Or in my case, hindsight is 20/10 which is technically better than perfect (how is that even possible?)...I did have an eye doc tell me I had 20/10 vision after my 2nd Lasik surgery...anyway...I digress....
This is my 118th post and my hindsight is that I wish I hadn't deleted my previous 2 blogs...Emily posted her 637th post tonight and it made me think I'd probably be somewhere around there by now had I stuck w/my 1st blog all along...not that it matters in the grand scheme of things, but it was just a thought. Not to mention how interesting it would be to go back and read those posts from 2005...eeks how things have changed!!
Today was rather calm...I was scheduled to work what will probably be my last shift at SB for a while (or forever). I was supposed to work 10am-3:30pm...I hadn't been there since last Sunday so I wasn't really 'into it' but I wasn't dreading it either. I asked a co-worker if he was interested in staying 'til 3:30pm for me and I would leave @ 1pm (when he would be leaving). He agreed. Yay! As I was being sent on a 10 minute break, the supervisor asked if I wanted to leave earlier, as in right then, it was 12noon....so I left. Woo - I worked a whole 2 hrs the whole week and I'll get a whoppin' $3 in tips tomorrow probably. LOL! That's funny!
I need to call the SBUX Benefits tomorrow to see if my leave has been 'approved'...you know I'm starting it a whole 15-20 days early...SBUX expects you to work up to 2 wks prior to delivery...hell no!! Not me!!! I don't see myself there come January 20th...not gonna happen. Anyway, the good news is that I'll still be able to get my FREE 1 lb of coffee every week while on maternity leave - that makes my mom, her husband and Oscar very happy...considering that I don't even drink it. Blech! Just give me my Iced Chai Lattes please. Mmmmm!
I've been officially craving ORANGES this past week. I consumed 4 in one day even. They are SO good. We bought 8 more today @ the grocery store and well, um I ate 2 of them already (they're small...really, they are!) This is probably my 1st real, true craving...strange I know...and it all started when I was at Bed, Bath & Beyond and asked a guy where the 'Plinks' are located...by the way, 'Plinks' are little citrus smelling things you put in the garbage disposal the clean and freshen it...fellow blogger Nichole shared this good bit of information on her blog recently (see Main Course) and I HAD to try them for myself.
Anyway, when I asked the guy where they were, he replied 'oh yeah, my wife eats oranges all the time, so she just puts the peel in the disposal and it does the same thing'....there was something magical in that sentence, because ever since then (12/23) I've been consuming oranges like there is NO tomorrow.
It won't be too soon for me to go back to work because I've been shopping WAY too much lately (see previous post)...today we ran up to the mall because I HAD to take part in the Bath & Body Works Perfect Pampering Sale...I mean...body cream for $3.00/tube...I couldn't pass it up and my justification was that I will likely not get out much during February and it would be a national tragedy if I ran out during that time...right? I think so. I avoided that possibility and am all stocked up (and then some) on body cream. Yay!
And finally...I've gradually drifted back into a little bit of scrapbooking...I decided to try to take part in Elise's Paper Adventure 08 Mini Album Project. You should too...it's not too late and I think it'll be fun. I seem to do better on 'prompted' projects as opposed to scrappin' on my own. I have my cover all ready to go and her first 'prompt' will be on Tuesday, January 1st.
Putting that mini-album together inspired me to start another...I finally decided to do one for our honeymoon to Hawaii. I had not been interested for SOME TIME because it was not the honeymoon I anticipated...heck marriage has not been what I anticipated either...but that's another story for another day (or not)...anyway...I'm pretty happy with how that's turning out, but like most projects, I'll likely never finish it. Oh well...I at least had good intentions at some point, right?
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Well, if I can't feel accomplished in my professional life...at least I can feel accomplished at home...we got A TON of things done today....I took down the outdoor Christmas lights (which were just about the only Christmas decor we put up) and O hung up the extra shelf in the laundry room for me....I have never LOVED a shelf more...it's perfect...and a lot lower so I can actually reach it...COMFORTABLY. :-)
Here are a few pictures to explain the rest...
OK - sorry this picture is not so good, but it's of the 4x6 area rug I picked up at Target the other day. As with the above picture, I'd been wanting an area rug for under the coffee table for quite a while. I love it and the red matches the couch perfectly.
The sheer window scarf is another new addition...the rod had been there since we moved in and as with the rest of the room...desperately needed 'something'....I had looked for a scarf in a red tone previously but to no avail...I was so happy to find this today...finally!!!
On to Ethan's room...some of this has been done for a while, but I hadn't shared the pictures...so this is the lamp and picture frame that match the bedroom decor.
We finished the wall border tonight...we were 3 ft short and had to get another roll which we picked up about a week ago. I'm SO glad that the room is just about done. Also, note the matching nightlite and lightswitch. :-)
And here's a pic of the crib complete with mobile and all...my good friend Laura (from Michigan) purchased a BUNCH of the bedroom decor items for my shower and upon their arrival I put them together and in place.
