Every morning I drop Ethan off at Linda's house - she is a fantastic lady who takes GREAT care of him, I'm so glad I found her. Linda lives in a very wooded area with lots of trees and birds. Last week, 2 days in a row as I left Linda's home, I spotted a beautiful cardinal off to the side of the road in EXACTLY the same spot. He flew away as my vehicle approached at about the same point each day - almost as if he wanted to make sure I saw him. Things like this make me think...they make me think that maybe that bird is the spirit of a lost loved one...like maybe my grandfather, wanting to get a peek @ his great grandson. Call me strange, but it DOES make me think. By the way, I saw him again today. He was on the other side of the street but he stuck around long enough for me to see him. *thinking*
For our anniversary, O and I went to dinner last night -nothing fancy - we went to Texas Roadhouse. He got steak (no surprise) and I got the Portabello Smothered Chicken, baked potato and salad, all of which was delicious. No sooner was I home 10 minutes and did not feel well...all night...I woke up with a stomach ache, but it was a different kind of ache -I just felt awful. I still felt crummy this morning, but it seems to have finally subsided. Thank goodness.
If you know me at all, you know that I've had an abundance of job-related drama lately...and so it continues...sort of. I still have the offer @ the hospital and plan to start work there on 5/19. After the torture they put me through in the pre-employment testing last Friday, heck I already deserve an increase in pay. They wanted 3 vials of blood (WTH?!) and after 1.5 vials, my body decided it would give no more - oh lucky me! After moving the needle around in circles while still IN MY ARM, she gave up and said she'd have to stick me again - oh lucky me AGAIN! This time it was in the top of my hand - never ever ever ever again will anyone stick me there. My hand was unbelievably sore after that and very purple- oh yeah, and she moved the needle around and around in there too cuz my body STILL didn't want to give her any blood. She ended up with maybe 2 vials after all was said and done. Between this and my 3 hour stint @ the OB on Thursday which I will not go into - I'm DONE DONE DONE with doctors for at least a year - maybe longer!! Ack!
OK - back to the job stuff...so the lady who is taking my job here came into the office last Thursday to meet a few people. It was an interesting encounter. Based on her comments, it has been concluded that (1) she has no written offer in hand (2) she has no set start date (although we were told she would start on 6/2) and (3) we suspect that she may even back out altogether...which would REALLY make things fun..especially since there will already be a 2 week span where they have NO ONE here to do the job - LOL! Then there's always the possibility that she just can't hack the job and quits or is asked to leave shortly after joining...and maybe they call me.... I truly cannot wait to see how this all enravels.
I received a great phone call today - I won a free photo session for Ethan by a local photographer who is also a phenomenal scrapbooker. The photo shoot will be on 5/18 at my house. I'm so very excited. You can visit her studio website here.
Now I'm off - to take care of baby duties...
Oh and if anyone has any knowledge of those 529 college savings accounts...you know, such as tax benefits etc...I'm planning to open one up for Ethan in the next few days.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Sunday, April 27, 2008
~Sunday randomness~
~We had been planning all week to go to the outlet mall, you know, to get that Coach purse I just couldn't bring myself to buy last weekend when I was there w/my mom. I thought long and hard all week about it and decided that I deserved it - considering I haven't bought much of anything for myself in the last I-dont-know-how-many months.
~I tried to post a picture of the purse but the computer was not cooperating.
~It was raining big time all the way there and still when we got there so it really wasn't much fun. We drove to whatever store we wanted to go in and then ran in and out, instead of busting out the stroller and casually walking the entire complex. Bummer!
~We grabbed a quick lunch and headed back home.
~I also sold the back window to the Jeep I had - hooray!
~I think I'll head to bed soon...bored and tired.
~Oh yeah, tomorrow is our 1 yr anniversary...if you ask me, it's a miracle I survived the past year.
~I tried to post a picture of the purse but the computer was not cooperating.
~It was raining big time all the way there and still when we got there so it really wasn't much fun. We drove to whatever store we wanted to go in and then ran in and out, instead of busting out the stroller and casually walking the entire complex. Bummer!
~We grabbed a quick lunch and headed back home.
~I also sold the back window to the Jeep I had - hooray!
~I think I'll head to bed soon...bored and tired.
~Oh yeah, tomorrow is our 1 yr anniversary...if you ask me, it's a miracle I survived the past year.
Friday, April 25, 2008
~fun with onesies~
I stumbled upon this blog..not sure how I got there, but am SO happy that I did. As you can see, she gives instructions on how she created the CUTEST onesies for her little guy. Here is her 6 month design.
Since I've been making a point to take pics of Ethan when he was 1 month/4 wks and also 2 months/8 wks, I decided that I HAVE to make these onesies as well.
Here is the finished product for '3 Months' - I'm so excited to put it on him...still a few days to go (he's 11 wks today).
I'd love to add something to the back, but cannot seem to muster up enough creativity to come up with a catchy phrase or something...suggestions/ideas welcome.
Since I've been making a point to take pics of Ethan when he was 1 month/4 wks and also 2 months/8 wks, I decided that I HAVE to make these onesies as well.
Here is the finished product for '3 Months' - I'm so excited to put it on him...still a few days to go (he's 11 wks today).

Yay for Fridays - especially this one since I didn't work today.
I had an 8:30am appt for my pre-employment testing for the hospital job. That was NOT fun. They had to poke me twice for blood and still didn't get all they needed - which surprised me because I've never had trouble giving blood before. The 2nd try was in the top of my hand and let me say OUCH - big time! That was quite painful and then she kept moving the needle around to get the blood to come out...um - hello - that hurts!!
From there I happily left and headed back to mom's where Ethan was enjoying his morning. We watched Grey's and ER from last night and then went to Moe's for lunch. YUM! By now it was almost 1pm and time for Ethan's doctor appt. I hadn't been dreading it but I should have been...the poor punkin' got 3 shots today - ouch - and the minute that first needle went in - he screamed - and his face turned SOO red - it was all I could do to hide my tears. Not fun!
We are now happily @ home and he's crashed out for the moment.
