Bookish and Not-So-Bookish Thoughts is a weekly blogging event hosted by Bookishly Boisterous. It allows book bloggers (and non-book bloggers) to write about pretty much anything, bookish or otherwise (i.e. share exciting plans for the weekend, rants on things encountered during the week. **************************************************************************************
1) I miss really, really miss it. All week long, random thoughts pop into my head and I think how wonderful they would be to add to my blog post...and then there is NO blog post. I'm lucky to sit down at the computer at all in the evening during the week, let alone actually have the time to craft a blog post. Now that I'm finally here, on a Saturday night, I can't remember all those wonderful thoughts that were floating in/out of my mind all week.
2) I'm in an "ugly stage"...has that ever happened to you? Seriously though, my face has been broken out for weeks now, so I can't blame that on Aunt Flo....and my hair, oh my hair, I've been struggling with it for what seems like least the entire summer. I've tried clarifying shampoos, moisturizing name it. It looks dry and like complete crap. Normally after a cut, I love my hair....that has not happened in ages. I really hope I'm nearing the end of this. I'm getting highlights on Friday, so maybe that is what my hair needs to perk back up.
3) Related to #2...all the clothes I wore for years working at a school and felt good in, all of sudden feel frumpy on me. It's not like everyone is dressing to the nines at my new job, but I'm struggling to feel like I fit in and I also feel like I can't be ME. Total drag.
4)Ethan is rocking the drum lessons. We are both so happy with our new choice for lessons. For 12 weeks he will have 1 private and 1 group lesson each week. The kids work together over the 12 weeks to put together a performance!! The theme this time around is 80's music - oh yeah!! So on repeat in my car (and everywhere) will be: "Billie Jean" by MJ, "Crazy Train" by Ozzy Osbourne, "The Final Countdown" by Europe and (my least favorite) "Sweet Child O'Mine by Guns N Roses. It's going to be a fun ride.
5) On the topic of music, Maroon 5 is in concert here on Sep 14 and Ethan has been asking to go since March, when it was first announced. It's mid-week, so it will be just him and I. I haven't told him we're going yet, but I can't wait to tell him!!
6) This made me laugh. It looks just like Milo and he was all doped upon cat nip the other day.
7) Not to finish in a Debbie downer kind of way but I think for my own sake I need to write about this...I've been super struggling with this new job and the changes to our daily life..."our" meaning me and Ethan since Oscar is not in town during the week and therefore is of NO help when it comes to pick up and such. While I should feel immensely happy about my new job and all it brings, I'm just not feeling it. Now, don't get me wrong there are many good things about it and I was quite miserable at the school, but lately I'm finding myself second guessing this decision. What? Why am I doing this? It's making me very sad having to deal with these feelings. Ultimately the piece of this change that is causing me the most heartache is the longer hours which delay me in picking up Ethan until almost 5:30pm most days. Super drag! So as I try to figure out if this was the right decision, I suppose it depends on the goal...for example, if my goal was to have a better paying job with opportunities for growth and advancement as well as a healthier retirement plan, then heck yeah, I made the right choice. But then if my goal were to spend as much time with Ethan as possible while he is still young, then nope, it definitely was the wrong decision. I knew the hours were longer going in so its not like I'm just realizing it now, but k guess being 7 weeks in tithe job and 3 weeks in to school, it's all sinking in and the shorter evenings with Ethan are breaking my heart. This morning he said to me that even though he gets out of school earlier this year, his school days are longer. What he meant but didn't say was that he is at school longer because I cannot get there until usually 5:30 to pick him up. And that is how my emotional train wreck of a Monday started. I have never looked so forward to time off as I do now and I absolutely cannot wait for Fall Break when I will take 3 days off and we will go to Myrtle Beach with my dad and then have an extra day at home together. All I can hope for is a more flexible schedule as time goes on, however being the "low person" on the totem pole doesn't bode well for me. *sigh*
Monday, August 29, 2016
Wednesday, August 17, 2016
Bookish and Not-So-Bookish Thoughts
Bookish and Not-So-Bookish Thoughts is a weekly blogging event hosted by Bookishly Boisterous. It allows book bloggers (and non-book bloggers) to write about pretty much anything, bookish or otherwise (i.e. share exciting plans for the weekend, rants on things encountered during the week. **************************************************************************************
1) Today pretty much sucked...well until 5:30pm when I was done working and saw Ethan. He had his first drum "rehearsal" lesson at a new place and LOVED it...though they didn't do much drumming because they were at the end/beginning of a "cycle"....they work on putting together performances and the group just performed last Saturday so now a new performance will be put together and performed and Ethan will be a part of this one. So excited.
2) I finished reading "When We Meet Again" a few days ago and it was another wonderful book from Kristin Harmel. I've read 3 of hers so far and have LOVED them all!
3) This weekend Ethan will find out what it's like to be an actor. My company asked all employees if their children wanted to participate in making an in-house training video and Ethan said he would like that, so we did our "casting call" last week and he was chosen. It should be a fun and interesting weekend and I can't wait to see the finished product.
