Tuesday, September 23, 2008


~I am absolutely LOVING going for walks outside with Ethan now that it's cooled down out there. It will be part of our daily routine. (yay for more exercise).

~I haven't worked since Friday. I was scheduled to work this Wed night from 6pm-12am. They called today to cancel. I pretty much expect their call now. Let's see, I'm scheduled Friday night 6pm-12am....we'll see what happens. If I don't get scheduled, I won't have any hours this week. Bummer!

~There is not a wide VARIETY of toys for 6-7 month olds if you ask me. They are all pretty much the same...make music, shape sorters and blocks. We wanted to add to Ethan's toy selection, but it seems he's got the basics of what's available. Ugh.

~The SATC Movie came out today. I *SO* wanted to buy it, but I restrained myself. :-( Now I'm sad. If you're gonna buy it, it's 15.99 @ Target 'til Saturday. It's more expensive @ Walmart!

~Actually spoke WITH my lawyer yesterday. He admitted that he had a trial that sucked up a lot of his time. He apologized and said he'd finish my case today and I'd have it to review. I didn't get an email so I guess he didn't finish it...but maybe, just maybe the end is in sight? It would be nice to have some extra Christmas money.


Anonymous said...

Please promise me that you won't get your hopes up that this case will settle by Christmas. It will be wonderful if it does, but just don't bet on it.

k said...

Oh..well, I sort of was. Stupid me huh? I guess I'm a slow learner. :-)

Freebird said...

Ugh, I hate lawyers! Not you Amy! There's been just too much frickin' law school BS for me over the years.

Anonymous said...

I don't even mean because your attorney won't file the complaint. I just mean cuz litigation is slow.

Mary said...

good luck with the case! and what's up with the erratic schedule at the call center? I hope you have a great week!!

k said...

Mary-Yeah, that call center stuff...geesh. Apparently they are ALOT slower than they have been in the past (lovely economy) and so no one is buying clothes. We'll see if I end up working on Friday & Saturday, but I'm not holding my breath.

~**Dawn**~ said...

I really want to go get the movie too. I heard that Target has an exclusive deluxe version too, I think? Hmmm...

I am loving the cooler weather too. I don't expect ours to hold quite yet (more like this time next month down here) but I am enjoying the last couple of slightly cooler days.

As for toys, if I remember at his age, they liked anything they could chew on. The basics were what they were drawn too most often. You know what else they loved? Everyday stuff. Tupperware (or the equivalent). Big plastic spoons to bang on stuff with. Whatever is around & safe really. The whole world is their experiment now that they are newly mobile. =) We didn't start to use "more fun" toys til around a year or so.

k said...

Dawn-I think I'm gonna pull out some tupperware today along with a couple soft spatulas. Hopefully he'll enjoy those.