~I'm hoping we get out of work early today.... I have too much to do at home.
~We are headed north to VA tomorrow bright & early.
~I have to bake TWO desserts...one of which has many steps...ugh.
~Even worse, I will likely not taste either of these two desserts.
~I refuse to fall off the WW wagon this week.
~Thankfully, turkey & other typical Thanksgiving foods are not big temptations for me.
~Here are 9 reasons why I'm crazy addicted to the world of quilting & fabrics in general...

1. hop, skip + jump!, 2. animals quilt, 3. Lovely-ness, 4. Basted - Back, 5. Ducky Day Front, 6. Red and Aqua quilt, 7. Red and Aqua quilt, 8. Putting on the Pink Quilt, 9. Denyse Schmidt Hop, Skip & a Jump Quilt
~Happy Thanksgiving to you!!
Happy Thanksgiving to you, too!
I vote that you post a video of E saying "gobble gobble."
Your quilting photos made me drool a little.
have a a fun & safe trip to VA tomorrow! You'll only be 6-7 hours away from me!
Gobble, gobble right back to E for me. :)
I'm impressed with your will power. Do they sell that in a bottle? No? Darn.
I made desserts yesterday (pecan pie bars, cranberry nut bars, key lime cake, and pumpkin cheesecake) and I plan to try all of them. How did I do?
I know, I know... I'll need to run extra this weekend.
Beth-yum on those desserts!!! I may not fall off the WW wagon, but I may or may not sneak a bite of one of my desserts. I'm making Milky Way Chocolate Chip Cookie Bars and Creme de Menthe Brownies.
OP-Wish I would be closer so we could meet for a lunch or something. Boo!! I'll be near VA Tech.
FG-Those quilts make me drool too - big time!! I will definitely work on the video of E...it may include various animal sounds however, as he is TOTALLY into that right now...he is quite talented as he can imitate a dog, pig, turkey, horse, sheep and bear!! It's freakin' hilarious!!
I agree with FG - I would love to see a video of E performing his animal sounds.
Happy Thanksgiving!! Hope you guys have a great one!
That is hilarious! E is so cute :) Hope you have a good, safe trip and above all have fun :)
Happy Thanksgiving!
You always find the best quilts!
I think we need some video of the gobbling...
Happy Thanksgiving!
those are really pretty fabrics and quilts!!
have a happy thanksgiving in virginia!
You have a creators eye! I don't think i could pick out so many fabrics and make a decision on which ones to use or which ones look best. Good job!!
Going to work on that video tonight & hopefully get it posted!!!
Lisa-I think the fabric choosing is a crap-shoot for me actually. it will be pure luck if my quilts come out as cute as the ones in that mosaic. my 1st quilt is being quilted as we speak - I should get it back Sunday or Monday and will post a picture then...it's primarily green, teal, brown. I have two cute pink fabrics for the crayon rolls. I can't wait to get started on them for you!!
hope your travels were safe as well! (thanks for the tweets tuesday!) :) hope you and the family had a great thanksgiving.
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