In other news...It's 2008. I had a 2000 Jeep Wrangler. I bought tinted windows for it and so I had an extra set of windows that I've held on to. These windows have moved from AZ to TX to TN and I've finally decided that it might be awhile before I can get another Jeep and so I will part with the windows. I listed them on Craigslist and already sold the rear window. Yay!
I guess the rapid sale of my 1st handmade journal on Etsy was a fluke because I haven't sold a single thing since...lovely.
I had an 8:30am appt for my pre-employment testing for the hospital job. That was NOT fun. They had to poke me twice for blood and still didn't get all they needed - which surprised me because I've never had trouble giving blood before. The 2nd try was in the top of my hand and let me say OUCH - big time! That was quite painful and then she kept moving the needle around to get the blood to come out...um - hello - that hurts!!
From there I happily left and headed back to mom's where Ethan was enjoying his morning. We watched Grey's and ER from last night and then went to Moe's for lunch. YUM! By now it was almost 1pm and time for Ethan's doctor appt. I hadn't been dreading it but I should have been...the poor punkin' got 3 shots today - ouch - and the minute that first needle went in - he screamed - and his face turned SOO red - it was all I could do to hide my tears. Not fun!
We are now happily @ home and he's crashed out for the moment.
In other news...It's 2008. I had a 2000 Jeep Wrangler. I bought tinted windows for it and so I had an extra set of windows that I've held on to. These windows have moved from AZ to TX to TN and I've finally decided that it might be awhile before I can get another Jeep and so I will part with the windows. I listed them on Craigslist and already sold the rear window. Yay!
I guess the rapid sale of my 1st handmade journal on Etsy was a fluke because I haven't sold a single thing since...lovely.
Monday, April 21, 2008
~can't handle anymore~
They say God will only give you what you can handle....well, can someone please send him a message that I'm at my limit? He must think I have room to handle more, but I really don't.
Thank you!
Thank you!
Stressed Out
Sunday, April 20, 2008
~Mom, Ethan and I headed to the outlet mall today. The trip was postponed 1 day due to icky rain on Saturday. We had a good time and my question is how did all the retailers know that I would be obsessed with baby giraffe stuff for Ethan and therefore created entire lines of baby boy clothing with these giraffes? Both Gymboree and Carter's have the CUTEST giraffe stuff.
~We ate at Connor's where I ordered a grilled chicken salad w/balsamic vinigrette - YUM!
~Due to upcoming change in employment and ensuing lower pay...I decided to investigate my options for phone, internet & tv service. We are currently set up on a bundle pkg with a local company but I decided to investigate AT&T's rates when my mom mentioned she priced them out recently and they were lower than her current provider. I just placed the order and it looks like the bill will be $40 less per month!!! That's awesome. And we are changing from cable to DISH Network.
~Last week I spent pricing out new homeowner's insurance and found a slightly better deal...not a huge savings, but something is better than nothing. I don't think there is anything else I can cut back on. I hope to have my car paid off before I make the job change too so that will be nice.
~It's likely we will travel back to the outlet next weekend...all to purchase a purse. I should have just got it today but 'practical me' came out and prevailed. Now I'm all wishing I had just got the darn purse. Now I am not a 'purse obsessed' gal at all - I usually buy a purse, use it to it's full potential and impending death and then get a new one. I am NOT one of those who changes purses with the seasons etc. I also have never been a name-brand purse gal...a Fossil purse is perfect for me and they are often quite functional. Well, lately, I've been on this Coach purse kick -just gotta have one- not for the brand name either - more because they have the lifetime guarantee policy and I saw one of the perfect size/shape for my needs. I cannot stop thinking about it and will go back and get it next weekend. It'll be one last treat to myself while still earning a decent wage. :-)
~Lastly, I will be taking Friday off this week. I have the pre-employment testing for the hospital at 8:30am and Ethan has a doctor appointment @ 1pm - he is getting vaccinations that day - I am NOT looking forward to that at all...poor baby!
~We ate at Connor's where I ordered a grilled chicken salad w/balsamic vinigrette - YUM!
~Due to upcoming change in employment and ensuing lower pay...I decided to investigate my options for phone, internet & tv service. We are currently set up on a bundle pkg with a local company but I decided to investigate AT&T's rates when my mom mentioned she priced them out recently and they were lower than her current provider. I just placed the order and it looks like the bill will be $40 less per month!!! That's awesome. And we are changing from cable to DISH Network.
~Last week I spent pricing out new homeowner's insurance and found a slightly better deal...not a huge savings, but something is better than nothing. I don't think there is anything else I can cut back on. I hope to have my car paid off before I make the job change too so that will be nice.
~It's likely we will travel back to the outlet next weekend...all to purchase a purse. I should have just got it today but 'practical me' came out and prevailed. Now I'm all wishing I had just got the darn purse. Now I am not a 'purse obsessed' gal at all - I usually buy a purse, use it to it's full potential and impending death and then get a new one. I am NOT one of those who changes purses with the seasons etc. I also have never been a name-brand purse gal...a Fossil purse is perfect for me and they are often quite functional. Well, lately, I've been on this Coach purse kick -just gotta have one- not for the brand name either - more because they have the lifetime guarantee policy and I saw one of the perfect size/shape for my needs. I cannot stop thinking about it and will go back and get it next weekend. It'll be one last treat to myself while still earning a decent wage. :-)
~Lastly, I will be taking Friday off this week. I have the pre-employment testing for the hospital at 8:30am and Ethan has a doctor appointment @ 1pm - he is getting vaccinations that day - I am NOT looking forward to that at all...poor baby!
Good Stuff,
I Want,
Friday, April 18, 2008
~how to?~
Does anyone know how to make these or these or these or these?
Surely, they cannot be that difficult to make...I want to get on this gig...I have PS Elements..but I have NO clue how to use it - great huh?
I took a PS class a while back, but well, I didn't learn much. I'm not sure if an on-line course would help me much and I can't find any other classes around here.
I have all the tools to make these, now if I could only figure out how to make them...
Surely, they cannot be that difficult to make...I want to get on this gig...I have PS Elements..but I have NO clue how to use it - great huh?
I took a PS class a while back, but well, I didn't learn much. I'm not sure if an on-line course would help me much and I can't find any other classes around here.