We are only waiting on the changing table now...it's been quite a 'dilemma' getting the furniture. I purchased them through Sears -it was truly the only set I found that was reasonably priced and that I really liked...it's Bassett brand too which is known to be good quality. Anyway, the crib and dresser were both delayed in arriving based on the initial date Sears provided to me. After many calls to the baby dept manager, we obtained the 2 pieces about 2 wks later than anticipated.
The changing table was scheduled to come in on 12/13/07 and surprise, surprise - it didn't make it. I was back on the phone with the baby dept manager and it's now scheduled to arrive on 01/05/07...so we'll see. She has been very nice and as helpful as possible. In our last conversation I told her that I think I should be compensated for the hassle with all 3 pieces. She agreed and just credited my card $200!! Woohoo!!! Gotta love it!!
So, I have the last load of Ethan's clothes/blankets in the wash with Dreft right now and everything will be READY (except for me). I don't know if I'm truly 'nesting'...I'm always like this...wanting to get things ready WELL in advance...it's the planner in me.
In addition, I've been SO into home improvement/decor projects lately (for some ODD reason), that I now want to paint my kitchen. Before the house went on the market, the realtor had someone come in and paint THE WHOLE FREAKIN' HOUSE a yellowish color - every.single.room. They did a pretty crappy job too...everytime I go into the kitchen now, I see spots where there should have been 2 coats or they just completely missed....I mean, really...I don't think I should be able to tell that the kitchen was RED before...right?
Anyway, I want to paint it an orangish/terracota like color. I had been going for BLUE as the main color for a while but I'm totally changing that up now after purchasing 4 adorable wall plaques from BB&B the other day...they are of an Italian theme and I love them....we'll see what happens...I'd like to get the kitchen painted in the next couple weeks, but not sure if I can get O to buy into that...it's usually like pulling teeth to get him to do any sort of home improvement activity around here. (Don't get me started on that rant!)
It's truly a miracle that so much got done here today.
Here are a few pictures to explain the rest...

I'd been wanting a picture for above this table for quite a while..the wall is large and definitely NEEDED something. I saw this pic a while ago and finally picked it up today from BB&B with a coupon. Yay!! The miracle is that it actually got hung up on the same day it was purchased.

We are only waiting on the changing table now...it's been quite a 'dilemma' getting the furniture. I purchased them through Sears -it was truly the only set I found that was reasonably priced and that I really liked...it's Bassett brand too which is known to be good quality. Anyway, the crib and dresser were both delayed in arriving based on the initial date Sears provided to me. After many calls to the baby dept manager, we obtained the 2 pieces about 2 wks later than anticipated.
The changing table was scheduled to come in on 12/13/07 and surprise, surprise - it didn't make it. I was back on the phone with the baby dept manager and it's now scheduled to arrive on 01/05/07...so we'll see. She has been very nice and as helpful as possible. In our last conversation I told her that I think I should be compensated for the hassle with all 3 pieces. She agreed and just credited my card $200!! Woohoo!!! Gotta love it!!
So, I have the last load of Ethan's clothes/blankets in the wash with Dreft right now and everything will be READY (except for me). I don't know if I'm truly 'nesting'...I'm always like this...wanting to get things ready WELL in advance...it's the planner in me.
In addition, I've been SO into home improvement/decor projects lately (for some ODD reason), that I now want to paint my kitchen. Before the house went on the market, the realtor had someone come in and paint THE WHOLE FREAKIN' HOUSE a yellowish color - every.single.room. They did a pretty crappy job too...everytime I go into the kitchen now, I see spots where there should have been 2 coats or they just completely missed....I mean, really...I don't think I should be able to tell that the kitchen was RED before...right?
Anyway, I want to paint it an orangish/terracota like color. I had been going for BLUE as the main color for a while but I'm totally changing that up now after purchasing 4 adorable wall plaques from BB&B the other day...they are of an Italian theme and I love them....we'll see what happens...I'd like to get the kitchen painted in the next couple weeks, but not sure if I can get O to buy into that...it's usually like pulling teeth to get him to do any sort of home improvement activity around here. (Don't get me started on that rant!)
It's truly a miracle that so much got done here today.
Home Stuff
Friday, December 28, 2007
~lazy Friday~
~I'm having a VERY lazy day today....
~It's pouring rain outside, so being lazy is not entirely my fault. I cannot help it when it's so gloomy and rainy outside.
~I have spent the last 3 hrs curled up on the couch with my sweet Hula kitty.
~I should be doing some work, but it's not mandatory, it's more of an option for me - although I really need to.
~I'm just trying to enjoy this 'downtime'...I don't think I'll get much of it in the coming YEARS.
~I did bake 3 'spice cakes' this morning though...I guess I used up my energy on them.
~Back to the couch for me...goodbye.
~It's pouring rain outside, so being lazy is not entirely my fault. I cannot help it when it's so gloomy and rainy outside.
~I have spent the last 3 hrs curled up on the couch with my sweet Hula kitty.
