Wednesday, April 16, 2008

~life after baby~

PSA- Starbucks is offering free iTunes songs again, but this time it's a WEEKLY event, not DAILY. Stop by every Tuesday for a new song. I actually stopped in this morning and they still had a TON left. This weeks song is "Washington Square" by The Counting Crows.

I'm still waiting to receive the official offer from the hospital. The mgr said it could be a couple days, but that's fine since I can still work here (for now). I figure I need to work as much here as I can and get the (seem to be never-ending) hospital bills paid for before I make the job change. How can I have insurance and still have to pay out more than $1000 after childbirth. Maybe that's 'normal' in terms of uncovered costs, but dang, it sure seems like ALOT of moolah to me. On Friday, I nearly had a heart attack when I opened the mail - I received a bill from the anesthesiologist (sp?) for $898!!! I had to worry about it all weekend long -that is the worst! I called on Monday to inquire and happily discovered that Aetna (blech!) had not finished processing it and the bill amount that I actually have to pay is $340. Better, but still!!! I hope I don't get anymore in the mail. Geesh!!

I've heard the insurance @ the hospital is really good and Aetna has a bad reputation in this area, so hopefully I won't have a lot of out-of-pocket costs going forward. The hospital offers Cariten or UHC. I'll have to figure out which plan is best for me and E.

The phones are down at work this morning. LOL! They went down last night and are still not working...kind of nice if you ask me. :-)

I'm still quite frustrated w/the weight loss scale is just NOT moving. Argh! Well, actually it moves back and forth in a 2-3 lb range. I really have to find a way to at least walk on the t-mill every night...which is quite challenging. By the time I get home, I have to feed E and then there are a million things to do to get ready for the next day. Also, O doesn't get home til 730pm on Tues & Thurs so that makes it really hard to get in some exercise on those nights as I'm usually pretty tired by then and still have all the next-day prep to do. These aren't excuses, just facts but I'll have to suck it up and get my butt on the t-mill. You know there is this ongoing battle between stay-at-home-moms and working moms - each group saying that they have the more difficult job...well, I've never been an advocate for the SAHM group and that has become even more solidified now - life as a working mom is WAY MORE CHALLENGING...HANDS DOWN!!!

Ok, back to exercise...tonight I plan to walk @ least 2 miles - that should take 35-40 minutes as I walk at 3.5/3.6 mph. Back in my running days, I would walk at 4.0 to 'cool down' which is a 15 minute mile so I need to work back up to that and start running too. My dilemma with running right now is the lack of an adequate bra...yep folks...there it is, plain and simple for ya. Running hurts right now...must find new sports bra! :-)

Can I just say that 'back-fat' is the grossest? It is also hard to disguise. That is my BIG motivation for working out right now...I cannot stand how it looks...I think that's where my extra 30 lbs is. Ew, I know.


~**Dawn**~ said...

Fingers crossed you get that offer soon. I am sure it will be easier to have an actual date in your mind.

Anonymous said...

I think those uncovered costs are normal. A guy at work had a baby two years ago and his uncovered costs were about $2K for the birth itself (and she didn't use drugs). You need to invent a snuggly feeder, so you can walk on the treadmill and feed E at the same time

k said...

Dawn-yes, I would like to have a date in mind and be able to plan. Thanks for posting for me too!!

Amy-that's HILARIOUS! I think you should work on inventing some sort of feeding while exercising would be quite a bumpy 'ride' for the baby -that's for sure.