4) Ok - lately I've been quite obsessed with this whole world of Traveler's Notebooks. There are a plethora of Pinterest posts on what to include in your TN...many of which I have saved of course. My TN finally arrived today and I already had my little notebooks to add to it so I'm officially ready. The hard part - I don't have cutesy handwriting or mad doodling skills, so none of my pages turn out looking near as cute as what I'm finding on Pinterest. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea.
5) I'm so tired of wearing skirts nearly every day. I wonder if anyone would notice if I wore a different pair of khaki pants each day of the week. I have 3 pair that I could rotate in/out. I'm all about comfort...but I do want to look "hip" and I've been feeling like my skirt outfits are "frumpy"....yikes - I'm feeling really old...and next week I will actually turn one year older so that's not really helping these feelings.
1) Today pretty much sucked...well until 5:30pm when I was done working and saw Ethan. He had his first drum "rehearsal" lesson at a new place and LOVED it...though they didn't do much drumming because they were at the end/beginning of a "cycle"....they work on putting together performances and the group just performed last Saturday so now a new performance will be put together and performed and Ethan will be a part of this one. So excited.
2) I finished reading "When We Meet Again" a few days ago and it was another wonderful book from Kristin Harmel. I've read 3 of hers so far and have LOVED them all!
3) This weekend Ethan will find out what it's like to be an actor. My company asked all employees if their children wanted to participate in making an in-house training video and Ethan said he would like that, so we did our "casting call" last week and he was chosen. It should be a fun and interesting weekend and I can't wait to see the finished product.
4) Ok - lately I've been quite obsessed with this whole world of Traveler's Notebooks. There are a plethora of Pinterest posts on what to include in your TN...many of which I have saved of course. My TN finally arrived today and I already had my little notebooks to add to it so I'm officially ready. The hard part - I don't have cutesy handwriting or mad doodling skills, so none of my pages turn out looking near as cute as what I'm finding on Pinterest. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea.
5) I'm so tired of wearing skirts nearly every day. I wonder if anyone would notice if I wore a different pair of khaki pants each day of the week. I have 3 pair that I could rotate in/out. I'm all about comfort...but I do want to look "hip" and I've been feeling like my skirt outfits are "frumpy"....yikes - I'm feeling really old...and next week I will actually turn one year older so that's not really helping these feelings.
Bookish Thoughts
Friday, August 12, 2016
Bookish and Not-So-Bookish Thoughts
Bookish and Not-So-Bookish Thoughts is a weekly blogging event hosted by Bookishly Boisterous. It allows book bloggers (and non-book bloggers) to write about pretty much anything, bookish or otherwise (i.e. share exciting plans for the weekend, rants on things encountered during the week. **************************************************************************************
1) I've really missed participating in this weekly blog post...hence my late Friday night edition!! I think of countless things to post about during the day while I'm at work and now that I sit down to actually write the post....I got nothing. Let's see what I can come up with!

2) Reading!! Yes, I am reading "When We Meet Again" by Kristin Harmel and I am absolutely LOVING major love here....I am also a big fan of her prior work "The Sweetness of Forgetting"...both amazing books. Oh and I bought this for $1.99 on a special the other day. #winwin
3) I continue to adjust to this new work schedule and such. It feels like it's bedtime ten minutes after I leave work though. Not loving that. I am happy that my tech skills are coming around and I'm not feeling so stupid everyday. Hooray!
4) Why does there always have to be *that* one person either in a class you take or at your work place or in a group you may belong to??!!?? You know *that* one person you could so easily live without!

5) SOOOO in love with these sandals. Hoping to receive a pair for my birthday. #YesPlease
6) Despite the crazy knee issues I'm dealing with (again) I went ahead and signed up for the WDW Star Wars 1/2 Marathon Weekend in April 2017. I just couldn't pass it up and so I'm really hoping things are good with my knee come April. I'm excited to do a race weekend I've never done before and now to come up with a many choices...Rey, BB8, R2D2....cannot decide.
7) Hope everyone has a great weekend!!!
1) I've really missed participating in this weekly blog post...hence my late Friday night edition!! I think of countless things to post about during the day while I'm at work and now that I sit down to actually write the post....I got nothing. Let's see what I can come up with!

2) Reading!! Yes, I am reading "When We Meet Again" by Kristin Harmel and I am absolutely LOVING major love here....I am also a big fan of her prior work "The Sweetness of Forgetting"...both amazing books. Oh and I bought this for $1.99 on a special the other day. #winwin
3) I continue to adjust to this new work schedule and such. It feels like it's bedtime ten minutes after I leave work though. Not loving that. I am happy that my tech skills are coming around and I'm not feeling so stupid everyday. Hooray!
4) Why does there always have to be *that* one person either in a class you take or at your work place or in a group you may belong to??!!?? You know *that* one person you could so easily live without!