I have all the tools to make these, now if I could only figure out how to make them...
Keep Learning
~crappy stuff~
~I woke up in a crap mood today, hence the 'crap' post.
~Receiving SBUX stock options that are $5.00 more expensive than the current price...oh gee, thanks!!
~The Tigers are 5-11, that's 5 WINS and 11 LOSSES - they are dead last place. Sure it's still early but for a team that is supossed to be LOADED with a strong offense and excellent pitching, well, they aren't demonstrating that now are they? They have started this season off like they ended the last one. They should have gone to the playoffs last year but instead decided to lose most of their last 10 games which ultimately put them out of contention for playoffs. Ugh!
~I almost got rear-ended this morning - BIG TIME - by a huge, and I mean huge, Dodge Ram pickup truck driven by a 'good 'ol TN boy' - oh and did I mention he was either on the phone or texting. Butthead! (thankfully I had already dropped Ethan off). I had my seatbelt on but if he had hit me, I'm sure I would have been airborne.
~We've been without phones @ work for 3 days, it was great the first day but 3 days is too much. I needed to make a job offer today but it will have to wait 'til Monday. I'm not using my personal cell phone...too expensive to go over on minutes.
~How come everytime I open up a fruit cup the juice HAS to spill all over the freakin' place? Can't they put just a little less juice in so it's not overflowing?!?!?! Or a different type of lid?
~Benefits @ the hospital don't start for 90 days. Crap!! Can I ever get a break sometime, somewhere, please?????????????
~I really want to buy myself a 22" monitor for my computer -pure indulgence-but the more practical side of me keeps coming out. (I'm blaming work for this 'want' because we have HUGE monitors there).
~Receiving SBUX stock options that are $5.00 more expensive than the current price...oh gee, thanks!!
~The Tigers are 5-11, that's 5 WINS and 11 LOSSES - they are dead last place. Sure it's still early but for a team that is supossed to be LOADED with a strong offense and excellent pitching, well, they aren't demonstrating that now are they? They have started this season off like they ended the last one. They should have gone to the playoffs last year but instead decided to lose most of their last 10 games which ultimately put them out of contention for playoffs. Ugh!
~I almost got rear-ended this morning - BIG TIME - by a huge, and I mean huge, Dodge Ram pickup truck driven by a 'good 'ol TN boy' - oh and did I mention he was either on the phone or texting. Butthead! (thankfully I had already dropped Ethan off). I had my seatbelt on but if he had hit me, I'm sure I would have been airborne.
~We've been without phones @ work for 3 days, it was great the first day but 3 days is too much. I needed to make a job offer today but it will have to wait 'til Monday. I'm not using my personal cell phone...too expensive to go over on minutes.
~How come everytime I open up a fruit cup the juice HAS to spill all over the freakin' place? Can't they put just a little less juice in so it's not overflowing?!?!?! Or a different type of lid?
~Benefits @ the hospital don't start for 90 days. Crap!! Can I ever get a break sometime, somewhere, please?????????????
~I really want to buy myself a 22" monitor for my computer -pure indulgence-but the more practical side of me keeps coming out. (I'm blaming work for this 'want' because we have HUGE monitors there).
Detroit Tigers,
~I ate well yesterday.
~I walked a little over a mile, (stopping early because I got shin-splints).
~The scale has not moved.
~I hate how I look.
~I hate how I feel.
~I am disgusted & frustrated.
~I walked a little over a mile, (stopping early because I got shin-splints).
~The scale has not moved.
~I hate how I look.
~I hate how I feel.
~I am disgusted & frustrated.
Being Fat
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Phew - just finished my 2 miles on the treadmill - yay!! I hope to do the same tomorrow, and the day after that and the day after that and...you get the point.
Being Fat,
Working Out
~life after baby~
PSA- Starbucks is offering free iTunes songs again, but this time it's a WEEKLY event, not DAILY. Stop by every Tuesday for a new song. I actually stopped in this morning and they still had a TON left. This weeks song is "Washington Square" by The Counting Crows.
I'm still waiting to receive the official offer from the hospital. The mgr said it could be a couple days, but that's fine since I can still work here (for now). I figure I need to work as much here as I can and get the (seem to be never-ending) hospital bills paid for before I make the job change. How can I have insurance and still have to pay out more than $1000 after childbirth. Maybe that's 'normal' in terms of uncovered costs, but dang, it sure seems like ALOT of moolah to me. On Friday, I nearly had a heart attack when I opened the mail - I received a bill from the anesthesiologist (sp?) for $898!!! I had to worry about it all weekend long -that is the worst! I called on Monday to inquire and happily discovered that Aetna (blech!) had not finished processing it and the bill amount that I actually have to pay is $340. Better, but still!!! I hope I don't get anymore in the mail. Geesh!!
I've heard the insurance @ the hospital is really good and Aetna has a bad reputation in this area, so hopefully I won't have a lot of out-of-pocket costs going forward. The hospital offers Cariten or UHC. I'll have to figure out which plan is best for me and E.
The phones are down at work this morning. LOL! They went down last night and are still not working...kind of nice if you ask me. :-)
I'm still quite frustrated w/the weight loss thing...my scale is just NOT moving. Argh! Well, actually it moves back and forth in a 2-3 lb range. I really have to find a way to at least walk on the t-mill every night...which is quite challenging. By the time I get home, I have to feed E and then there are a million things to do to get ready for the next day. Also, O doesn't get home til 730pm on Tues & Thurs so that makes it really hard to get in some exercise on those nights as I'm usually pretty tired by then and still have all the next-day prep to do. These aren't excuses, just facts but I'll have to suck it up and get my butt on the t-mill. You know there is this ongoing battle between stay-at-home-moms and working moms - each group saying that they have the more difficult job...well, I've never been an advocate for the SAHM group and that has become even more solidified now - life as a working mom is WAY MORE CHALLENGING...HANDS DOWN!!!
