Sunday, December 30, 2007

~hindsight is 20/20~

Or in my case, hindsight is 20/10 which is technically better than perfect (how is that even possible?)...I did have an eye doc tell me I had 20/10 vision after my 2nd Lasik surgery...anyway...I digress....

This is my 118th post and my hindsight is that I wish I hadn't deleted my previous 2 blogs...Emily posted her 637th post tonight and it made me think I'd probably be somewhere around there by now had I stuck w/my 1st blog all along...not that it matters in the grand scheme of things, but it was just a thought. Not to mention how interesting it would be to go back and read those posts from 2005...eeks how things have changed!!

Today was rather calm...I was scheduled to work what will probably be my last shift at SB for a while (or forever). I was supposed to work 10am-3:30pm...I hadn't been there since last Sunday so I wasn't really 'into it' but I wasn't dreading it either. I asked a co-worker if he was interested in staying 'til 3:30pm for me and I would leave @ 1pm (when he would be leaving). He agreed. Yay! As I was being sent on a 10 minute break, the supervisor asked if I wanted to leave earlier, as in right then, it was I left. Woo - I worked a whole 2 hrs the whole week and I'll get a whoppin' $3 in tips tomorrow probably. LOL! That's funny!

I need to call the SBUX Benefits tomorrow to see if my leave has been 'approved' know I'm starting it a whole 15-20 days early...SBUX expects you to work up to 2 wks prior to delivery...hell no!! Not me!!! I don't see myself there come January 20th...not gonna happen. Anyway, the good news is that I'll still be able to get my FREE 1 lb of coffee every week while on maternity leave - that makes my mom, her husband and Oscar very happy...considering that I don't even drink it. Blech! Just give me my Iced Chai Lattes please. Mmmmm!

I've been officially craving ORANGES this past week. I consumed 4 in one day even. They are SO good. We bought 8 more today @ the grocery store and well, um I ate 2 of them already (they're small...really, they are!) This is probably my 1st real, true craving...strange I know...and it all started when I was at Bed, Bath & Beyond and asked a guy where the 'Plinks' are the way, 'Plinks' are little citrus smelling things you put in the garbage disposal the clean and freshen it...fellow blogger Nichole shared this good bit of information on her blog recently (see Main Course) and I HAD to try them for myself.

Anyway, when I asked the guy where they were, he replied 'oh yeah, my wife eats oranges all the time, so she just puts the peel in the disposal and it does the same thing'....there was something magical in that sentence, because ever since then (12/23) I've been consuming oranges like there is NO tomorrow.

It won't be too soon for me to go back to work because I've been shopping WAY too much lately (see previous post) we ran up to the mall because I HAD to take part in the Bath & Body Works Perfect Pampering Sale...I mean...body cream for $3.00/tube...I couldn't pass it up and my justification was that I will likely not get out much during February and it would be a national tragedy if I ran out during that time...right? I think so. I avoided that possibility and am all stocked up (and then some) on body cream. Yay!

And finally...I've gradually drifted back into a little bit of scrapbooking...I decided to try to take part in Elise's Paper Adventure 08 Mini Album Project. You should's not too late and I think it'll be fun. I seem to do better on 'prompted' projects as opposed to scrappin' on my own. I have my cover all ready to go and her first 'prompt' will be on Tuesday, January 1st.

Putting that mini-album together inspired me to start another...I finally decided to do one for our honeymoon to Hawaii. I had not been interested for SOME TIME because it was not the honeymoon I anticipated...heck marriage has not been what I anticipated either...but that's another story for another day (or not)...anyway...I'm pretty happy with how that's turning out, but like most projects, I'll likely never finish it. Oh well...I at least had good intentions at some point, right?


Anonymous said...

Hmm, seeing as how you got pregnant, I'd think your honeymoon consisted of what most people anticipated (well, maybe minus the pregnancy). But, I will wait for that story for another day. . .or not.

k said...

Oh, there is much more to the honeymoon that just getting PG, but that story will likely not appear here.

Mary said...

hi there! Happy 2008! LOL on the orange craving, and I'm with you on getting back into scrapbooking in '08....I may scrapbook some tomorrow (after Eric puts my desk together) and one of my resolutions is to scrapbook once a month next year. hope you have a nice evening tonight!!

Anonymous said...

All things considered, since You GOT pregnant on the honeymoon, I guess at least for a teeny bit things were going well. Otherwise, I suppose there'd be no baby soon! Sorry, it's just kind of funny to me. I'm tired, I think that's why.

Nichole M said...

Ok. I totally hear what that guy was saying about the orange peel. Daniel did that for years before we found Plink. Plink does what an orange peel does, but about 1,000 times better! Orange peel will do in a pinch, but Plink all the way, baby...

I totally love the idea of the mini book for the new year. I can't wait to see what you're able to do with it!

~**Dawn**~ said...

It makes me crazy that I cannot find Plink anywhere around here. Crazy, I tell you.