~I should be doing some work, but it's not mandatory, it's more of an option for me - although I really need to.
~I'm just trying to enjoy this 'downtime'...I don't think I'll get much of it in the coming YEARS.
~I did bake 3 'spice cakes' this morning though...I guess I used up my energy on them.
~Back to the couch for me...goodbye.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
not the best day
~UT called
~They 'regret' to tell me that they choose another candidate
~They said I was "a very strong candidate"
~After the word 'regret' all I heard was 'blah blah blah'...you know...like Charlie Brown's mom.
Essentially, even though I have the contract job, I still need an job with benefits or I will either have to (1) pay through the nose to get Nat'l Guard benefits (thru O) or (2) continue to work at SB after Ethan arrives...neither scenario is all that appealing to me.
O's work benefits are pitiful and are ridiculously expensive, so that's not an option either.
If I stay at SB (which I REALLY REALLY REALLY don't want to do), my little man will essentially grow up without a mother because I will be working outside the house during the day AND at night. Oh joy!!
Oh yeah, if my maternity leave from SB starts on 1/1/08 then I'll have to be back there on 3/24/08 - which totally stinks.
I'm so sick of carrying the burden of responsibility. I wish I could just let go and embrace the gypsy life...it's really what's inside me anyway.
Ultimately, I'm still in the job market, but there's no sense in applying for anything 'til early Feb or later cuz there's certainly no hiding the PG now.
~They 'regret' to tell me that they choose another candidate
~They said I was "a very strong candidate"
~After the word 'regret' all I heard was 'blah blah blah'...you know...like Charlie Brown's mom.
Essentially, even though I have the contract job, I still need an job with benefits or I will either have to (1) pay through the nose to get Nat'l Guard benefits (thru O) or (2) continue to work at SB after Ethan arrives...neither scenario is all that appealing to me.
O's work benefits are pitiful and are ridiculously expensive, so that's not an option either.
If I stay at SB (which I REALLY REALLY REALLY don't want to do), my little man will essentially grow up without a mother because I will be working outside the house during the day AND at night. Oh joy!!
Oh yeah, if my maternity leave from SB starts on 1/1/08 then I'll have to be back there on 3/24/08 - which totally stinks.
I'm so sick of carrying the burden of responsibility. I wish I could just let go and embrace the gypsy life...it's really what's inside me anyway.
Ultimately, I'm still in the job market, but there's no sense in applying for anything 'til early Feb or later cuz there's certainly no hiding the PG now.
Being Pregnant,
~I've been able to work from home this week...no one is allowed in the building due to construction & security reasons. Yay for being back @ home.
~I am counting the hours 'til 5:30pm...why?....because I'm getting a 1 hr pregnancy massage and CANNOT WAIT!! Thanks again to my super, duper, rockin' awesome, generous friend Kelly!!!!
~Mom and I are going to see P.S. I Love You on Saturday...woohoo!!! I loved the book and Jeffrey Dean Morgan (Denny Duquette) is in the movie...it HAS to be good!!
~I'm officially in the process of starting maternity leave from SB. I had 4 shifts this week and managed to get 3 of them covered. Yay! I should only have to work on Sunday for 5 hours which shouldn't be too bad. I needed 240 hrs this quarter for benefits and as of my last paystub on Friday, I had 280....so no real 'need' to work the rest of the month...thank goodness. I've been enjoying my nights off.
~I haven't been in much of a scrapbooking mood lately - I wish I was, but I'm just not. I quit making those 'daily cards' - the last one I made was on 12/2.
~I was reading this blog and decided I HAD to check out the old newsprint style wrapping paper she mentioned....it is SO cute...I happily snagged the last 2 rolls @ my BB&B..for .99 each!!! I'm hoping it helps inspire me to scrapbook a little bit.
~I guess that's all to report...not too much excitement in my life right now...it's more of a waiting game at this point.
~I am counting the hours 'til 5:30pm...why?....because I'm getting a 1 hr pregnancy massage and CANNOT WAIT!! Thanks again to my super, duper, rockin' awesome, generous friend Kelly!!!!
~Mom and I are going to see P.S. I Love You on Saturday...woohoo!!! I loved the book and Jeffrey Dean Morgan (Denny Duquette) is in the movie...it HAS to be good!!
~I'm officially in the process of starting maternity leave from SB. I had 4 shifts this week and managed to get 3 of them covered. Yay! I should only have to work on Sunday for 5 hours which shouldn't be too bad. I needed 240 hrs this quarter for benefits and as of my last paystub on Friday, I had 280....so no real 'need' to work the rest of the month...thank goodness. I've been enjoying my nights off.
~I haven't been in much of a scrapbooking mood lately - I wish I was, but I'm just not. I quit making those 'daily cards' - the last one I made was on 12/2.
~I was reading this blog and decided I HAD to check out the old newsprint style wrapping paper she mentioned....it is SO cute...I happily snagged the last 2 rolls @ my BB&B..for .99 each!!! I'm hoping it helps inspire me to scrapbook a little bit.