Ok, back to exercise...tonight I plan to walk @ least 2 miles - that should take 35-40 minutes as I walk at 3.5/3.6 mph. Back in my running days, I would walk at 4.0 to 'cool down' which is a 15 minute mile so I need to work back up to that and start running too. My dilemma with running right now is the lack of an adequate bra...yep folks...there it is, plain and simple for ya. Running hurts right now...must find new sports bra! :-)
Can I just say that 'back-fat' is the grossest? It is also hard to disguise. That is my BIG motivation for working out right now...I cannot stand how it looks...I think that's where my extra 30 lbs is. Ew, I know.
I'm still waiting to receive the official offer from the hospital. The mgr said it could be a couple days, but that's fine since I can still work here (for now). I figure I need to work as much here as I can and get the (seem to be never-ending) hospital bills paid for before I make the job change. How can I have insurance and still have to pay out more than $1000 after childbirth. Maybe that's 'normal' in terms of uncovered costs, but dang, it sure seems like ALOT of moolah to me. On Friday, I nearly had a heart attack when I opened the mail - I received a bill from the anesthesiologist (sp?) for $898!!! I had to worry about it all weekend long -that is the worst! I called on Monday to inquire and happily discovered that Aetna (blech!) had not finished processing it and the bill amount that I actually have to pay is $340. Better, but still!!! I hope I don't get anymore in the mail. Geesh!!
I've heard the insurance @ the hospital is really good and Aetna has a bad reputation in this area, so hopefully I won't have a lot of out-of-pocket costs going forward. The hospital offers Cariten or UHC. I'll have to figure out which plan is best for me and E.
The phones are down at work this morning. LOL! They went down last night and are still not working...kind of nice if you ask me. :-)
I'm still quite frustrated w/the weight loss thing...my scale is just NOT moving. Argh! Well, actually it moves back and forth in a 2-3 lb range. I really have to find a way to at least walk on the t-mill every night...which is quite challenging. By the time I get home, I have to feed E and then there are a million things to do to get ready for the next day. Also, O doesn't get home til 730pm on Tues & Thurs so that makes it really hard to get in some exercise on those nights as I'm usually pretty tired by then and still have all the next-day prep to do. These aren't excuses, just facts but I'll have to suck it up and get my butt on the t-mill. You know there is this ongoing battle between stay-at-home-moms and working moms - each group saying that they have the more difficult job...well, I've never been an advocate for the SAHM group and that has become even more solidified now - life as a working mom is WAY MORE CHALLENGING...HANDS DOWN!!!
Ok, back to exercise...tonight I plan to walk @ least 2 miles - that should take 35-40 minutes as I walk at 3.5/3.6 mph. Back in my running days, I would walk at 4.0 to 'cool down' which is a 15 minute mile so I need to work back up to that and start running too. My dilemma with running right now is the lack of an adequate bra...yep folks...there it is, plain and simple for ya. Running hurts right now...must find new sports bra! :-)
Can I just say that 'back-fat' is the grossest? It is also hard to disguise. That is my BIG motivation for working out right now...I cannot stand how it looks...I think that's where my extra 30 lbs is. Ew, I know.
Being Fat,
Working Out
Monday, April 14, 2008
~quick turnaround~
~I interviewed @ the hospital today @ 10am.
~The hiring manager called me less than 90 minutes later
~They will be extending an offer to me.
~She gave me all the details but the 'official' offer comes from the employment office.
~It's likely that my current job has been given to someone else...I will find out in a couple days and so I am thankful that the hospital job has worked out.
There are many perks to the hospital job:
1) Only work 3-4 nights/wk (12 hour shifts)
2) Benefits!!!
3) Home during the day with Ethan
4) Work apparel=scrubs and tennis shoes (or Crocs) WOOHOO!!!!!!
So even though I don't know whether my current job is 'gone' - I'm so bitter about how they have treated me that I really don't want to stay there...not to mention the instability they have demonstrated with the position possibly going away or being made permanent for someone else...apparently it doesn't matter that I've been doing the job for the past 5 months.
If the lady does take my job, she can't start til mid-May or so as she is going on a European vacation or something...since I'll likely be going to the hospital, I won't be around to train her...LOL! *insert evil laugh here*
~The hiring manager called me less than 90 minutes later
~They will be extending an offer to me.
~She gave me all the details but the 'official' offer comes from the employment office.
~It's likely that my current job has been given to someone else...I will find out in a couple days and so I am thankful that the hospital job has worked out.
There are many perks to the hospital job:
1) Only work 3-4 nights/wk (12 hour shifts)
2) Benefits!!!
3) Home during the day with Ethan
4) Work apparel=scrubs and tennis shoes (or Crocs) WOOHOO!!!!!!
So even though I don't know whether my current job is 'gone' - I'm so bitter about how they have treated me that I really don't want to stay there...not to mention the instability they have demonstrated with the position possibly going away or being made permanent for someone else...apparently it doesn't matter that I've been doing the job for the past 5 months.
If the lady does take my job, she can't start til mid-May or so as she is going on a European vacation or something...since I'll likely be going to the hospital, I won't be around to train her...LOL! *insert evil laugh here*
Sunday, April 13, 2008
~a weekend in pictures~
Just a couple fun pictures we snapped before heading to the mall yesterday. I am happy with both of them but I really love the look on Ethan's face in the 2nd picture. :-)

Oscar bought Ethan this shirt today when he went to the store. It's a 12month size but he insisted on putting it on him just to see what it looked like...hence the sleeves rolled up a TON...the picture cracks me up though - he looks like a miniature grown up. LOL!
This morning I was able to do some scrapbooking and finished up a small little journal I was putting together - using a bunch of different 'stuff' - paper, envelopes, rub-ons, chipboard, etc. I created My Etsy Shop and posted it. To my surprise, it sold in less than 5 minutes. Of course, this encouraged me to create another and I've since completed it and posted it as well. Awhile back I had created a travel themed journal, thinking I'd use it, but I think any significant travel is pretty much out of the picture for me for a while and so I decided to post it as well. We'll see what happens with them. :-)

I have the hospital interview tomorrow @ 10am ET, please send happy thoughts for me...I *REALLY* need this to work out.
Friday, April 11, 2008
So thankful that it is finally Friday! What a miserable week.
I spoke w/the lady @ the hospital today. I have a peer interview on Monday morning @ 10am.