5) SOOOO in love with these sandals. Hoping to receive a pair for my birthday. #YesPlease
6) Despite the crazy knee issues I'm dealing with (again) I went ahead and signed up for the WDW Star Wars 1/2 Marathon Weekend in April 2017. I just couldn't pass it up and so I'm really hoping things are good with my knee come April. I'm excited to do a race weekend I've never done before and now to come up with a many choices...Rey, BB8, R2D2....cannot decide.
7) Hope everyone has a great weekend!!!
Bookish Thoughts
Saturday, August 06, 2016
Catching up...
Wow - time flies!
I've been at my job for 1 month now and Ethan is starting 3rd grade on Monday!! What?!?!
I really miss blogging regularly but this new schedule is killing me...adjusting slowly.
I do love the insane flexibility...basically I can just about come and go as I need to, for doctor appts and such as long as it's coordinated with my team members and not too many people are out at the same time. Totally do-able.
We went to "meet the teacher" last Wednesday and walked around the school quite a bit. We both had a great time and Ethan seems to be good with going to a new school and meeting new friends. He is definitely excited about being able to wear whatever he wants - though oddly enough, he never complained about wearing a uniform. Ha!
So in general, things seem to be going well for us. I'm happy to have a little more $ than I'm used to and I am LOVING learning something new and being challenged..and let me say, I am definitely challenged..haha - being out of an office/corporate setting for 6 years pretty much killed my tech skills. Oh the things people use Excel for these days. Whoa!!
Oscar has mentioned wanting to update his resume and start looking for a job in town...that would be a nice help now with my new job and longer hours. We will see how that shakes out - we haven't even had the time to work on it because he's only been home on Saturday for the past two weekends, having to drive back to Richmond, VA on Sunday afternoons. Boo!
OK - the bad news...because there always is that last Saturday while running an 8k race (in the rain), my knee (finally) gave out a little bit on me. It hurt, badly. I walked about 1 minute or so and then was able to finish the race running. This has happened to me 2-3 times on the treadmill lately as well, but I've been in denial about it. After the race, my knee was sore the entire rest of the day but didn't seem to swell up. I'm starting to think that my running career may be coming to an end, but I do not want to admit it. I have been really wanting to do the Disney Star Wars 1/2 Marathon weekend next April and of course registration is next Tuesday, August 9th. I'm not sure what to do and if I don't sign up THAT day, then I likely won't get in. :(
I'm also registered for a race weekend Sep 9-10, a 5k on Friday night and a 1/2 on Saturday....3 medals and lots of swag. Iam was super excited about it but now I think I'm going to have to cancel...I can get almost all of my $ back. I'm hoping that if I give my knee a longish break, that I'll be able to run the two 1/2s I am signed up for in October. Not to mention being able to run come April 2017. Yikes!!
My reading is taking a hit with this new schedule as well, but I'm just about finished up with "Where'd You Go Bernadette?" --it's pretty quirky but the friends who've read it have left positive we'll see what happens.
I've been at my job for 1 month now and Ethan is starting 3rd grade on Monday!! What?!?!
I really miss blogging regularly but this new schedule is killing me...adjusting slowly.
I do love the insane flexibility...basically I can just about come and go as I need to, for doctor appts and such as long as it's coordinated with my team members and not too many people are out at the same time. Totally do-able.
We went to "meet the teacher" last Wednesday and walked around the school quite a bit. We both had a great time and Ethan seems to be good with going to a new school and meeting new friends. He is definitely excited about being able to wear whatever he wants - though oddly enough, he never complained about wearing a uniform. Ha!
So in general, things seem to be going well for us. I'm happy to have a little more $ than I'm used to and I am LOVING learning something new and being challenged..and let me say, I am definitely challenged..haha - being out of an office/corporate setting for 6 years pretty much killed my tech skills. Oh the things people use Excel for these days. Whoa!!
Oscar has mentioned wanting to update his resume and start looking for a job in town...that would be a nice help now with my new job and longer hours. We will see how that shakes out - we haven't even had the time to work on it because he's only been home on Saturday for the past two weekends, having to drive back to Richmond, VA on Sunday afternoons. Boo!
OK - the bad news...because there always is that last Saturday while running an 8k race (in the rain), my knee (finally) gave out a little bit on me. It hurt, badly. I walked about 1 minute or so and then was able to finish the race running. This has happened to me 2-3 times on the treadmill lately as well, but I've been in denial about it. After the race, my knee was sore the entire rest of the day but didn't seem to swell up. I'm starting to think that my running career may be coming to an end, but I do not want to admit it. I have been really wanting to do the Disney Star Wars 1/2 Marathon weekend next April and of course registration is next Tuesday, August 9th. I'm not sure what to do and if I don't sign up THAT day, then I likely won't get in. :(
I'm also registered for a race weekend Sep 9-10, a 5k on Friday night and a 1/2 on Saturday....3 medals and lots of swag. I
My reading is taking a hit with this new schedule as well, but I'm just about finished up with "Where'd You Go Bernadette?" --it's pretty quirky but the friends who've read it have left positive we'll see what happens.
My Life,
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