Tuesday, December 15, 2009


~it's a ghost town here at work today & tomorrow. everyone who is "anyone" is away at a conference, so clearly I'm "no one". while i love the peace & quiet, I am once again bored stiff. I wish I had brought my book! Dang!

~I think my next sewing project will be this...with a different fabric though.

~I lost another 1.6 lbs on WW this past week. That brings the total to 12.6 in five weeks. I'm hoping to hit the 15lb mark by Christmas!!

~my cousin was accepted to Boston University. I'm happy for him, while simultaneously feeling like more of a failure myself. isn't my self-confidence spectacular?!?! more like non-existent.

~my dad turns 73 today. my step-siblings & I all went in together & got him a Kindle. it's so cute teaching him a little technology. he already bought/downloaded his first book.

~looks like i'll be taking a 2nd job at Starbucks inside of my local Kroger. I have mixed feelings on this. I could definitely use the income, but I hate that most of my weekend will be spent there instead of at home with E. I also found out how little I'll be paid...and I received a whole extra .35/hour for my previous ONE year of experience at Starbucks back in 2007. Whoop De Doo...35 cents...are you freakin' kidding me? Also, there are no SBUX benefits as I'll be a Kroger employee (I knew this going in, but it still stinks). The only "bennies" are 10% off SBUX stuff and Kroger-brand groceries....eh...not that great really. I may be starting there on Friday or Saturday of this week. I still have time to back out, but seems stupid of me to do that when i'm as broke as I am. i feel like i have no choice...especially since my "all talk, no action" husband hasn't gotten the 2nd job he keeps talking about getting. if you have advice on this semi-dilemma, i'm open to hearing it.

~i changed the ringer on my cell phone to "all I want for Christmas is a real good tan" by Kenny Chesney...because really, that IS all I want....if Kenny comes along too, that would be good. a real good tan--->means many uninterrupted hours relaxing in the sunshine...pure bliss...i used to take those moments for granted...i'd give anything for them now. if i had the $$ i'd even resort to the tanning booth at this point - always SO relaxing.

~i have not been able to wear my wedding rings since I was about 6-7 months pregnant. now that i'm FINALLY losing some of the remaining baby weight, they just may fit again soon...I refused to have them made bigger. While I may not always ever like what they represent...they are gorgeous, so hopefully I can wear them soon. My personal goal is by Christmas...that will also help reduce any accusations and/or rude comments by family members I may be visiting post-Christmas. Oh and people won't give me "those" looks...you know....like I'm single with a child or something (gasp!)....they happen...they REALLY do.

~i guess that's all I can come up for now. happy tuesday.


Pretty Zesty said...

I love it when work is a ghost town!!!

Travel & Dive Girl said...

I can't believe your family members actually say that about you not wearing your rings! I haven't been able to wear mine for about 6 months now because of weight gain. My plan to start loosing it (weight, not my mind) the New Year, but I'm not "resolving" to do it because it will just fail.

Good Luck on the 2nd job. It's tough to give up your time, especially since it's so precious to begin with, but you are obviously the better person in your relationship. Perhaps O will get off his butt and get a 2nd one instead of you when he sees how much work it will be on him having to look after E in your absence.

OOOOh, I want a tan for Christmas too. Yeah, I just had a holiday but I need another one. If I win the lottery this weekend, you can count on me to purchase you a trip to the sunny Caribbean. Wish us luck...

k said...

Kris:it does have it's benefits.

T&D Girl: I hope more than ANYTHING that you win the lottery this weekend!!! Should I give you my cell phone so you can contact me as quickly as possible? Caribbean, here we come!!!

Beatriz said...

You know when men don't wear their rings it annoys me. In my parents church they don't believe in wearing any type of jewelry so you never know who's married or not. Some very disappointing moments and some uncomfortable ones too! They never get ugly looks though!

As for the hubbies 2nd job, start selling his stuff on Ebay and say, "That's just until you get your 2nd job :)"

I kid....maybe.... ;)

k said...

SA-I wish he had stuff to sell on Ebay. The dude has NOTHING.

Mara said...

You have been doing so well with this weight loss thing--I bet you'll be back in that wedding ring in no time! You are an inspiration!

Rachel said...

Well I guess it's kinda cool that you got a second job at SBUX right? Discounts??

Rachel said...

OH! And how awesome about the weight loss!!!

Lindsay said...

mmm starbucks. i'd get so fat working there!

congrats on the weight loss! only a few more to go before christmas - you can do it girl. :)

personally i'd rather bs at work alone than get stuck at a boring conference! snooooze.

Wenny said...

I'm sure you will hit your mark with your weight loss regime by Christmas.

My office is like a 'ghosttown' too. Best is most of my expatriate bosses are away on their year-end annual leave.