The gal I work with on-site is really cool and totally supportive of me pursuing other job options right now since the mean & nasty boss has left me hanging. I should know sometime next week whether my job has been given to someone else or not. Honestly, I'd rather have the hospital job because it would allow much more time with Ethan and no daycare. I'm tired of my commute right now as I am spending 1 hour on the road each way everyday. I am also very bitter w/current company. The hospital is maybe 6-8 miles from my home and the work schedule is 3-4 days/week on 12 hour shifts. That would be excellent.
Saturday my dad is coming to visit for a while. Maybe we'll go up to the mall...not sure.
Sunday I have to go to the Baptism education class @ church @ 2pm.
That's about it for my weekend. :-)
I spoke w/the lady @ the hospital today. I have a peer interview on Monday morning @ 10am.
The gal I work with on-site is really cool and totally supportive of me pursuing other job options right now since the mean & nasty boss has left me hanging. I should know sometime next week whether my job has been given to someone else or not. Honestly, I'd rather have the hospital job because it would allow much more time with Ethan and no daycare. I'm tired of my commute right now as I am spending 1 hour on the road each way everyday. I am also very bitter w/current company. The hospital is maybe 6-8 miles from my home and the work schedule is 3-4 days/week on 12 hour shifts. That would be excellent.
Saturday my dad is coming to visit for a while. Maybe we'll go up to the mall...not sure.
Sunday I have to go to the Baptism education class @ church @ 2pm.
That's about it for my weekend. :-)
Thursday, April 10, 2008
~why life (really) sucks right now~
I unhappily arrived at work Wednesday knowing I basically had to ask/beg for my job back and since it had only been 4 work days I thought that I would be fortunate enough to be able to stay...BOY WAS I WRONG. I called my mgr (located in Ohio) whom I rarely speak with, to let her know what happened with the job offer and apparently she is as old-fashioned as they come because she was unbelievably cold, heartless and just plain rude to me on the phone as she told me that she was in 'talks' with someone else but an offer has not been extended. When I asked her if she would still be extending an offer even though I now said I could say, she replied that she would be - how nice.
The staff here on-site that I work with all want me to stay, they like me and I do a good job for them...this 'remote' mgr in Ohio apparently doesn't give a sh*t about that, she is going to do what she wants. She told me to just 'sit tight' and that it would be 3-4 wks before someone would be hired here. I felt like telling her where to shove her 3-4 wks but I refrained. Yay me! I tell ya' what though...if she thinks I'm training ANYONE, she is sadly mistaken. I will walk out of this place, the door will NOT hit me in the a$$ and I will watch the bridge go up in flames. I.DO.NOT.CARE. I've had a few jobs where I have wanted to burn the bridge but have taken the (sometimes) wiser, professional route...but NOT THIS TIME. I have never been treated so poorly and I cannot believe this (evil) woman is PUNISHING me for pursuing an employment option that is ideal for me and my family at this point in my life. WTF? One would think a female mgr would understand that I want to be with my little guy - apparently not. Then again, I've always heard that female mgrs are worse to work for than male - I think I believe this.
Let me apologize now for having my own pity party...I'm back to feeling that the only good thing in my life right now is Ethan and I hardly see him, so that totally sucks. I get maybe 4 hrs/day with him before he falls asleep and then 1-2 ten minute rendevous middle-of-the-night feedings. Last night he only woke up once for which I would normally rejoice, however right now it makes me sad that I don't get to see him much. It's also hard to just come home and sit on the couch with him after work when I have bottles to wash & prepare for the next day, milk to take out of the freezer for the next day, dinner to make, go to the bathroom, etc...you get the point.
So since I will likely have NO job in the coming weeks I headed up to the hospital last night to do the job shadow. The manager didn't call me back during the day so I just took the initiative and went up there. I was there from 7-10pm and needed toothpicks to keep my eyes open having only slept 4 hrs the night before (thanks to job situation). The hospital job would be pretty crazy and definitely a learning experience, but it would allow me to be @ home during the day with E and ultimately, that is what I want. Even though we have a MUCH better child care arrangement for him right now it still distresses me that he spends more time with her than me. She is taking him to an arboretum today with a friend of hers and I can't help but feel jealous - I want to be the one to take him places etc. It just kills me.
Everything pretty much sucks right now.
The staff here on-site that I work with all want me to stay, they like me and I do a good job for them...this 'remote' mgr in Ohio apparently doesn't give a sh*t about that, she is going to do what she wants. She told me to just 'sit tight' and that it would be 3-4 wks before someone would be hired here. I felt like telling her where to shove her 3-4 wks but I refrained. Yay me! I tell ya' what though...if she thinks I'm training ANYONE, she is sadly mistaken. I will walk out of this place, the door will NOT hit me in the a$$ and I will watch the bridge go up in flames. I.DO.NOT.CARE. I've had a few jobs where I have wanted to burn the bridge but have taken the (sometimes) wiser, professional route...but NOT THIS TIME. I have never been treated so poorly and I cannot believe this (evil) woman is PUNISHING me for pursuing an employment option that is ideal for me and my family at this point in my life. WTF? One would think a female mgr would understand that I want to be with my little guy - apparently not. Then again, I've always heard that female mgrs are worse to work for than male - I think I believe this.
Let me apologize now for having my own pity party...I'm back to feeling that the only good thing in my life right now is Ethan and I hardly see him, so that totally sucks. I get maybe 4 hrs/day with him before he falls asleep and then 1-2 ten minute rendevous middle-of-the-night feedings. Last night he only woke up once for which I would normally rejoice, however right now it makes me sad that I don't get to see him much. It's also hard to just come home and sit on the couch with him after work when I have bottles to wash & prepare for the next day, milk to take out of the freezer for the next day, dinner to make, go to the bathroom, etc...you get the point.
So since I will likely have NO job in the coming weeks I headed up to the hospital last night to do the job shadow. The manager didn't call me back during the day so I just took the initiative and went up there. I was there from 7-10pm and needed toothpicks to keep my eyes open having only slept 4 hrs the night before (thanks to job situation). The hospital job would be pretty crazy and definitely a learning experience, but it would allow me to be @ home during the day with E and ultimately, that is what I want. Even though we have a MUCH better child care arrangement for him right now it still distresses me that he spends more time with her than me. She is taking him to an arboretum today with a friend of hers and I can't help but feel jealous - I want to be the one to take him places etc. It just kills me.