~I guess that's all to report...not too much excitement in my life right now...it's more of a waiting game at this point.
Being Pregnant,
~can't sleep~
~It's 4:30am
~I can't sleep
~I want to sleep
~I can't take any sleeping meds either
~Hoping the 'glass o'milk' trick works...
~I can't sleep
~I want to sleep
~I can't take any sleeping meds either
~Hoping the 'glass o'milk' trick works...
Being Pregnant
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
~I don't want to go bed yet.
~I have nothing to do and there's nothing on TV (I don't feel like scrappin' or reading either).
~I guess I'm going to bed.
~I have nothing to do and there's nothing on TV (I don't feel like scrappin' or reading either).
~I guess I'm going to bed.
~a few pictures~
Here are a few pictures from the past couple days...and one of me and my big belly, per Janeen's request.... :-)

Another pic of me and Brinkley...and the belly.

Taken on Sunday, Dec 23, 2007 @ 33 wks pg.

Me and Brinkley...my mom's new kitty.

And some of the yummy cookies we baked.
Being Pregnant
Friday, December 21, 2007
~SO glad it's Friday...but I do have to work at SB tomorrow morning...ugh.
~Dad is coming in town Saturday and we are taking him to dinner for his birthday which was 12/15.
~Forgot to mention that baby is head-down so that's a positive sign...he's getting ready and no breach baby for me. (I really don't want a C-section if I can help it).
~Here's hoping that I hear from UT today!!!!
~Dad is coming in town Saturday and we are taking him to dinner for his birthday which was 12/15.
~Forgot to mention that baby is head-down so that's a positive sign...he's getting ready and no breach baby for me. (I really don't want a C-section if I can help it).
~Here's hoping that I hear from UT today!!!!
Being Pregnant,
Thursday, December 20, 2007
~I'm home for a marathon 45 minutes then off to SB...yay me.
~Still no word from UT...getting antsy now!
~Went to OB today...they charge $25 to complete short-term disability & FMLA forms...what a crock!
~I gained 7 lbs since 11/30...that sucks!!!
~Still not in a Christmas mood...can I just sleep though it?
~Wow, what a negative post...sorry about that but that's pretty much how I've been feeling all day today....I better stop here.
~Hope everyone has a lovely evening!
~Still no word from UT...getting antsy now!
~Went to OB today...they charge $25 to complete short-term disability & FMLA forms...what a crock!
~I gained 7 lbs since 11/30...that sucks!!!
~Still not in a Christmas mood...can I just sleep though it?
~Wow, what a negative post...sorry about that but that's pretty much how I've been feeling all day today....I better stop here.
~Hope everyone has a lovely evening!
Being Pregnant,
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
~a whole bunch of nothing~
~I finally have email, PC and a phone at work, however the phone is in my office and to use a computer or email I have to walk across the building to a temporary cube. We have been waiting for the 'port' to be turned on in my office so the computer will work. Looks like tomorrow I will have everything in one place. Finally!!
~Boy, I feel sort of bad if I do end up leaving there for a job @ UT (if they call me) after all the hassle in getting things set up...eeks! At least it'll be set for whoever they bring in after me.
~I was supossed to work at SB tonight but I luckily got someone to cover my shift...closing 3 nights in a row is just too much, especially now that I'm not @ home all day. Yesterday I went literally from one job to the other, no stop @ home in between. Ick! I was SO uncomfortable working last night too.
~I have an OB appt tomorrow morning and plan to have her sign off on my short term disability/maternity leave paperwork for SB. I have to give a 2 week notice so I'll still have a few days to work there, but I will likely give away a lot of my hours -it's just too uncomfortable to be there now....which is a bummer because I don't dread it like I used to a few months ago.
~Christmas is almost here and I'm SO NOT in the mood. I just didn't get the "Christmas bug" this year...let's see...maybe it could be due to the falling out with my aunt (on-going since July), OR the job loss/change & ensuing stressors OR hormones OR a husband that annoys the shit out of me more often than he should...gee, pick one...I think they all qualify for reasons why I don't feel festive.
~I wasn't going to buy any presents due to the job scenario, but then I started to feel guilty and so I caved, although I have scaled back tremendously. Even though I'm working, I will not get my 1st check 'til mid-January (totally sucks). I have never been this 'behind the 8-ball' when it comes to Christmas shopping...oh well. I bought my 1st present yesterday and a few more tonight, but haven't wrapped a thing. I usually enjoy wrapping my gifts, but I'm sort of dreading it this year...it just doesn't feel like Christmas time to me...at.all.
~Back to work issues...the place I work now is actually closing down from Dec 24 thru Jan 2nd...I have expressed need/interest in working over the holidays since I won't get paid. I certainly cannot afford a 2 week vacation right now - especially since I wouldn't be going anywhere. I'm still unsure if I'm going to be able to work or not but they better freakin' let me know ASAP - like tomorrow! I'm a planner and I need to know. It would not be cool if I cannot work during the break, nor would it make sense...they wanted me to start right away and then asked me if I could work more than 8 hrs/day - which so far, I haven't needed to...so all this rushing around and then I'd possibly be off for 2 wks...makes NO sense.
