Here are a few pictures to explain the rest...

I'd been wanting a picture for above this table for quite a while..the wall is large and definitely NEEDED something. I saw this pic a while ago and finally picked it up today from BB&B with a coupon. Yay!! The miracle is that it actually got hung up on the same day it was purchased.

We are only waiting on the changing table's been quite a 'dilemma' getting the furniture. I purchased them through Sears -it was truly the only set I found that was reasonably priced and that I really's Bassett brand too which is known to be good quality. Anyway, the crib and dresser were both delayed in arriving based on the initial date Sears provided to me. After many calls to the baby dept manager, we obtained the 2 pieces about 2 wks later than anticipated.
The changing table was scheduled to come in on 12/13/07 and surprise, surprise - it didn't make it. I was back on the phone with the baby dept manager and it's now scheduled to arrive on 01/05/ we'll see. She has been very nice and as helpful as possible. In our last conversation I told her that I think I should be compensated for the hassle with all 3 pieces. She agreed and just credited my card $200!! Woohoo!!! Gotta love it!!
So, I have the last load of Ethan's clothes/blankets in the wash with Dreft right now and everything will be READY (except for me). I don't know if I'm truly 'nesting'...I'm always like this...wanting to get things ready WELL in's the planner in me.
In addition, I've been SO into home improvement/decor projects lately (for some ODD reason), that I now want to paint my kitchen. Before the house went on the market, the realtor had someone come in and paint THE WHOLE FREAKIN' HOUSE a yellowish color - They did a pretty crappy job too...everytime I go into the kitchen now, I see spots where there should have been 2 coats or they just completely missed....I mean, really...I don't think I should be able to tell that the kitchen was RED before...right?
Anyway, I want to paint it an orangish/terracota like color. I had been going for BLUE as the main color for a while but I'm totally changing that up now after purchasing 4 adorable wall plaques from BB&B the other day...they are of an Italian theme and I love them....we'll see what happens...I'd like to get the kitchen painted in the next couple weeks, but not sure if I can get O to buy into's usually like pulling teeth to get him to do any sort of home improvement activity around here. (Don't get me started on that rant!)
It's truly a miracle that so much got done here today.
I'm tired now. I can barely bring myself to go make banana bread. Can you guilt trip him? "You're going to be gone for 2 1/2 months after the baby's gone and it's not good for the baby to smell paint fumes but since you're not hear to take him out of the house I won't be able to paint!" Or something.
I will likely use some sort of guilt trip to get it done, but honestly I'm tired of having to do that.
Now he says he may not be going to boot camp in May due to a knee injury that he got while training w/the Guard..if they don't get him in to the doc to fix ASAP, it'll have to be postponed.
I don't want it postponed because (1) he gets a $$ bonus when he goes & returns AND (2) it'll be a nice sanity check for me...I'll save TONS of time on housecleaning w/him gone.
Sad, but true.
wow - that looks great!! and i think the terra cota color idea for the kitchen will look awesome. And for pete's sake its the least he can do!! LOL!!
Wow, everything looks great from the pics you posted. Love the baby's room, I'm sure he will feel immediately at home! Sorry it's so hard to get O to help out, I know that feeling!
I love seeing photos of your place! Especially the nursery!! Can't wait for the little guy to arrive!!
I *love* that picture you got for above the table! It's very calm and peaceful. Ethan's room is so cute!
I am trying to get caught up on my blog reading. It seems with traveling & the holidays, I just can't get myself sitting down here long enough to catch up on everyone. Looks like things are coming together nicely for you on the home front. Should be a nice cozy nest to bring Ethan home too. =)
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