Saturday, September 27, 2008

~50 things~

Swiped this from another blog...

1) Favorite object in your room?

2) Have you ever smoked?
Tried it as a teen...ew!!

3) Do you own guns?
No! Don't plan to either.

4) What flavor do you add to your drink at Sonic?

5) Do you get nervous before doctor appointments?
Not usually.

6) What do you think of hot dogs?
They're best @ the ballpark.

7) Favorite song?
"When Tears Fall Down" by Heidi Newfield (former lead singer of Trick Pony)

8) What do you prefer to drink in the morning?
Orange Juice

9) Can you do push ups?
Just a few...I used to be able to do 13 w/o stopping, but not anymore.

10) Can you do a chin up?
Umm, No.

11) What's your favorite piece of jewelry?
All my watches - I collect them.

12) Do you like blue cheese?
Oh yes!

13) Ever been in a car wreck?

14) Pudding or Jello?

15) Saving or Spending?
Neither since I have NO freakin' money!

16) Middle name?

17) Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment.
I'm broke. I hate it. I'm bored.

18) Name 3 things you bought yesterday?
Didn't buy 3 things yesterday....remember I have NO money!!

19) Name 3 drinks you regularly drink?
Water, Diet Orange Pop, Iced Chai

20) Current worry?

21) Current hate right now?
Pleading the 5th.

22) Tape or Glue?
Usually tape.

23) How did you bring in the New Year?

24) Where would you like to be right now?
A beach or WDW.

25) States Visited?
Quite a few...maybe 18 or so...

26) Do you own slippers?
Yes, they are navy blue w/snowmen on them. So warm!!

27) What shirt are you wearing?
A yellow "Life is Good" t-shirt...I should probably change...LOL!

28) Satin sheets?
Nope. Cotton.

29) Ring Size?
7 I think.

30) Mac or PC?
I really want a Mac, I think.

31) Would you be a pirate? on the problem!

32) What songs do you sing in the shower?
I don't have time to sing in there.

33) Favorite girls name?
Riley Alexis (if Ethan were a girl, this was the name I had picked out).

34) Favorite boys name?
Ethan....although I really like Jacob except it doesn't translate in Spanish very well...sounds really corny!!

35) What's in your pocket?

36) Last thing that made you laugh?
Wish I could remember's been a while.

37) Best bed sheets as a child?
Flannel with penguins on them. I wonder what happened to them.

38) Worst injury you've ever had?
Cracked my head open and got stitches.

39) Do you love where you live?
Somewhat...I've lived in places I've loved more.

40) How many TVs do you have in your house?

41) Who is your loudest friend?
I really don't have any 'loud' friends.

42) How many dogs do you have?

43) Does someone have a crush on you?

44) Lost and Gone?

45) What is your favorite book?
I really liked "P.S. I love you" by Cecilia Ahearn...I'm about to start reading "Love Walked In" by Marisa de los Santos and I think I'm really going to like it. :-)

47) Favorite Sports Team?
The ever stinky Detroit Tigers....last place in the American League Central Division - turds!!!

48) Where is the next place you want to travel to?
London would be good...but so would Spain...of course the most likely location will be Gatlinburg...a whole hour away...whoopee!!

49) What were you doing 12 AM last night?
Sleeping I think.

50) What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up?
Which time I woke up?


Nichole M said...

2. I can smoke a cigar but cigarettes make me wanna yak!

3. Several. :-)

6. Good tasting, but bad for ya!

12. Smelly cheese? No thanks!

30. I *love* my mac!

36. :-(

~**Dawn**~ said...

33. Cute name! =)

34. We have very similar taste in boys' names. =)

45. I really enjoyed the book you lent me! Which reminds me: would you like it back or is there someone else you would like me to pass on it along to?

k said...

Feel free to pass the book along to someone else. Glad you liked it. I haven't started the next one yet...