![Bossypants by [Fey, Tina]](https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/41Q8HMpHFTL.jpg)
1) I'm currently reading Bossypants. I wasn't initially interested in reading it, though I thoroughly enjoyed Amy Poehler's "Yes Please" and while Bossypants is fairly enjoyable, I remember laughing a lot more while reading "Yes Please". To add to that, they are both rather similar, to the point where I sometimes think I'm reading Amy's book, vs. Tina's.

2) I'm also reading "And We're Off" which I received through the Book of the Month club a few months ago. It's an enjoyable book, but since it's a "real" book vs. e-book, I have limited opportunities to read it. Most of my reading is done in bed at night (with lights off) so I'm on my iPad. We have been enjoying some late summer weather and had some pool time on Sunday where I was able to enjoy a "real" book. If I don't finish it soon, I'll take it along to the beach for Fall Break in just 2 weeks. Woohoo!!
3) I'm in love with this table for my home library!
4) I've been having a lot of "is this all?" type thoughts lately...meaning, is this all my life is going to be? going to work in a cubicle in a corporate setting, racing home, taking E to his after school activities, racing back home and getting ready for the next day??? I just feel like there should be more to it than this, don't get me wrong, I don't want to be CEO or anything like that, but I feel like there's something bigger out there for me, but it continues to escape me. this is a super frustrating feeling. I love spending time with Ethan of course, but it constantly feels like it's not enough time and the time we have is spent rushing from one place to another. then there is the whole piece of "me-time" of which I have none, but I can leave that on the back burner for now, as I have for quite a few years now anyway. i also find myself longing to be an "expert" in something...I don't even know what that thing would be, but i feel like I only know a little about this and that, but not a lot about anything and that bothers me. is this what they would call a mid-life crisis? is this normal? have you ever felt this way?
5) On the brighter side, 7 more work days until some quality beach time with my mom and E. Good times.
6) We had a major air conditioning issue at our house over the past two weeks. talk about "freak accident"...we hung a few things on the living room wall and it is believed that in that process we hit the copper pipe to the AC which essentially "broke" the AC for upstairs. did I mention the unusually warm weather we have been having the past 10 days? it's been fun. our choices were to knock out the wall and find the hole/broken pipe, then have the AC company repair it and recharge the AC. We would repair the wall. this was also the (much) cheaper option. on saturday afternoon, when we were supossed to begin this crazy project, my husband decided that he just did not feel confident (or energetic) enough to deal with the wall issue and instead we went for the (unfortunately) more expensive option of running the pipe outside the house. the project was completed yesterday and while it's nice to have the AC back, i realized that i also enjoyed sleeping with the windows open and warmer air. it was freakishly quiet in the house when i went to bed last night.
7) This Friday I will have the RF Ablation done...I'm both excited and a bit freaked out. Thankful that I will be put into "twilight" status. lol!

8) I caved to the pressure and hype of The Handmaid's Tale and watched the whole 1st Season on Hulu last week. Around episode 8/9 I wasn't planning to continue with season 2, but then when I watched episode 10, I changed my mind. Whoa! Gonna be good!
9) Speaking of Hulu....the only reason I signed up for it in the first place was to watch The Mindy Project. I absolutely love her and the show...ok and I definitely loved Danny. I can't wait to see what happens during this last season. And I'd be lying if I said I didn't care who her baby daddy is...the fact that she isn't saying makes it that more intriguing. I secretly hope it's BJ Novak. They'd be so cute together.
The Handmaid's Tale is sooooo good!
I do not watch The Mindy Project (though I probably should), but I think the dad being BJ Novak would be an amazing plot twist.
re #4. I feel ya! I do hope you find what you are looking for there.
I keep debating on if I want to add another streaming service so I can see Handmaid's Tale.
Odds are this won't happen right now since we're splurging on CBS All-Access for the new Star Trek.
I listened to Tiny Fey read Bossy Pants and it was delightful. I've found the celeb books are a lot of fun when read by the author.
I loved The Handmaid's Tale on Hulu...even more than the movie that came out years ago, although that was good, too.
I do love that table!
I've been curious about Bossypants, but haven't yet read it.
Enjoy your week, and I remember those days of back and forth in the car, etc. We did have some of our best conversations in the car, though.
I haven't read or watched any of the above. I do feel like I should watch The Handmaid's Tale, but that's probably not going to happen.
I think a lot of people feel like you do, as far as work, driving, packing lunches, doing laundry and then just starting all over again. My daughter's going to be in college next year. I'm thinking maybe I'll have a bit of extra time to do something new or try something I haven't felt like I've had the time to.
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