Everything pretty much sucks right now.
Stressed Out,
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
~can't sleep~
It's 3:41am- I can't sleep - what a surprise.
Now not only will I be in a pissy mood today (wed), I'll be really tired.
Now not only will I be in a pissy mood today (wed), I'll be really tired.
Stressed Out
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Reason 19987348273482934709 why Corporate America SUCKS!!!!
~7:30pm~just got a call from the contracting agency for the work-at-home job and the company I was going to work for just put their positions on hold!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Way to go! So unbelievably unprofessional and ridiculous. How do things change THAT MUCH in 4 days?!?! Sounds like they need some new management!!!
~I have to go to work tomorrow and 'ask' for my job back - not to mention feel totally embarassed and humiliated about it. Thankfully they haven't found anyone yet and so I should be 'ok' but it's still unbelievably embarassing.
~I also have to hope that my new daycare lady is willing to care for E on a long term basis now.
~To make matters worse, I had also called the hospital to decline the job shadow appointment I had/have for Wed night from 7pm-10pm...now I just called back to 'ask' if I can still go...hopefully she calls me and says that I can still go.
I think I am in shock.
~I have to go to work tomorrow and 'ask' for my job back - not to mention feel totally embarassed and humiliated about it. Thankfully they haven't found anyone yet and so I should be 'ok' but it's still unbelievably embarassing.
~I also have to hope that my new daycare lady is willing to care for E on a long term basis now.
~To make matters worse, I had also called the hospital to decline the job shadow appointment I had/have for Wed night from 7pm-10pm...now I just called back to 'ask' if I can still go...hopefully she calls me and says that I can still go.
I think I am in shock.
Stressed Out,
~the weekend~
Yeah, so it's only Tuesday but I'm already thinking about the weekend...I want to do something fun, but I'll likely end up staying @ home w/the little guy.
We were going to go to my (step)sister's house in VA but we have since decided against going, for a few reasons: (1) gas prices, (2) the 4 hr drive after work on Friday night, add at least an hour for stopping to feed/take care of E and (3) we'd have to leave early Sunday morning to get back in time for me to go to the Baptism class @ church. It's only offered once/month so I have to go to this one. Maybe we'll go to VA for Memorial Day weekend instead.
O will likely work on Saturday now and my mom will be out of town...what's a girl and little dude to do?? The mall is not so exciting anymore - especially since I still don't have any moolah..I will finally get a check on 4/15 since returning to work.
Today the snotty guy @ the agency that I contract with called me and said he heard thru the grapevine that I am leaving...duh! He then rudely said "were you going to let us know?" ...you know what...they don't deserve any courtesy at all after pulling the 1099 stunt on me..heck, I informed those who NEED to know AKA those I work with - that's good enough. If the company wants to replace me with another contractor thru that same agency, they will contact the agency themselves...that's the way I look at it. The agency hasn't done me any favors, why should I do them any?!?!
Ethan has officially grown out of Newborn clothes already - OMG - please stay small - I don't want him to grow (so fast). We are into the 3 month sizes now and he's 2 months old today!!
Also on the baby front...my childcare situation improved GREATLY since last week. Ethan is now staying with a lady whose husband works w/me. He mentioned her to me last week and when the new job came thru, I thought I'd take him there instead of the dreaded daycare. It's just her and him all day and he is getting SO MUCH attention -it's awesome!! Oh and what do you know...he ate 15 oz today...not 9oz like when he was at the daycare!!
I was going to give the daycare the courtesy of a 2 wk notice, but since they didn't require it and my peace of mind was at stake, I simply called them early Monday morning and told them E would not be back. I then sent O to pick up our stuff there ---I wasn't going up there. LOL!! They probably have a waiting list and another infant there already so I don't feel terribly bad. Maybe they'll get their 'stuff' together and learn to fill out paperwork correctly...duh!!
We were going to go to my (step)sister's house in VA but we have since decided against going, for a few reasons: (1) gas prices, (2) the 4 hr drive after work on Friday night, add at least an hour for stopping to feed/take care of E and (3) we'd have to leave early Sunday morning to get back in time for me to go to the Baptism class @ church. It's only offered once/month so I have to go to this one. Maybe we'll go to VA for Memorial Day weekend instead.
O will likely work on Saturday now and my mom will be out of town...what's a girl and little dude to do?? The mall is not so exciting anymore - especially since I still don't have any moolah..I will finally get a check on 4/15 since returning to work.
Today the snotty guy @ the agency that I contract with called me and said he heard thru the grapevine that I am leaving...duh! He then rudely said "were you going to let us know?" ...you know what...they don't deserve any courtesy at all after pulling the 1099 stunt on me..heck, I informed those who NEED to know AKA those I work with - that's good enough. If the company wants to replace me with another contractor thru that same agency, they will contact the agency themselves...that's the way I look at it. The agency hasn't done me any favors, why should I do them any?!?!
Ethan has officially grown out of Newborn clothes already - OMG - please stay small - I don't want him to grow (so fast). We are into the 3 month sizes now and he's 2 months old today!!
Also on the baby front...my childcare situation improved GREATLY since last week. Ethan is now staying with a lady whose husband works w/me. He mentioned her to me last week and when the new job came thru, I thought I'd take him there instead of the dreaded daycare. It's just her and him all day and he is getting SO MUCH attention -it's awesome!! Oh and what do you know...he ate 15 oz today...not 9oz like when he was at the daycare!!
I was going to give the daycare the courtesy of a 2 wk notice, but since they didn't require it and my peace of mind was at stake, I simply called them early Monday morning and told them E would not be back. I then sent O to pick up our stuff there ---I wasn't going up there. LOL!! They probably have a waiting list and another infant there already so I don't feel terribly bad. Maybe they'll get their 'stuff' together and learn to fill out paperwork correctly...duh!!
Sunday, April 06, 2008
~3 weeks of the Paper Adventure project...I was 5 wks behind, now I'm only 2 behind, but that will become 3 as soon as Tuesday hits. It looks like weekends will be my only chance for scrapbooking....but that's ok.
