Saturday, May 03, 2008

Economic Stimulus - Ha!

~Our contribution to the economy was going out for dinner last night. LOL!!! Unfortunately, the rest of it will likely go to medical bills. The lovely government will need to give us some more money if they want us to actually go out and buy stuff. Hee Hee!

~On both Wed & Thurs I walked & ran on the treadmill, did 50 sit ups as well as a little weight lifting for toning purposes. I have that great 'after-workout' soreness and I was feeling really motivated to continue my nightly workouts...that is until I got on the scale Friday morning and there was still NO change. Wow! Unbelievably frustrated. I will still continue working out though but I could really use some positive reinforcement from that darn scale.

~I gave my notice @ work on Friday. The people I work on-site with already knew I was leaving so I basically had to inform my (evil) manager. I feared that she may just run me off but she didn't so my last day will be 5/16. I would really like to stay longer but I cannot put the hospital off any longer, it's been 4 weeks since my offer. The new lady is not starting here 'til 6/9 now so I could have stayed 'til then and still left w/o training her, which is really the only reason my mgr wanted me to stay though June. I told her that I could not stay 'til June and then be stuck w/o a job..hence leaving in 2 wks for the hospital. Speaking of the hospital, I'm not so excited about the opportunity anymore...I know, I know...but here's why: (1) I will be on days for the first 3 weeks which causes child care issues as well as lower pay (no shift differential), (2) when I finally go to nights my shift is 6:45pm to 7:15am and O needs to leave for work well before 7:15am so we have an 'issue' there (3) when will I sleep? and (4) the pay is just low low low - a lot lower than I thought and I'm not sure if it'll be enough, although I am paying off all bills before the job change. I may even pay off my car.

~Additionally, I'm really enjoying my current job and the people I work with, which is making it really hard to leave. They are having a company picnic on 5/17 and have invited me, even though I would technically no longer be an employee/contractor.

~If they called me to come back to work here, which they may, I would take it in a heartbeat. Yes, I still would rather be @ home w/Ethan but that's just not in the cards for me (working or not) and I have finally come to terms with childcare and am at peace with Ethan being @ the sitters all day - at least I know she is doing a good job and loves having him there. I don't have to worry about him. Yes, I would rather it be me, but sadly it's just not meant to be right now.

~My dark side desperately wishes the woman will change her mind and not come to work here or if she does, than I hope she can't hack it. Did I mention that she has already worked 30+ years and is taking a voluntary retirement pkg from her current company and then coming to work here? Yeah, I think she just needs to stay retired!!!

~After the hospital called me yesterday to tell me about the scheduling of the first few weeks, I started feeling pretty's just not as 'ideal' as I had thought or hoped it would be. *SIGH*

~Here's hoping the woman backs out and I can stay where I'm at...wishful thinking maybe...but the lady I work with on-site said she has a gut feeling/intuition that it will happen - I guess partially based on comments the woman made when she met with her. Oh, how I hope she is right.


Mary said...

that is frustrating that you will be on days for 3 weeks - ugh! I hope things work out one way or the other for you!! have a good weekend!!

Nichole M said...

Does the low pay get off-set by really awesome benefits? How could it be so much lower than you were told?

k said...

Yes, very frustrating.

Nichole-no, the benefits don't make up for the low pay, they don't start for 90 days and when they do, they will cost me about $190/bi-weekly for E and I only. I don't know the details of the coverage but the hospital is self-insured.

Anonymous said...

Measure your waist, hips and chest and track those. Probably not weekly, every 3-4 weeks. I hadn't measured those since like January and I've now lost almost an inch from my hips and .6 from my waist, which helps make the only 5.5 pound weight loss okay. As long as it's coming off I don't care where.