~And so at times when I find myself feeling frustrated with the duties of motherhood, I just remember how fortunate I am to have my little man. I cannot imagine my life w/o him, nor do I want to.
~I'll take the nasty, stinky, super-dooper poopy diapers.
~I'll even take getting pooped on.
~I'll take the runny nose.
~I'll take the constant sleepless nights & waking 5-6 times.
~I'll take the days with short or no naps, and the ensuing fussyness.
~I'll take the fighting to get into the carseat.
~Just as long as I still have my little man...because he makes it all WORTH IT.

Absolutely! Your little man is a sweetheart! :) Compliments!
OMG your little boy is adorable! So very sweet! Thanks for sharing.
I've read a lot of blogs with the same stuff and I'm with you: parents should not have to bury their children and it's something I pray I will never encounter.
Your little boy is precious! So cute!
E is sooooo cute.
See, now you're contributing to my baby-bug, too--putting up adorable pictures and saying that all the bad stuff is worth it.
Thanks. :)
Such a little cutie!!!
He is a handsome little guy!
Love the pictures. I'm with you--sleepless nights and the general messiness of children...so worth it!! I am thankful everyday for the health of my 'babies.'
You are so very lucky indeed. Treasure each and every moment. Tomorrow may be too late.
So very true....and so very lucky! I couldn't agree with you more.
He is such a little sweetie. Ethan is a beautiful name too. A friend of mine is due to have her little Ethan any day soon. I just hope it's soon. I can't wait.
So true, so true. And your little man is totally ADORABLE!!!!
Like you, am so lucky... and Ethan is adorable!
Left you something on my blog today. Enjoy!
I'm with ya on that. I have four children (2 boys and 2 girls). Yes, they are all 5 years and younger. Sometimes they can drive me up the wall. I'm married to their biological father but a man can be added to the kiddie list sometimes. I have always wanted a big, close family because in the end, nothing else matters. That kind of love should be in everyone's household.
Oh what a sweet little guy!
That was so moving; thanks for sharing. You deserve better compliments, I know, but I'd like to say that you and your little angel are really lucky to have each other. Be happy, always.
The toughest days with him are still better than any day without.
Good grief has he ever gotten big!
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