~took the picture for my Paper Adventure, Week 13 (Spring).
~the first 2 mini-books for Ethan's first year of life box album.
~attempted to take some 'faux studio' pictures of Ethan (see below)
~baked cupcakes to celebrate Ethan's 2 month birthday (see below)
~Well, I think that's it...
~took the picture for my Paper Adventure, Week 13 (Spring).
~the first 2 mini-books for Ethan's first year of life box album.
~attempted to take some 'faux studio' pictures of Ethan (see below)

Saturday, April 05, 2008
~lazy weekend~
~Well, it will be a lazy weekend now. Mary isn't coming to visit due to the poopy rain - driving 6 hrs in it and then through the mountains too...well, not fun and I don't blame her. We are hoping she can make it out in May.
~The only 'activity' I have planned today is a trip to the ATM to deposit a check (my last SBUX short term disability check). I was supposed to be back @ SBUX yesterday as my Short Term Disibility officially ended, but obviously I'm not going back. I will then make a stop at the gas station for fuel and then back home. What an exciting day huh?
~There are talks about who will replace me @ work. I don't think they are going to bring back the gal who covered for me. She took another temp job within the company for a big-wig and they don't want to ask for her, even though she would jump @ the chance for the job because the pay is double what she is making now...bummer. Anyway, I mentioned that I would be willing to come in during the evenings after I start my new job in the event they still need help. My 'boss' (in-direct) seemed to like that idea and I'm hoping it pans out as it would be a little extra moolah and that's a good thing. And it would just be temporary.
~Yay for fun mail days...I just got this and can't wait to work on it.
~The only 'activity' I have planned today is a trip to the ATM to deposit a check (my last SBUX short term disability check). I was supposed to be back @ SBUX yesterday as my Short Term Disibility officially ended, but obviously I'm not going back. I will then make a stop at the gas station for fuel and then back home. What an exciting day huh?
~There are talks about who will replace me @ work. I don't think they are going to bring back the gal who covered for me. She took another temp job within the company for a big-wig and they don't want to ask for her, even though she would jump @ the chance for the job because the pay is double what she is making now...bummer. Anyway, I mentioned that I would be willing to come in during the evenings after I start my new job in the event they still need help. My 'boss' (in-direct) seemed to like that idea and I'm hoping it pans out as it would be a little extra moolah and that's a good thing. And it would just be temporary.
~Yay for fun mail days...I just got this and can't wait to work on it.
Friday, April 04, 2008
~an update & a random survey~
Update #1 - I got the job offer for the Bilingual Recruiter, which is a work from home job. YAY!!!! No more daycare! I put my notice in yesterday and will start w/new job on 4/18 likely with a one day trip to Raleigh, NC. I will not miss getting up at 5am either!! Thank goodness those days are almost over and were short-lived...of course, I'm still getting up in the middle of the night with the little guy but that's OK. :-)
Update #2 - O will not be going to boot camp in 40-some days as he injured his knee a while back and needs surgery before he can go. There is no new departure date but it will likely be pushed back to September time frame. I'll have to update my countdown with an approximate date.
Update #3 - I want to send a THANK YOU out to Dawn for helping me post the other day while I was held hostage in my workplace w/no access to blogs. Dawn also ROCKS because she introduced me to GOOGLE READER which I CAN see @ work. Hooray!! It is like Bloglines but WAY better. I can read blogs, but I can't comment, BUT I can 'star' them for later and comment when I get home. So cool!! Check it out!!
Update #4 - Getting ready for Mary to come this weekend. So excited!! It should be LOTS of fun and it will be SO nice to see her since we haven't seen each other since August!!!
Update #5 - I had a not-so-fun visit to the OB yesterday. I will spare you the details but I learned that I have an inverted uterus which ultimately makes certain procedures difficult and more painful than the norm. Oh lucky me!!
And now this randomness post swiped from Dawn's blog...
1. What's your favorite ice cream flavor?
Mint Chocolate Chip - hands down. If it's made by Stroh's - even better...but I think that's only found in Michigan. Boohoo!
2. What shampoo do you use?
3. How do you like your eggs?
Scrambled. Deviled is good too!
4. What's the first thing you do when you get online?
Check my email!
5. What is your favorite tv show?
Like 98% of the country right now - Grey's Anatomy. But I am also enjoying "Deliver Me" on Bravo (it's about 3 OBs/Friends and their practice).
6. Which do you prefer, the sunrise or the sunset?
They are both nice although I rarely see either these days.
7. When is the last time you went to the mall?
Last Saturday - a family trip, O, MIL and big 'ol baby stroller leading the way.
8. What was the last food that you ate?
9. What is your favorite animal?
Meow - the entire feline family.
10. Do you collect anything?
yes...Pluto figures (the rarer the better).scrapbook supplies (I say 'collect' cuz I haven't been using them lately).
Update #2 - O will not be going to boot camp in 40-some days as he injured his knee a while back and needs surgery before he can go. There is no new departure date but it will likely be pushed back to September time frame. I'll have to update my countdown with an approximate date.
Update #3 - I want to send a THANK YOU out to Dawn for helping me post the other day while I was held hostage in my workplace w/no access to blogs. Dawn also ROCKS because she introduced me to GOOGLE READER which I CAN see @ work. Hooray!! It is like Bloglines but WAY better. I can read blogs, but I can't comment, BUT I can 'star' them for later and comment when I get home. So cool!! Check it out!!
Update #4 - Getting ready for Mary to come this weekend. So excited!! It should be LOTS of fun and it will be SO nice to see her since we haven't seen each other since August!!!
Update #5 - I had a not-so-fun visit to the OB yesterday. I will spare you the details but I learned that I have an inverted uterus which ultimately makes certain procedures difficult and more painful than the norm. Oh lucky me!!
And now this randomness post swiped from Dawn's blog...
1. What's your favorite ice cream flavor?
Mint Chocolate Chip - hands down. If it's made by Stroh's - even better...but I think that's only found in Michigan. Boohoo!
2. What shampoo do you use?
3. How do you like your eggs?
Scrambled. Deviled is good too!