~If I don't end up working the day job over the holidays...guess where I'll end up putting in a ridiculous amount of hours???? Oh joy - lucky me. Is that regular or decaf?
~I swear just when I start feeling a little bit better about 'things', something always seems to get me down. I often find myself wishing I could go back a year (or more) in time...I would do A LOT OF THINGS DIFFERENT.
~Boy, I feel sort of bad if I do end up leaving there for a job @ UT (if they call me) after all the hassle in getting things set up...eeks! At least it'll be set for whoever they bring in after me.
~I was supossed to work at SB tonight but I luckily got someone to cover my shift...closing 3 nights in a row is just too much, especially now that I'm not @ home all day. Yesterday I went literally from one job to the other, no stop @ home in between. Ick! I was SO uncomfortable working last night too.
~I have an OB appt tomorrow morning and plan to have her sign off on my short term disability/maternity leave paperwork for SB. I have to give a 2 week notice so I'll still have a few days to work there, but I will likely give away a lot of my hours -it's just too uncomfortable to be there now....which is a bummer because I don't dread it like I used to a few months ago.
~Christmas is almost here and I'm SO NOT in the mood. I just didn't get the "Christmas bug" this year...let's see...maybe it could be due to the falling out with my aunt (on-going since July), OR the job loss/change & ensuing stressors OR hormones OR a husband that annoys the shit out of me more often than he should...gee, pick one...I think they all qualify for reasons why I don't feel festive.
~I wasn't going to buy any presents due to the job scenario, but then I started to feel guilty and so I caved, although I have scaled back tremendously. Even though I'm working, I will not get my 1st check 'til mid-January (totally sucks). I have never been this 'behind the 8-ball' when it comes to Christmas shopping...oh well. I bought my 1st present yesterday and a few more tonight, but haven't wrapped a thing. I usually enjoy wrapping my gifts, but I'm sort of dreading it this year...it just doesn't feel like Christmas time to me...at.all.
~Back to work issues...the place I work now is actually closing down from Dec 24 thru Jan 2nd...I have expressed need/interest in working over the holidays since I won't get paid. I certainly cannot afford a 2 week vacation right now - especially since I wouldn't be going anywhere. I'm still unsure if I'm going to be able to work or not but they better freakin' let me know ASAP - like tomorrow! I'm a planner and I need to know. It would not be cool if I cannot work during the break, nor would it make sense...they wanted me to start right away and then asked me if I could work more than 8 hrs/day - which so far, I haven't needed to...so all this rushing around and then I'd possibly be off for 2 wks...makes NO sense.
~If I don't end up working the day job over the holidays...guess where I'll end up putting in a ridiculous amount of hours???? Oh joy - lucky me. Is that regular or decaf?
~I swear just when I start feeling a little bit better about 'things', something always seems to get me down. I often find myself wishing I could go back a year (or more) in time...I would do A LOT OF THINGS DIFFERENT.
Being Pregnant,
Monday, December 17, 2007
~6 days into the new job and I still have NO computer access or company email account. I basically cannot do ANYTHING w/o these 2 items. I sat there and looked at the walls just about all day...doesn't matter that I'm getting paid to do NOTHING - I cannot stand being so bored.
~I just got a phone in my office today.
~My office was about 60 degrees when I got there this morning. I had my coat on until lunch time...how ridiculous is that?!? Someone loaned me their space heater, which was somewhat helpful but it wasn't 'til the afternoon that the climate was tolerable. I sure hope it's not like that tomorrow...but I'm thinking that it might be. Oh joy!
~I can't stop thinking about the UT job...I really, really, really want it. Is it Thursday yet? I hope I hear from them by then.
~As much as I was looking forward to working in an office -around other people- I must admit that I'd much rather sleep 'til 8am instead of getting up at 6:30am. I also dread those first 10 minutes out of the shower - you know - when you are freezing to death...ugh...I hate that. Wearing my PJs to work was a nice perk too. Did I mention the 2 school zones I have to go thru on my commute too...ugh.
~So maybe being occasionally lonely working from home wasn't such a bad thing. *sigh*
~I just got a phone in my office today.
~My office was about 60 degrees when I got there this morning. I had my coat on until lunch time...how ridiculous is that?!? Someone loaned me their space heater, which was somewhat helpful but it wasn't 'til the afternoon that the climate was tolerable. I sure hope it's not like that tomorrow...but I'm thinking that it might be. Oh joy!
~I can't stop thinking about the UT job...I really, really, really want it. Is it Thursday yet? I hope I hear from them by then.
~As much as I was looking forward to working in an office -around other people- I must admit that I'd much rather sleep 'til 8am instead of getting up at 6:30am. I also dread those first 10 minutes out of the shower - you know - when you are freezing to death...ugh...I hate that. Wearing my PJs to work was a nice perk too. Did I mention the 2 school zones I have to go thru on my commute too...ugh.
