Thursday, December 03, 2009

why i'm annoyed today...

~i know it seems i'm often quite annoyed...well maybe i am. that's just my life right now. oh well.

~today i'm annoyed because:

*I have my Stats Final tomorrow morning @ 10:15am and virtually no time to review for it until around 9pm when E goes to bed. Looks like I might be up late tonight.

*O has a this fabulous ability to make me feel as if I'm not allowed to EVER go out for dinner with a friend. Or I go & suffer his wrath. Marriage is so effin wonderful!

*Being taxed with crazy tedious project at work. It's either complete boredom or complete idiot/tedious projects. Gee - what a great addition to my education!! (which is what this position is actually supposed to be).

*The fact that I cannot leave the office until 4:30pm today. Straight to pick up E. Then home, make dinner, bathe E & then put him to bed. Like I study time 'til 9pm-ish.

*Friday cannot get over with quick enough for me (this semester has sucked a$$).

*The fact that I have not been able to do any sewing for more than 48 hours now. You see, I'm addicted to it, so ultimately I'm having withdrawals. I'm dying to make a cute little case for my iTouch!! I also have to finish a Crayon Roll Up for Heather/Catherine!!! :)

*that darn Stats test is sucking up any time I would rather spend reading Shanghai Girls!! It's sooooooooooooooooo good and I'm almost done with it!! Would finish it tonight if I didn't have to study. Argh! This school stuff really stinks sometimes!!

OH LOOK!! Two "happy" things to post about...(for all you Negative Nancy haters!)

*I get to wear comfy track pants & a sweatshirt to school tomorrow for my test. hooray. i'm always having to dress up for work. this will be a nice change.

*I listed 2 things on Craigslist this morning and already have both sold. Yippee!!!


Chandra said...

My FIL has given me a sewing machine, which ended up not working so he took it back and is going to fix it...I eagely await when I get to sew on it! I am completely new at sewing and quite honestly not even sure if I can thread the darn thing but I cannot wait to get started. I want to sew new pillows for my couches!

As much as I love the holidays it generally puts me in a bad I'm right there with you!

Anonymous said...

It's probably way too much to ask that O bathe E, right? Does he get THAT dirty that you can't just skip a night to give yourself a few extra minutes?

k said...

Amy: funny you mention the bathing...last night was skipped because I went out to dinner w/friend and O claimed E was being a booger, so he didn't bother bathing him. Because O went all apeshit on me last night, I am going to bathe E to avoid any crap. I'm so effin sick of it.