meangirls Candice & Kelly.
4) I've been really feeling the need for a mental health (reading) day. I don't think I'll have the opportunity to actually follow through on this as the next two weeks are full of commitments at work that would affect others if I weren't here. I can't even leave early or take a 1/2 day as I have dismissal duty every single day and it's very difficult to find someone to cover that. Ack! Thank goodness Thanksgiving break is coming up fairly soon.
5) So very happy to report major progress in healing of my beloved hamstring. I went to the doc on Monday morning in more pain than I had had in the past two weeks. So strange. He gave me a fabulous anti-inflammatory and sent me for some physical therapy sessions. After taking ONE pill on Monday night, I woke up Tuesday morning feeling like I could run for days...seriously - that is some good stuff I guess. I went to PT Wed and will go again on Fri just to get the extra stretching (and massage!) on my hamstring to ensure I'll be good for Sunday. Yay for getting back into a routine. I sure hope that I don't pull it on a regular basis now.
6) This is what I have chosen to read next. I laughed almost non-stop while reading her first book and suspect (or expect?) that I will do the same for this one. Looking forward to a light, easy & quick read. Yay!
7) Heading to Nashville Saturday to work a race expo - so fun!! The swag bag for the race is pretty awesome...but the cost of the 5k was also significantly higher than most...but it should be worth it. I'm pretty excited. It will be cold though!! 43 degrees at 8am - race start time. Brrr!
8) Speaking of cold....if you have a GAP card, run, don't walk, to the store NOW...40% off everything, but GAP cardholders get 50% off 5 items and then 40% anything else. I have been wanting to try their running leggings for quite a while as I have none that are full length, only capris. I went over there last night and scored big!!! For $100 I got 2 pair of leggings (might return one though) and also a super cute sweater. One pair of leggings is mostly Polyester and the other is Nylon....the Nylon pair feels thinner, but my mom says they'll keep me warm(er)...I like the feel of the Polyester and they are the only ones I tried on last night - they seem thicker/sturdier...might hold my fat in place better (truth!)...I'll try the Nylon ones on tonight and decide whether I'll keep them.
9) The dreaded Dollar General being built DIRECTLY outside my neighborhood AND in the middle of a residential area (!!!) is just about done. It makes me want to puke. I need to eventually just accept that it is there because there are few things worse than approaching your home and becoming completely pissed off. Unfortunately, I think this may take a while, because the Grand Opening signs and traffic will surely make me fly off the handle.
10) And I'll finish by saying that #9 is just one more reason (as if I needed another) to dislike living in Knoxville, TN....AKA "Town of Good Ol' Boy" mentality. It's sickening. Truly. Many people opposed the store being built there and yet the 100 year old MEN who sit on the Metro (joke!) Planning Committee went ahead and voted for it's construction. Once again, money talks. I'm pretty sure THIS store is not going to bring a whole lot of jobs and/or money to the city. I, for one, will NEVER, and I mean NEVER stop there...I am never in need so desperately for milk or bread that I would go there. I will happily drive a few more miles to buy I wave (with one finger) to DG as I pass by.
I have to get around to reading Mindy Kalingʻs book eventually. I preordered it and have been meaning to read it since it was released but I just havenʻt gotten around to it!
4. Blah. Don't you just hate being responsible, considerate, and conscientious sometimes? I know I do.
6. I am on the fence about reading her books. I am not sure why. I go back and forth on this regularly.
9. Blech. I refuse to shop at that store as well. (Same goes for Walmart. And also any other version of "Dollar" store.) I would hate having to be reminded of that every time I was approaching home too.
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