~So maybe being occasionally lonely working from home wasn't such a bad thing. *sigh*
Saturday, December 15, 2007
~it's official~
~I'm retaining water.
~My feet are SOOOO swollen.
~I have no ankles
~It's NOT attractive (at all)
~My feet are SOOOO swollen.
~I have no ankles
~It's NOT attractive (at all)
Being Pregnant
Friday, December 14, 2007
~i'm back~
~Got home at 12:30am after two miserable flights from Ohio. Up at 6am today to go into the office. I'm exhausted.
~The training went well and despite the icky weather up there, all was good. Everyone was very nice, my hotel was cozy and I was near TONS of shopping (danger!). The Archiver's was about 1 mile from my hotel.
~Just to point out...the lady I spent all week with couldn't really tell I was PG 'til Wed when I wore a shirt that truly accentuates the belly. Another gal told me that I'm 'small' for being 32 weeks...so now you know why I kept saying they didn't notice...you can't tell so much depending on what I wear. They probably just thought I was FAT!
~My thing when I go out of town is to eat @ places that I don't have back home, so the minute I saw Chipotle, I was THERE!!! Yum!! I SO miss it. I had dinner at "Max & Erma's" the next night. We had them up in Michigan and I loved eating there - especially the cheese skewers - and I never order fried cheese anywhere else....there's just something about it @ Max & Erma's...so good!!
~From the info I collected up in OH and the fact that the office here was recently 'acquired' - it's going to be a rocky road for me for a while...not sure how I feel about that right now.
~All those calls from UT and the anticipation of an offer actually resulted in a request for a 2nd interview. Today @ 4pm I met with the head honcho of the Employment department and then met with 5 people, who would be peers should I get hired...I should hear something mid to late next week.
~Weekend plans: working at SB both Sat & Sun, although I'm looking for someone to pick up my Sunday shift. I just need a day off!!
~Yeah, so I totally need a new banner...sorry, I don't have a festive picture...I'll have to come up with something.
~The training went well and despite the icky weather up there, all was good. Everyone was very nice, my hotel was cozy and I was near TONS of shopping (danger!). The Archiver's was about 1 mile from my hotel.
~Just to point out...the lady I spent all week with couldn't really tell I was PG 'til Wed when I wore a shirt that truly accentuates the belly. Another gal told me that I'm 'small' for being 32 weeks...so now you know why I kept saying they didn't notice...you can't tell so much depending on what I wear. They probably just thought I was FAT!
~My thing when I go out of town is to eat @ places that I don't have back home, so the minute I saw Chipotle, I was THERE!!! Yum!! I SO miss it. I had dinner at "Max & Erma's" the next night. We had them up in Michigan and I loved eating there - especially the cheese skewers - and I never order fried cheese anywhere else....there's just something about it @ Max & Erma's...so good!!
~From the info I collected up in OH and the fact that the office here was recently 'acquired' - it's going to be a rocky road for me for a while...not sure how I feel about that right now.
~All those calls from UT and the anticipation of an offer actually resulted in a request for a 2nd interview. Today @ 4pm I met with the head honcho of the Employment department and then met with 5 people, who would be peers should I get hired...I should hear something mid to late next week.
~Weekend plans: working at SB both Sat & Sun, although I'm looking for someone to pick up my Sunday shift. I just need a day off!!
~Yeah, so I totally need a new banner...sorry, I don't have a festive picture...I'll have to come up with something.
Monday, December 10, 2007
~Friday Fun - even though it's Monday~
Swiped this from Dawn...
Friday Fun: The Four Edition
What are…
1. the last 4 books you have read? Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert, Harry Potter #7, Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen, Shopaholic Takes Manhattan by Sophie Kinsella.
2. the last 4 websites you have visited? Bloglines. Blogger. Good Reads. Yahoo.
3. 4 favorite items of clothing? Pajamas. Socks. Anything NOT maternity related. :-)
4. 4 favorite things to eat? Ice Cream. Chick-fil-A. Crab Legs. Enchiladas.
5. 4 favorite movies? Love Actually. Hook. Elf. 40 Year Old Virgin.
6. 4 favorite books? P.S. I Love You (movie coming out 12/21...hooray). Love, Rosie. Harry Potter books.
7. 4 favorite TV shows? Grey's Anatomy. Private Practice. Project Runway. House.
8. 4 things you ate yesterday? Cherry Vanilla Ice Cream. Special K w/berries. Banana. Salad.
9. 4 things you need to do today? Drug Test (done). Pack. Drive to Airport. Get on plane.
10. 4 gifts you want during the holiday season? Since I haven't felt very festive this year, I haven't put much thought into what I want...typically though I like to ask for more practical gifts as opposed to 'fun stuff'. Example: I hate buying my toothbrush refills cuz they cost $20 for only three of them. I love getting them for Christmas...hee hee.
