Bookish and Not-So-Bookish Thoughts is a weekly blogging event hosted by Bookishly Boisterous. It allows book bloggers (and non-book bloggers) to write about pretty much anything, bookish or otherwise (i.e. share exciting plans for the weekend, rants on things they've encountered during the week, etc.).
1) Last Thursday came and went, without a Bookish post from me. That is how the first week back to school has been...while time dragged on and it felt forever long, I was super busy.
2) So last weekend was the WDW Marathon Weekend. I've always said I would NEVER attempt a full marathon - no way, no how, no interest....wellllllll, now that I belong to 3 different runDisney groups on FB and my feed filled up with people who completed the Dopey Challenge - 4 races in 4 days and left with 6 (YES, SIX!!!) medals...I have changed my statement to be that I will only ever attempt the WDW Marathon if I do a marathon at all....and I'm really inspired to try the Dopey Challenge myself in 2017. I'll have to see if I can manage it...from various angles. *sigh*
3) When I shared my desire to do the Dopey Challenge with the people closest to me, it was not received with support, but instead with comments like "You could get hurt." Ugh!! While I understand their concern, it's still something I'd LOVE to do and frankly, I could get hurt walking from my car into the YMCA, you just never know. I don't feel like the "risk" of getting hurt is justification for not trying. And while I'm currently sidelined with a minor foot issue and have bum knees, some of the people who finished last weekend, appeared much "less fit" than me, so surely I can do it, right? For once, I'm optimistic about something and it would be nice to feel supported in it.
4) The brand new treadmill we got in November died after 42 days of use (actually less since it wasn't even used every day). Now I get to play that fun game of calling for a repair person to come out and fix it. I had to call twice because I didn't have the model # and serial # the first time. Argh!! I was on hold for 15 minutes the first time and over 29 minutes the second time. It typically takes 7-10 days to get the parts, but I'm so lucky that the part I need isn't even in stock so it will be even longer. Once the part arrives, I can call the tech and schedule them to come out to repair it. They work really (in)convenient hours of 8am-5pm oh and some Saturdays, if I'm lucky. I can't believe I had to pay for this "extended protection plan"...what a joke!!! OK - I think my blood pressure just went up while typing this out.
5) So January just isn't my month. It hasn't been for a few years. I have a TON of work responsibilities in January that include managing least favorite thing to do. I am in charge of planning a week long "event" at school and have to delegate out things to my committee members. This is my least favorite part of my job here. If I had wanted to manage people, I would have stayed in Corporate America to do that and made a whole lot more money doing it. *sigh* I'm ready for February and lower stress levels. Not good timing that my treadmill is broken as it often serves as a great stress reliever. See! January is NOT my month.

6) OK - this Powerball thing is crazy...we don't usually play but of course we did this week. I'm concurrently typing this up and daydreaming what I would do if we won. While I'm fairly certain that we won't win, Ethan feels strongly that we will and keeps talking about how we will take a couple of our close friends to Disney with us in February. It's cute, but I think he's going to be rather disappointed. It is SO very hard NOT to fantasize about what life would be like with such a ridiculous amount of money. And then it's excruciatingly depressing when I don't win and reality sets back in.
7) I am super excited about this weekend. IT's the 2nd year my mom and I will go to an overnight scrapbooking retreat...two nights away from home (though in the same town) in a hotel crafting until we drop. Pretty sure last year we scrapbooked until midnight, then went to our room where we stayed up until 1am reading our books. We are such crazy party animals. I am really looking forward to it this year again and hope I make some good progress in my 57 scrapbook projects I have not finished. I will be taking my running gear to the hotel and wearing out their treadmill...I am almost more excited about that than actually scrapbooking.

8) Not to be a Debbie Downer - but I feel like I've fallen into a bit of a January funk...maybe that's normal, but maybe it's a combination of work stuff & not running (due to injury and treadmill) but I don't feel quite as happy as I did back in December. I sure hope it changes soon, I don't like feeling this way. Hopefully this weekend will bust me out of it.

9) In bookish news, I've finished 2 books already this year...woot! Now to keep up with that pace...yeah, that's the challenge. I read "Hook's Revenge" (grades 4-7) because I love all things Hook & Peter Pan and the cover screams "read me"!! It was cute. There is a sequel. I may read it eventually. The other book I finished was "An Unexpected Grace" for book club...not something I would normally pick up, but I completely enjoyed it and now I am dying to get a Golden Retriever, even more than before. (I've always wanted one)!

10) Where is the snow??? It has been borderline-ridiculously cold, but not a flake of snow in the air. Geesh....where are our snow days? We can get up to 7 of them without extending our school bring them on.
One of my old elementary classmates (we're friends on Facebook) ran the Dopey Challenge. And while I would certainly never discourage anyone from trying, if that's what they wanted to do, just seeing her posts about it made *me* exhausted. LOL! I don't know how you running people do it. I love a good walk and I don't mind walking around the WDW parks or whatever, but I have zero desire to run it. Also, I walked 21 miles over three days at WDW with my mom over her Christmas visit. HOW ARE THERE ENOUGH HOURS IN A DAY TO RUN/WALK 26 IN A SINGLE DAY?? I hope you have fun on your craft weekend!
Ah, I hope January picks up for you soon. I think it's just one of those months - the January blues are a very real thing!
The WDW marathon sounds like a great idea - it's kind of rubbish when people around you don't fully support you in something you want to do. But you make a very valid point about getting hurt (:-P) and I think you should totally give it a go!
I'm from the UK, but I've been hearing about the Powerball news - crazy amounts of money, I tell ya!
Reading With Jade
I hope that January starts looking up for you soon! After all the excitement of the holidays, January can pale in comparison.
Iʻd like to run a WDW or Disneyland marathon one day. Iʻm also on the sidelines right now due to a bum knee, but hopefully Iʻll get this problem all sorted out soon. My goal is to do the Tinker Bell half!
I live in Hawaii and we donʻt do the Powerball here, but WOW was that a lot of money! I definitely plan a few Disney trips with that money.
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