4. What's the first thing you do when you get online?
Check my email!
5. What is your favorite tv show?
Like 98% of the country right now - Grey's Anatomy. But I am also enjoying "Deliver Me" on Bravo (it's about 3 OBs/Friends and their practice).
6. Which do you prefer, the sunrise or the sunset?
They are both nice although I rarely see either these days.
7. When is the last time you went to the mall?
Last Saturday - a family trip, O, MIL and big 'ol baby stroller leading the way.
8. What was the last food that you ate?
9. What is your favorite animal?
Meow - the entire feline family.
10. Do you collect anything?
yes...Pluto figures (the rarer the better).scrapbook supplies (I say 'collect' cuz I haven't been using them lately).
Bloggy Goodness,
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
~job stuff & daycare woes~
I interviewed yesterday for the job to work @ home. I think it went really well and I should know something by early next week. The best part...she said she can't find any other candidates w/the skillset she is looking for...that works to my advantage hopefully.
The hospital had a job fair yesterday. I found out on the way to work in the morning, heard it on the radio. O came home early so I could race up there before it was over. It was REALLY good. I'm not sure if they didn't have many people or if it was because I came near the end, but I don't think there were more than 2-3 other candidates there (if that). I spoke with 4 people about the HUC job that I want. One of the folks I spoke with has a need for a night shift HUC in the ER so I ended up talking to him for quite a while and also got a tour of the ER. Pretty cool. We'll see what happens there but it will likely be a slow process.
We are on day 3 of daycare and it's NOT going well...here's why: when my MIL was here, E was consuming 16 oz during the workday so I took four 4oz bottles to daycare on Monday. He only consumed about 10-12 oz and they dumped the rest of the breastmilk (AKA 'liquid gold') out..gulp!! In addition, they document the diaper changes on a paper that is given to me @ the end of the day, however they only had diaper changes documented through 10:45am and I picked him up at 3:30pm on Monday - so what happened there? Turns out they FORGOT to document the rest...O was NOT happy about that - nor was I, however I knew they had changed him, but I still think they need to make a point to accurately document EVERYTHING.
Note: This is a NEW daycare. They should be STELLAR with all that they do as they are going to be evaluated AND graded by the state (star system). Also, reputation is a HUGE thing.
Day 2 of daycare was equally bad although they did apologize for the poor documentation on Monday. I took four 3oz bottles for him. (They chalked up his lack of eating on Monday to it being his first day). I figure if they aren't going to take the time w/him that my MIL did for him to eat 4oz, then I'll keep the milk @ home where we can use it when I'm away from Ethan. Anyway....they documented that he consumed 11oz however I came home with one full bottle....let's do the math...at most he could have only consumed 9 oz!!!! WTF? Now I'm getting irritated.
So now you see why I was/am so bent-outta-shape about daycare. No matter how 'good' they look when you visit...you really don't know until your child is there and then you are STUCK. I would not be as upset about all this had I been taking him there for months and they neglected to document something etc. as I would have established a relationship with the gals there and would know that it was simply an oversight...but on the FIRST AND SECOND DAY....I don't like it!!! I feel like when you have a NEW 'client' (baby & mom) that at least they should have made EVERY effort to make sure everything was PERFECT so as to put 'nervous moms' at ease...(the owner KNEW I was upset when I dropped him off).
Too bad for them today - O is dropping E off and so they will have to 'deal' with him. Honestly, he handles it professionally, but he is definitely more aggressive than I am...but @ this point I think that's what they need to hear. O has a training class across the street so he'll also pay them a lunch time visit. :-)
The hospital had a job fair yesterday. I found out on the way to work in the morning, heard it on the radio. O came home early so I could race up there before it was over. It was REALLY good. I'm not sure if they didn't have many people or if it was because I came near the end, but I don't think there were more than 2-3 other candidates there (if that). I spoke with 4 people about the HUC job that I want. One of the folks I spoke with has a need for a night shift HUC in the ER so I ended up talking to him for quite a while and also got a tour of the ER. Pretty cool. We'll see what happens there but it will likely be a slow process.
We are on day 3 of daycare and it's NOT going well...here's why: when my MIL was here, E was consuming 16 oz during the workday so I took four 4oz bottles to daycare on Monday. He only consumed about 10-12 oz and they dumped the rest of the breastmilk (AKA 'liquid gold') out..gulp!! In addition, they document the diaper changes on a paper that is given to me @ the end of the day, however they only had diaper changes documented through 10:45am and I picked him up at 3:30pm on Monday - so what happened there? Turns out they FORGOT to document the rest...O was NOT happy about that - nor was I, however I knew they had changed him, but I still think they need to make a point to accurately document EVERYTHING.
Note: This is a NEW daycare. They should be STELLAR with all that they do as they are going to be evaluated AND graded by the state (star system). Also, reputation is a HUGE thing.
Day 2 of daycare was equally bad although they did apologize for the poor documentation on Monday. I took four 3oz bottles for him. (They chalked up his lack of eating on Monday to it being his first day). I figure if they aren't going to take the time w/him that my MIL did for him to eat 4oz, then I'll keep the milk @ home where we can use it when I'm away from Ethan. Anyway....they documented that he consumed 11oz however I came home with one full bottle....let's do the math...at most he could have only consumed 9 oz!!!! WTF? Now I'm getting irritated.
So now you see why I was/am so bent-outta-shape about daycare. No matter how 'good' they look when you visit...you really don't know until your child is there and then you are STUCK. I would not be as upset about all this had I been taking him there for months and they neglected to document something etc. as I would have established a relationship with the gals there and would know that it was simply an oversight...but on the FIRST AND SECOND DAY....I don't like it!!! I feel like when you have a NEW 'client' (baby & mom) that at least they should have made EVERY effort to make sure everything was PERFECT so as to put 'nervous moms' at ease...(the owner KNEW I was upset when I dropped him off).
Too bad for them today - O is dropping E off and so they will have to 'deal' with him. Honestly, he handles it professionally, but he is definitely more aggressive than I am...but @ this point I think that's what they need to hear. O has a training class across the street so he'll also pay them a lunch time visit. :-)
Stressed Out,
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