I usually find a book or 3 to ask for, but there's only one I can think of right now and it's not a priority because I still have 9 others on my nightstand waiting to be read.
Friday Fun: The Four Edition
What are…
1. the last 4 books you have read? Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert, Harry Potter #7, Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen, Shopaholic Takes Manhattan by Sophie Kinsella.
2. the last 4 websites you have visited? Bloglines. Blogger. Good Reads. Yahoo.
3. 4 favorite items of clothing? Pajamas. Socks. Anything NOT maternity related. :-)
4. 4 favorite things to eat? Ice Cream. Chick-fil-A. Crab Legs. Enchiladas.
5. 4 favorite movies? Love Actually. Hook. Elf. 40 Year Old Virgin.
6. 4 favorite books? P.S. I Love You (movie coming out 12/21...hooray). Love, Rosie. Harry Potter books.
7. 4 favorite TV shows? Grey's Anatomy. Private Practice. Project Runway. House.
8. 4 things you ate yesterday? Cherry Vanilla Ice Cream. Special K w/berries. Banana. Salad.
9. 4 things you need to do today? Drug Test (done). Pack. Drive to Airport. Get on plane.
10. 4 gifts you want during the holiday season? Since I haven't felt very festive this year, I haven't put much thought into what I want...typically though I like to ask for more practical gifts as opposed to 'fun stuff'. Example: I hate buying my toothbrush refills cuz they cost $20 for only three of them. I love getting them for Christmas...hee hee.
I usually find a book or 3 to ask for, but there's only one I can think of right now and it's not a priority because I still have 9 others on my nightstand waiting to be read.
Getting to know me
Saturday, December 08, 2007
~pondering thoughts~
It's been an interesting week....a couple of interviews @ a couple different places and a job offer. I'm off to OH on Monday, after a mini-shopping spree for 'office-acceptable' maternity clothes tomorrow after my shift at SB.
As I mentioned, the job is a 6 month contract position as a recruiter. This could mean that I'm looking for something else in 6 months or it could also go permanent...but do I want to wait 6 months to become an 'employee'?? It's been a long 3+ years w/o benefits, paid time off etc and I have come to REALLY value (and long for) these things...we often take them for granted when we have them. Let me just say that not getting paid for Christmas Day, Thanksgiving Day, 4th of July, Labor Day etc. really stinks...it makes the holidays a little less enjoyable.
Anyway...all that to say that I interviewed on Tuesday @ the university, also for a recruiting job, but it also had a number of other 'duties' along with it that I would really enjoy, unlike where the other job is solely recruiting.
The university folks said they would take 1-2 wks to decide and that they won't be hiring ;til Jan 2008, which is part of the reason that I accepted this other position, not to mention that I need a job sooner rather than later. The funniest part of this is that I actually applied for this position way back in JULY!!! I must have had a bad week @ Pepsi (not unusual) and decided to see what else was out there. It only took them 6 months to finally start the interview process...geez.
What I'm getting at is I have been informed that the university has already called 2 of my references...mmmm...they don't usually do that unless they are interested in you. I'm more curious than ever to see if I end up with an offer from them...then comes the difficult decision....here's why:
UT Job
*mediocre salary
*health bennies
*free tuition
*8-10 mile commute
*permanent full time
Recruiter Job
*very generous salary
*no bennies
*16 mile commute
*temporary contract
I guess when I write it out, it looks like an easy decision, however I am pretty sure that the differences in salary will be quite significant, so it basically boils down to that. I'm just hoping that if I get an offer from UT, that it's not SOOOO low that I cannot even consider it.
I really think I'd enjoy the UT job more. The work was much more appealing to me, the interview was enjoyable and everyone knows that it's fun to work @ a university, not to mention the wonderful benefits.
I'm going to try not to think much about this, since it hasn't really happened yet...but I do think it's quite odd that they've contacted 2 of my references only 2 days after the interview.
As I mentioned, the job is a 6 month contract position as a recruiter. This could mean that I'm looking for something else in 6 months or it could also go permanent...but do I want to wait 6 months to become an 'employee'?? It's been a long 3+ years w/o benefits, paid time off etc and I have come to REALLY value (and long for) these things...we often take them for granted when we have them. Let me just say that not getting paid for Christmas Day, Thanksgiving Day, 4th of July, Labor Day etc. really stinks...it makes the holidays a little less enjoyable.
Anyway...all that to say that I interviewed on Tuesday @ the university, also for a recruiting job, but it also had a number of other 'duties' along with it that I would really enjoy, unlike where the other job is solely recruiting.
The university folks said they would take 1-2 wks to decide and that they won't be hiring ;til Jan 2008, which is part of the reason that I accepted this other position, not to mention that I need a job sooner rather than later. The funniest part of this is that I actually applied for this position way back in JULY!!! I must have had a bad week @ Pepsi (not unusual) and decided to see what else was out there. It only took them 6 months to finally start the interview process...geez.
