1) Re-entry to life after Disney is never easy. I even had thoughts on the way home that maybe it isn't even worth going because coming home is so hard. We all know I could never give up Disney, so that's not really an option. I think it was especially painful this time because real life (AKA work) is not a happy place for me right now. #truth

2) Ethan got put into a novel study group in his 2nd grade class. They are reading "Ophelia & the Marvelous Boy", a book on a 5th grade level. Let's just say that he is NOT excited or remotely happy about this at all. After two days of arguing w/him after school, I decided that I will not spend my afternoons that way. I told his teacher that I will let him fail if he chooses not to read. The group meets on Thursdays and he has to have the first 3 chapters read. Last night at about 630pm he had finished Chapter 1. I had given up at this point and was enjoying a run on the treadmill when he came into the bedroom, book in hand, and said "I only have 10 pages to go!"...the angels were singing....I love that he took it up himself...now let's see if he hangs in there for the rest of the book. I am also reading the book on my own and it's been fairly enjoyable.
3) I've been reading a lot of FB posts in the runDisney groups I'm in and I had never realized that of all the races Disney offers, the Princess 1/2 is the most crowded/populated race. I definitely believe that after my experience on Sunday.
4) I'm struggling with finding a half marathon to run in March that is close to home. My best option right now is the Chattanooga 1/2, however it starts at 8am and I'd need to get there by 6:30am to pick up my packet (which they really don't want you to pick up ON race day) and it's also 1 hour 15 minutes from my house. I'm trying to avoid hotel stays if possible since we will need one for Nashville in April for the RockNRoll 1/2, but it just stinks that there is nothing close by in March. In April, the Knoxville 1/2 will be held on April 3rd, but I ran that in 2012 and I swore it off right then and there, the MOST.AWFUL.HILLS.ever!! I am doing the 5k though.
5) I recently signed up for a St. Patrick's Day 5k. It is on the Sunday before our Spring Break starts. It is also in VA which is where Oscar will be working so we will go stay with him a few days of our break and then come home and be lazy. A perfect Spring Break indeed! I just ordered a green Sparkle skirt and visor for the race. We also went to Party City today where I got a great pair of shamrock socks as well as some other costume items for the race. So fun! Ethan even picked out a plastic green top hat and a sticky green mustache.
6) I have started my 5th grade boy and girl book clubs. This was our first week and we will meet for two more. Girls are reading "Cartwheeling in Thunderstorms" and the boys are reading " Lost in the Sun". I think both are pretty good but some of the girls are complaining about their book...hopefully the next part they read will change their mind.
7) I'm looking quite forward to a weekend of doing nothing. Ethan and I will meet my mom for lunch on Saturday but that is the extent of our plans, and I love it!!!
1 comment:
Vacation re-entry always stinks. I intend to never know what it feels like to have WDW re-entry on top of that. Nope nope nope. I won't even let my Annual Pass lapse. The second it's up for renewal (2 months before it expires), I'm there.
Yay! He finally decided to read it!
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