What I'm getting at is I have been informed that the university has already called 2 of my references...mmmm...they don't usually do that unless they are interested in you. I'm more curious than ever to see if I end up with an offer from them...then comes the difficult decision....here's why:
UT Job
*mediocre salary
*health bennies
*free tuition
*8-10 mile commute
*permanent full time
Recruiter Job
*very generous salary
*no bennies
*16 mile commute
*temporary contract
I guess when I write it out, it looks like an easy decision, however I am pretty sure that the differences in salary will be quite significant, so it basically boils down to that. I'm just hoping that if I get an offer from UT, that it's not SOOOO low that I cannot even consider it.
I really think I'd enjoy the UT job more. The work was much more appealing to me, the interview was enjoyable and everyone knows that it's fun to work @ a university, not to mention the wonderful benefits.
I'm going to try not to think much about this, since it hasn't really happened yet...but I do think it's quite odd that they've contacted 2 of my references only 2 days after the interview.
Thursday, December 06, 2007
~I got the job!!!
~I don't think the lady noticed that I was PG @ the interview yesterday.
~I fly to Ohio on Monday.
~I hope they don't freak out when they realize I'm PG.
~I feel sort of deceitful, but then, they aren't supposed to discriminate on pregnancy. I think if I would have told them, I would have been shooting myself in the foot....like with the last lady I told.
~I don't think the lady noticed that I was PG @ the interview yesterday.
~I fly to Ohio on Monday.
~I hope they don't freak out when they realize I'm PG.
~I feel sort of deceitful, but then, they aren't supposed to discriminate on pregnancy. I think if I would have told them, I would have been shooting myself in the foot....like with the last lady I told.
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
~getting nervous
~going for face to face interview @ 1pm today after yesterday's 2:30pm phone interview
~they are moving fast, want to have me start on Mon or Tues next week if all goes well
~they do not know I'm PG
~let's hope the belly doesn't ruin the opportunity for me
~I NEED this job
~I'm also interested in the university job, but they won't make a decision for 1-2 wks and not hire 'til Jan '08.
~going for face to face interview @ 1pm today after yesterday's 2:30pm phone interview
~they are moving fast, want to have me start on Mon or Tues next week if all goes well
~they do not know I'm PG
~let's hope the belly doesn't ruin the opportunity for me
~I NEED this job
~I'm also interested in the university job, but they won't make a decision for 1-2 wks and not hire 'til Jan '08.
Monday, December 03, 2007
~just an update~
~My friend KELLY was here for the weekend from NJ. We had a great time and it was SOOOO nice to see her. We walked all around Gatlinburg on Saturday, then went out to dinner w/a stop at Babies R Us on the way, where she so kindly contributed to the baby room decor.
~I worked @ SB Sunday night from 5pm-11:30pm. Around 3pm I rec'd a txt msg from a co-worker asking if I wanted her Monday OPENING shift...I can definitely use the hours, so I couldn't see passing it up...I got 4 hrs of sleep last night and was back @ SB at 5am today. Whew!!! I was done @ 11am and came home to do a bunch of errands. I had planned to take a nap but was wrapped up in my errands. Finally I sat on the couch and fell asleep - bad idea - I feel more tired now than before. Ugh.
~Tonight is our last night of Childbirth class..thank goodness. While I feel it's helpful and VERY informative, it still freaks me out.
~I have an interview @ the university @ 10am tomorrow. It would be a good position. I hope it goes well, but I'm going into all interviews with NO expectations...that's the least harmful way to do it at this point.
~I also have a phone interview tomorrow @ 2:30pm for a contract recruiting job...
~Between interviews I'll go get the oil changed on my car (a bit overdue) and run an errand or two and then hang out at home. I need the rest.
~I work @ 6:15pm @ SB tomorrow night and just picked up another 4 hr shift on Thursday so that gives me about 34 hrs there this week....ouch...my feet hurt just thinking about it. :-)
~I worked @ SB Sunday night from 5pm-11:30pm. Around 3pm I rec'd a txt msg from a co-worker asking if I wanted her Monday OPENING shift...I can definitely use the hours, so I couldn't see passing it up...I got 4 hrs of sleep last night and was back @ SB at 5am today. Whew!!! I was done @ 11am and came home to do a bunch of errands. I had planned to take a nap but was wrapped up in my errands. Finally I sat on the couch and fell asleep - bad idea - I feel more tired now than before. Ugh.
~Tonight is our last night of Childbirth class..thank goodness. While I feel it's helpful and VERY informative, it still freaks me out.
~I have an interview @ the university @ 10am tomorrow. It would be a good position. I hope it goes well, but I'm going into all interviews with NO expectations...that's the least harmful way to do it at this point.
~I also have a phone interview tomorrow @ 2:30pm for a contract recruiting job...
~Between interviews I'll go get the oil changed on my car (a bit overdue) and run an errand or two and then hang out at home. I need the rest.
~I work @ 6:15pm @ SB tomorrow night and just picked up another 4 hr shift on Thursday so that gives me about 34 hrs there this week....ouch...my feet hurt just thinking about it. :-)
Being Pregnant,
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